Monday, October 15, 2007

Rule Of Law This - The HDB Room/Unit Rental Market Seems Highly Unregulated And Free For All

You Voted And This Is What You Deserve, Not Moi And I Ain't Migrating - Get The Scums Out, You Know Who You Are (And That Includes You)
Get this really straight! If the community is nudging me to see what is happening, let me say that this is none of my business!

You can't criticise and agitate the ground (like I know many of the pro-estab people are) at the same time, while not saying it with your vote (when there are no walkovers, that is, and half the parliamentary seats were open the last General Election).

That just means you are a conniving two-timing hypocrite like the rest of them!

For me, I SAY IT LOUD AND CLEAR WITH MY VOTE! It is just too bad that in my entire life, I only got to vote twice .

One was for the GE but soon after, the ward got subsumed under a bigger and a ministerial GRC at that, and it has been a walkover eversince.

Another time it was for the Elected Presidency.

I just wish I will exercise this right very soon again at the next GE, wherever I may be.

Ma Own Kinship - Another Example Of Instant Gain But Short-Lived Alliance
When we spoke among ourselves (my two sisters, one is mute remember, and I), I found out several things.

It is so obvious now, isn't it that since Big Bro broke with Third Sis , she is now spewing all those bad things about him. She is now showing me off to all around her and naming me as her brother! After she and Big Bro have maligned us enough.

That CERTAINLY shows.

Anyway can you imagine! Big Bro thinks I am so well off (coz I bought my own place the last tme) and he actually wanna make things difficult for me and without asking, just shoves Mom into a first-class hospital ward (at the urging of second sis of course - a real BIMBO and behind-the-scene agitator), assuming we can all pay for the hospital bill.

That just shows! Jealous of a sibling and this is what he does! I thought a kin would urge one's loved one to save and invest and NOT SPEND UNNECESSARILY!

I have made up my mind. We will all spend the occasional reunion together, going out for eats and so on.

I am committed more to looking after my mute eldest sister and to her various needs. Period.

Yet Other Inconsistencies, Technical And Computer Software Glitches
When I logged on at the McDonalds here at Yishun, the opening page displays a slightly diferent menu of service providers.

Today while logging on to my mobile service provider on its webby to view my bill information, I couldn't log on the usual way.

I usually do so using my Account Manager but today, I have to log on using the HUB ID as instructed to by the call operator over the phone.

If you remember the glitch-laden online application form of MOE, they have informed me that works is still in progress.

Much like how our escalators or elevators are.

Blimps, Bimbs And Wimps
I am NEVER superstitious but eversince Chris walked into my life, I must admit that many, many, many bad things have happened. He is like the Dark Angel that he calls himself on MSN chat. And yes, I am keeping to my word to BASH HIS FACE IN should I ever run into him anywhere.

Not that Mabel's was a good stay either. And I mean we all know how the oldies are. I ran into the same blimp at the gym (the who who stoutly defends everything and look at the kinda state he is in now) and at the library, that same blimp was always there as well.

Ironical that he reads to research on China while all around him, there were all these China galls and people.

Just don't get too close to moi when I am in one of those moods, I will smash your faces if you do or say the wrong things.

And the bitches are everywhere in their scantily-clad attires! Foreign and local trash! Wimps! Gosh...the whole works and they are everywhere. Both young and old. Preoccupied as they were with themselves and their small world. Materialities and so on.

Not the major issues impacting all of us

Of Maxicab Movers
For one, another BIG move (and paying all those Maxicab movers and "real estate agent" cheats repeatedly) and of all places, I move to the bugs-infested home of Aunt Sally.

Then within a short space of time, I dropped my mobile phone twice (had never happened and if it did, there wasn't as serious a damage as now).

A Case Of A Sony Ericsson 550i Gone Berserk
The swivel came loose, my battery runs low all the time, the screen discolors and fades away and it is now a dim view of its former self.

A Case Of A Nokia 5200 That Doesn't Measure Up As Well As To My Former Mobile Phone
I just had to replace it and I did. My new Nokia 5200 is nothing like my former Sony Ericsson 550i. The latter comes loaded with features and menus but best of all, they are laid out neatly where I can manage a variety of files like my pictures ablbum.

A Case Of "Real Estate Cheater Bugs" Agents
Again, I did not get to see my real estate agent for Rhemi's place. Instead I saw his partner, a Malay gall. And again, it was a non-letter-headed tenancy agreement and there were no name cards. Even if there were, how could one verify the agent's status to be authentic.

Anyone who is a friend or relative of a house owner could purport to be a "real estate agent" and tenants wannabe like me have to pay them their commissions.

Something has to be done to weed out this practice and that only bona-fide agents serve wannabe tenants and that terms and conditions are fair. In cases of dispute, there is someone both parties can turn to. And action can be enforced and it is binding.

I don't see any of these happening just yet!

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