Thursday, October 11, 2007

Don't Overdo It And How Come Living Out One's Sexuality And Being Your TrueSelf Ain't Character Building

Unfamiliar "Familial Configurations"
I am right now settled down at Rhemi's. Packing up and leaving was easy. All you really needed to do was to scoop up all your barang barang and dump them into luggages or cartons. Unpacking however takes a lot more effort and time.

If you remember, I have blogged before about the whole myriad of complicated familial configurations that exist today. Rhemi's exemplifies this. In fact Aunt Sally's would too.

In her case, she is probably the single owner of the place but she had used the identity of a property agent and flashed this as her very own, a cover-up like so many others that I have observed and suspected. Uncle Goh may be her beau.

Don't forget step and foster relationships too.

There is of course a third postulate: Aunt Sally is a lesbo and that sweet, younger sounding gall voice at the other end of the phone in Malaysia where they both run a goldsmith shop (claiming mother-daughter relationship) is really her fellow lesbo beau.

Hey I don't know! Who really knows right?

Anyway, just to digress further, her "daughter" was downright unreasonable. She claimed that I was giving them problems. WHOA! You mean I need to loll in a bed-bug ridden mattress and I have no right to complain and ask for a new one?

Ok, so much for digression. Back to my main theme.

More Unfamilial Configurations
So many unmarried singles (and you can remember how loaded this "single" word can be, all puns intended) are so afraid of revealing their singlehood (especially the women and yes gay men too) that it sounds almost like a dirty word. Aunt Sally's case is worse only because she is single and unmarried but that does not mean she has no beau.

Things just go from bad to worse if the beau is a married beau and I do know Uncle Goh stays somewhere close by.

Gay men have it not much better. Some fake sham marriages. Some fake divorces. Some fake bgrs. Some fake brother-brother relationship. And uncle-nephew, father-son, wateva. The whole wide web of deceit.

Deceit breeds mistrust. Mistrust in turn leads to more mistrust and before you know it, you become the government of the day! TADA!

If society and policies (especially for gays) frown less on such "illicit" relationships (but if you are two-timing, then you prolly deserve the attention you get)and are more accomodating, this would not have occured.

A Little About Moslem Culture Though It Does Need Verification
Rhemi is divorced with two young kids and he is now holed up with his new beau. They are unmarried and Rhemi is the single owner.

When I spoke with the 7-11 Moslem gal, it is a common practice Moslems include both wife and husband (this has to be further verified)as co-applicants in owning a house.

Daughters are excluded while sons are in, so in a way, women are treated as second-class citizens.

That being the case, he is a no-go for me, even though he is kinda cute. Like Andy. But hey you choose your life and I mine.

An Issue Of A Housing Inconvenience
I just hope Rhemi keeps to his word about fixing the bathroom lights and I am requesting that something be done about the small rack for drying our laundry. Simply not enough space for drying and what if I wash my bedlinens. No bamboo poles and the ceiling racks have one end missing, so you can't hang them there either.

Of course I can always buy what is needed and charge it to my next month's rental due. By deducting from it, that is.

In Rhemi's case I can as I haven't paid up the advance rental yet. But noty in Aunt Sally's case. I have paid the 1+1 upfront and the bugs were already killing me so I can't possibly stay on and wait another month to do that.

"The Woman" aka as Mabel hoards a few of those nice silver ones in her second bedroom (yes people, she stores her plastic bags full of stuff here and nobody occupies it) and refuses to utilise them for whatever personal reasons of hers. To top it all, she does her washing virtually everyday. All that drying space on the ceiling racks just go to waste.

Sado Machoism Can Only Go So Far
Let us be done with the sado-macho stuff, people. Yes some toughness, resilience and character development is good.

That is why I said that something as fundamental (with regard to happiness and long term mental health) as one's sexuality, there are no two ways about it. You have to live out your true self. Period. Character development for you.

Let us not overdo toughness. Rhemi's toilet has no shower head and I have to bath from a pail with a scoop mug. In fact I bought myself a new one. That is quite ok. There is also no water heater. Daytime fine but night-time, it can be cold.

I hope nobody catches chills or something that way.

Infectious Diseases Act
The reason don't wanna buy so many things is because after the stay at "The Woman's", I have gotten new pillows and a shoe rack which add to the bulkage and to moving costs, not to mention the sweaty, huffy, puffy work of lugging them up and down several flights of stairs)

Now as for bugs, that is a different thing. It should be reclassified as an infectious disease. Like mozzies, bugs can travel and globalise (muahahahaha) and they follow you from place to place.

I am surprised HIV-infected victims now come under the Infectious Diseases Act but bugs haven't. I think it is high time our environmental and health agencies look into this and take some charge.

You don't want someone scratching himself to death, do you? Pus and wounds and bleeds from skin outbreaks just like eczema could do to you. If you wait till this happens, that is just so sad and pathetic.

Even our foreign guests deserve better. You can't compromise on anybody's basic health or safety and lay their lives on the line like that.

UnCompromising Safety And Health Standards
Like He-Ape's tutorial commercial school. There are sockets unhinged and electrical wires dangling.

It is strange I bump into him and his "beautiful, fair-maiden and young-looking" wife at a shopping mall.

Were they supervising the mall as well, on top of the five or more branches they operate?

Make Sure You Have Checked On Every Safety Aspect, Then Users Have Only Themselves To Blame For Improper Usage
It is just like those fitness corners that disclaim responsibilities for users' injuries or death.

Sure, if they have taken reasonable care to ensure that the equipment were safe for use (no unhinged whatever), then of course users have only themselves to blame for not properly using the equipment.

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