Tuesday, October 02, 2007

More Bites Of The Forbidden Cherry In The Garden Of Eden

Singaporeans, Here Are More Cherries For Foreigners To Chew On But Not Us
When I visited the webby for registration as a Relief Teacher, I stumbled across one admission criterion which was reserved for Expatriates and Foreign Nationals.

Just look at some of their benefits.

They are offered a contract of between 2 to 3 years, a variable non-pensionable annual allowance equal to 1 month's gross salary and when their contract ends, a tax-liable gratuity is paid out in lieu of CPF contributions.

Hey look, the contract teaching period is as good as securing a permanent job here while look at me, I can't even get to teach anywhere!

Isn't the gratuity as good as CPF contributions and they don't have to wait till 55 or 62 to withdraw? Wait, isn't this gonna be 65 very soon. All our money tied up like that when we can better invest it in some other forms of instruments yielding higher returns!

Here they are one up on the variable non-pensionable annual allowance (NPAA) while we are on par with them for the usual annual variable component (AVC) and performance bonus.

Return air passage upon contract expiration for named applicant, spouse and 2 dependent children.

Whoa! The whole family gets on board too! What about us? Some free holiday perks for ourselves and our families? How about that?

Interim boarding/lodging allowance before permanently settling in and for some, housing allowance and education allowance for their children plus home leave thereafter.

Plus a settling-in INTEREST-FREE loan!!!!!!

Wah! So many kinda allowances and loans for them!

Look at what we fork out every month for our home loan (usually a bank loan) and the HDB concessionary (NOT EVEN FREE LEH) interest-rate loan has so many conditions attached!

Got education allowance for their children some more! How about some for us....

And home leave. We only get our ten plus days of public holidays and the usualy school holidays but they get more!

Preposterous! Singaporeans, if you don't revolt, we are all gonna suffer more INDIGNATION

Look Out, Nancy Drew Could Be Nearer You Than You Think
I just realised I committed some linguistic errors. So please look out for those words which should have been replaced with these words: "plum"....."regard"......."hark"......

Play the gall detective Nancy Drew if you must, ok?

She Is The Exceptional Gal
I am talking to my niece only because she is my niece. Period. Geddit?

The UnHoly Trinity Is EveryWhere
My loathing of the UnHoly Trinity remains. There are always some blimps sauntering past moi, usually at some sporting facilities. Yes, there are always the bimbs and wimps ........almost everyhwere...... You know how I have defined wimps. So I won't do it again.

I avoid them like the bubonic plaque.

Yeah, They Run Checks On Us, Even On Our Overseas Portfolios But Not The Foreigners, the SPRs And Naturalised Citizens
When I had a light banter with Mabel, she tossed up the exchange that perhaps the housing authority couldn't really have absolute control over overseas properties with respect to their ownership by foreigners.

But take note, the authority checks on us to see if we own either local or overseas private residential properties.

OnLine Data Entry Glitches

Have you ever tried filling in an online data entry form? Like a job application form for example?

An interactive form where you could actually fill in online and mail back to the sender?

A form which can move its margins and be misaligned? In fact most online forms are like that. That is only because it is interactive.

A form which you spent hours filling up, only to be prompted that the data has not been filled and when you next log on, it is empty of some of its contents?

And despite filling in many, many times, the form JUST doesn't fill up?

Not only that, you should see some of the default fields where the end dates are listed as X.X.9999 and you can't redefine this field to show the start and end dates.

Well, try the RT reigistration webby and see if it happens to you!

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