Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Rule Of Law

Rules Bound But Not Where It Matters
That is exactly the kinda point I wanna slam home.

Sure, Singapore seems to be rules-bound. But let us look to see if these rules are rational and reasonable and if they are targetted at what they are supposed to do. Who wouldn't abide if they were right, right?

But do we? Stupid, silly, trivial checks and rules like inconsistent security checks because of the fear of TERRORISM. I seriously think TERRORISM has been overblown in this part of our world. There are more pressing issues to tackle like homeland security which I have but highlighted two in my previous blog.

That means the theft of someone's identity for criminal wrongdoings. When there are issues that matter, we ain't have no rule of law, do we?

I mean the NEA environmental officer can only look out for vector-borne causing diseases carried by mozzies but they can't enforce any rules on stuff like bed bugs, which are equally health-hazardous.

Hey the next morning when I visited the library, there was this dude with all these rashes on him. When I asked, he told me he had eczema but in his case it was hereditary. I have read this up on the Internet and it seems that inheritance isn't the only way one gets eczema.

You can get it by from the environment because of allergens and I do not wanna end up like him.

I know Aunt Sally's place is filthy and grimy but the window sill and in fact most of all the walls in the kitchen and toilet just have these spots of black thingy stuck to them. I really do not know what they are. Dust and dustballs are to be expected anywhere but this takes the cake.

Looks like gunk accumulated over the years and the whole place has not been cleaned out for a really long time. Too long a time.

I mean I start to rash and itch the moment I step into the house and make my way around the place. To shower, to do my laundry, etc, etc. When I sleep on the bed, I itch, rash and scratch away the entire night before I fall asleep and it starts all over again when I wake up.

It must be VERY BAD if that happens.

Of course my opinion and impression of Aunt Sally has diminished considerably. She travels to KL to help out her "daughter" at her goldsmith shop. I don't think she is doing too badly. She doesn't really stay here and I think she and Uncle Goh owns another unit somewhere nearby.

Above all, I am positively sure she had flashed an agent's ID the other time and the particulars filled up in the tenancy were the agent's too. And the unit belongs to a single lady whom she claims to be her daughter. So if Aunt Sally signs on her behalf, shouldn't there be a proxy authorisation letter, if you wanna play by the rules?

This must be a serious penal offence of false identity, impersonation and woefully false representation.

It is just so sad that some minimum standard of health isn't enforceable. In fact the whole apartment block sees my entire floor leasing out to quite a few foreigners.There is a unit rented out to a single lady, another to a groupie of foreign Indian nationals and yet another to 5 Filipinas and Filipinos.

I have also seen more Indian nationals roaming other floors. I know this estate is old but seriously now.

Guess this isn't the Singapore we know anymore.....

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