Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Big Clean-Up (Literally And Metaphorically)

All That Re-Circulated, Stale, Food Odorous Air Within Four Walls
Today, I walk along the aisle flanked by many eating establishments at Novena Square.

It was a very quiet late morning with not many patrons and guess what, I could smell the lingering food odor all over, within the confines of an air-conditioned mall.

Makes one wonder how this is contained within its four walls. Smells exactly like the fumy, oily leftover of the kitchen of Aunt Sally's and that of Rhemi's hallway whose windows remain shut most of the time only because they open out to his next-door neighbor's main entrance.

Busting Dust Mites At Rhemi's
Speaking of which, I have taken to wiping out all that dust off Rhemi's wardrobe top. An exposed top. In fact this was Rhemi's job as I wanted him to clean up the room before I move in. It appears he didn't.

I dusted off the top only because I need to put up one of my luggages. I am pretty sure dust mites lurk here and this was what Aunt Sally's daughter insisted my bed bugs were.

But excuse me, dust mites are micro-organisms that are invisible. On the other hand, baby bed bugs are those whitish crawlies I had seen at Psycho's and they turn brown or black when they grow. I spotted three at Aunt Sally's.

And I display white swells and rashes, symptomatic reactions to bed bugs' bites.

Store Away Storage Spaces (Minimalism) To Reduce Clutter, Dust And Dirt
My future home will have wall-to-wall and ceiling-to-ceiling storage space to reduce open shelving exposure to flying debris, dust and dustballs. With no nooks and crannies for them to hide in either.

Plus I am NOT putting up wall pictures or any other open display paraphernalia as these accumulate dust over time. Most stuff will be stored away as far as possible.

Busting Cobwebs And DustBalls
When I opened up Rhemi's hallway windows, just to test and see how much sunlight can filter through (not very much as the windows were kinda small), cobwebs and untold dirt and dustballs had already accumulated on the sills.

I promptly swept them off.

Busting Gunk Clinging To The Toilet Walls
I had also scrubbed off the bathroom walls as I am gonna bathe here for the next quarter of a year.

Good thing he has some sorta scrub resembling much like the car windshield wiper that cleans off pretty good.

Wild, Wild ,Wet And Slippery Soapy Wash Areas
The vanity basin is situated outside the bathroom and this is where I brush my teeth and shave as it has a mirror, so the whole floor is really wet.

This reminds me of Doray's and Aunt Sally's where the washer's drainage pipe has to snake its way into the bath for the dirty water to drain away. This means the bathroom's doors can't be closed if you need a shower or bath and the floor is one slippery soapy area.

Untold Freaking Dirty Grimy Antiques That Should Be Thrown Away
Geez, even my old place can't boast of such horrendous dirt and dust.

Worse, he has an old stove and oven which previous tenants must have cooked and baked in so many times, they didn't bother to clean up. That is the result of most kinda cooking.

And tenants do not usually help landlords to keep the place clean. Because most tenants are simply bo-chap ("tidak apa" and lackadaisical) as the stuff do not belong to them.

I have the same experience before with my ex-tenants. If I don't maintain the condition of the whole place myself, it is going to the dogs like Aunt Sally's and Rhemi's.

And I am living there and I still wanna lease out the place, so it has to be in tenable condition.

How Does Each Of These Living Quarters Compare - Psycho's, Aunt Sally's And Rhemi's
I suppose Psycho's is a two-storey landed terrace.

The whole place is big and airy.My bedroom is spacy and it faces out to a balcony. Light and air do enter. And I have made it a habit to turn on the fan when I leave the room, even here at Rhemi's. Just so that air circulates.

I open up all windows at Rhemi's. And as I mentioned his place isn't so dirty .Therefore my itching and rashing are not as bad as at Aunt Sally's.

Small, closed up and warm living confines that can only exacerbate the already bad living condition. God knows if the previous tenants were also carriers.

A GallFren (Fiancee) Is For What Again?
Then there is that rusty peeling clothes rack and an old cycle machine

If that fat gall is his fiancee, she should be helping him clean out the whole place and replace those old grimy table wipes.

Because I certainly AM NOT.

That Is Final
I am not gonna be caught in any Home Improvement or Estate Upgrdaing programs with all their attendant noise, debris and other inconveniences (shutting down of water, gas and electrical supplies for example).

I am not gonna be caught with mildewy, algaed, broken down, dilapidated, leaky, grimy, gunky, pest-infested aging estates either. God knows how our health is gonna suffer.

In short, I am NOT moving to a public housing project that is more than 5 years old. Period.

The First Schedule Of The Infectious Diseases Act
Gosh, doesn't cover bed bugs.

And perhaps it doesn't cover other infectious skin diseases that we may not have come across.

I don't know, let those people who have suffered it, bring this up and the experts think about it.

To me HIV deals with an infected person while bed-bugs deal with infected articles. Either way, both are infectious, infecting person to person.

The Deposit - A Cheat's Instrument For Financial Gain?
What about ruling a law on this?

What happens to the mandatory deposit all buyers or tenants put down to secure a place of stay (either on a purchase or lease basis)? Remember this is a different scenario from having lived in a place and the forfeiture of a deposit on many bases like in lieu of a month's notice.

What protects them from being fleeced by cheats? Cheats who renegade on the deal and do not return the deposit and the potential buyer or tenant is left without a home to stay in?

Can the police intervene?

Or does it justify a court of law action just to get back a $300 deposit in the case of a room rental?

Even if summonses are issued, what if the defendant just doesn't respond? An arrest warrant?

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