Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Sabbath

Penal Code 468
Forgery for the purpose of cheating.

Interesting. But let us suppose someone forged some documents to obtain a credit card facility.

All of us know the exorbitantly high interest rate of 24% or more most banks charge.

Gosh isn't the criminal already paying his dues for his crime?

Good And Bad Upgrading Sense
This must surely be a very sensible kinda upgrading for this estate.

Firstly, the apartment blocks are all given a new coat of paint, with a nice color scheme to match. In my case, beige mixed with grey.

The central courtyard is aesthetically laid out and well furbished with greenery and facilities. There are nice wooden benches and some parts of the pavement are cobbled or tiled for that new look effect.

The elevators are supersonic fast. Corridor windows are on elevated ground and the way the main entrances face, afford occupants considerable privacy.
Nothing opulent or expensive, just good old plain common sense that works.

In the case of Rhemi's, his interior fixtures are still the old world kind - swing iron wrought toilet door, pull-cord water cistern and squat pan. Bedrooms are small and can just fit one king or queen-size bed and wall to wall wardrobe, leaving room for nothing more.

A few setbacks though.

Windows are small and let in only so much light and breeze. Blocks are clustered which face into one another, blocking any real view and wind channels.

Old unsightly lightning rods sit atop roofs. Some parts of the concrete are badly chipped and jagged on its edges and there is still old litter clinging to window ledges.

And yes I have to cope with the somewhat overwhelming demographics of a few dominant ethnicity, age group and nationalities.

How Are We Like For The Services We Offer Here - A Matter Of A Massage Service
While speaking with someone on the telephone the other day, we compared notes on how Singapore and Bangkok fared in the touristy attractions both offered.

I have written about our shopping and dining experiences here. Now let us compare massage services.

I have massages here in Singapore only twice and this coming right after my short trip to Bangkok during the Chinese New year festivities.

The first masseur was Thai and though the price was reasonable, he wasn't exactly the same as the Thais back in Bangkok. I mean a full body massage (which was hard and painful in some instances) but no dick massage.

The second time I was duped into believing that the massseur was Taiwanese even though he was really Chinese. He must have thought I wasn't in for the full works of a body and dick massage, only wanting sex. He couldn't provide the former two and could only offer a blow-job and nothing else.

In fact, I had to wrangle a lot with his agent before I got him. It was a profit, body-part driven kinda price package, making our massage services totally mercenary.

That is how we are here. Even for the kinda price we are willing to fork out, we aren't exactly getting the kinda quality or service.

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