Tuesday, October 30, 2007

So That Is What Is Wrong Here! Why Didn't You Say So Earlier?

No Ethnic Quotas For Lessees But Ethnic Quotas For Lessors! How Do You Expect Your Ethnic Integration Policy To Work?
It goes without telling, of course, that the ethnic enclaves that are slowly but surely building up in our neighborhoods, are not because our ethinc quotas and ethinc integration policies aren't working anymore.

It is because, the lessors have been indiscriminately leasing out their places to all and sundry which because of our foreign talent attraction schemes, seems to be attracting disproportionately one or two kinds of nationals.

In fact, disproportionate is just not the word. The more accurate and reflective word is "overwhelmingly".

So it isn't my imagination nor my hallucination that I am seeing who I am seeing in this estate where I am holed up.

Who Speaks And Cares For Them?
Who speaks for my Dad who went blind from cataract and glaucoma? Who speaks for my mute sister? Who cares for my uneducated third sister? What about my two nephews when they were in technical and vocational schools, especially one who was in the EM3 stream and another who got posted to the Normal Technical (EM3) at secondary level?

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