Wednesday, October 10, 2007

An OverNight Stay-Out

So I have viewed two places and I think I have settled for one.

Finally. The itching had gotten quite bad. So bad that by this morning, I actually had to discard the blanket I was lying on because it had already become infested.

Then I just couldn't sleep anymore! I mean who could if you itched everywhere AND THAT INCLUDES YOUR GROIN AREA!. In fact the groin area was so bad an itch, I wanted to strip and just run naked all the way to any men's club in town to rid myself of the itch!

I could have when I hit the showers this morning at the sports club, what with all the hot young bods stripped to the buff. But oh well, I guess I just didn't seize the chance.

So I hatched the PERFECT IDEA! I would trot down 9 floors (only because the administrators staggered the elevator so badly - prolly because they failed Maths - tweety bird couldn't have hop three steps on one leg even if it wanted to) to THE ONLY AIR-CONDITIONED 24-hour convenience store that offered the MUCH NEEDED RESPITE from the heat and the itch.

And there was just this lone 20 year old Moslem gal manning the store and surprisingly, she offered up a very good chat.

I mean we chatted about everything and I learnt so much in just one-sixth of a day we spent together.

After all I was shifting into a Moslem residence and badly needed more information on how I should conduct myself. Like if I should squeeze my dick several times after I peed and washed it down with water every time I finished my uric business.

Or if a Moslem man could have sex with a Chinese dude like me if he cared to. Who knows what the mish-mash of different semen would throw up, right? A little imp that is born out of our cum?

Anyway I unloaded more of my housing woes on her and found out more about Moslem ways than I would have if Muiz didn't desert me.

My eyes can barely open now but hey that is the price you pay for fighting bed bugs that just won't go away!

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