Monday, October 08, 2007

Third World Squalor

Final Rectification Of Web Glitches
You have read about my troubles filling up the online application form with MOE's RT registration webby.

So I paid a visit to the Customer Service Centre on Thursday morning (I had to submit my Uni application at the campus anyway which was just round the corner).

I showed the officer on hand my troubles. He saw the troubles and the computer department had to talk to me over the phone to troubleshoot the glitches before I could successfully fill in the form.

Half a day went just like that!

My last shift-out day at Andy and Mabel's wasn't exactly a pleasant sent-off. That is only because being the GALL she is, and I know what sorta GALL she is, like I do so many of them out there, she WAS JUST HELL-BENT on kicking up SHITASS.

And so can I.

First she wilfully went out for a "short while" (in her exact words) with Ashley even though I have informed her LONG BEFORE that I am moving out at 4pm on SHIFT-OUT day.

She only returned 15 minutes before CUT-OFF time.

By then my first pre-arranged MaxiCab mover (yes, besides the $16 for an advance booking, like a day or hours before, plus the meter fare, you can pay extra for him to help move your barang-barang and today I had a change of three and I had to fork out $70 for 5 luggages, 3 big, 2 small, 3 cartons, one laundry basket plus a couple of other items) had arrived and I had to terminate his services as she wasn't home yet.

I called for the second and we agreed on $70. When he arrived, he wanted more and walked off. So I called for the third and he was more accomodating.

Meanwhile "The Woman" was checking out my room and still holding on to my $480 deposit.

In hanging up my luggages in her topmost wardrobe compartments, the cheap and probably undurable laminate had chipped off in small corners. Seriously it must be the quality of it all more than anything.

She proceeded to deduct from my deposit my 3 extra days of stay though she had previously agreed to a free extension if it wasn't unduly long. All in all, that shaved off 80 bucks from my deposit.


More Troubles At Ma New Old Place
A ramshackled place, run down and old. The whole kitchen and toilet are ONE HUGE MESS - slime, grime and gunk.

The moment I tried closing the windows to my bedroom, one pane dropped off and broke into pieces.

Then, as if on cue, Aunt Sally had to change the padlock because the previous Indian couple tenant had apparently not returned her the house keys.

The equally new Malaysian tenant in the other room had plugged in an INTERNET wire to a wall socket which ran across my bedroom entrance. He could unplug it before he went to work in the morning but chose not to .

He even shoved my shampoo bottle to the soap holder without even asking me.

Worse of all, the toilet bowl had smudges of turds lining its insides and all round the rim of the bowl were urine and stains. So I scrubbed it real clean because for the next 6 months, I am gonna plonk my arse on it.

So I blew up and told him off. After I had poured half his bottle of shampoo down the toilet bowl just to wash it clean as I couldn't fnd any other cleaning detergent. Ok I admit I AM NOT THE HOLY HOST!

The last straw came when I discovered and killed three bed bugs (hey I have enough experience with them at Psycho's). I was itching and rashing the whole night I slept on the bed.

I rang Aunt Sally up and Uncle Goh (gosh, look at all the divergent surnames - mother, father and daughter : Lim, Goh and Leong - how can they be related unless Aunt Sally is divorced or were they just chief tenants subletting and Uncle Goh as a place of his own somewhere near the place because he can always hop over in doublequick time) came over and sprayed with an odorless insecticide.

It didn't help as I was still itching and rashing. She refused to replace with a new one so the RASH-perpetrating mattress and its protector is now out in the hallway and I am sleeping myself on the floor of the bedroom.

I have called in the National Environment Agency and I am gonna leave it to them to search out what other unsavouries lurk in the house. Some skin-outbreak causing organisms perhaps or other infectious disease-causing pests?

All the time, I had YELLED AND YELPED to all who traverse past my bedroom window (yes, you hear footsteps and all kinda noise here because this is a lift-level floor and you know what, the lift stops at 1, 5, 9 and 12 - what ridiculous numbers and can you imagine cargo that has to go up or down so many flights of steps?).

By now, most neighbors and that include the shop downstairs, must know of my plight.

Now I am on the search for another ROOM.

Another shift-out just 4 days after a BIG SHIFT-IN.

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