Thursday, January 28, 2010

It Is All Over And I Am Glad (Even More Updates)

It Isn't Him - A Cowardly Sissy Mental Retard
God did not answer my prayer today.

It just isn't meant to be and so be it and I am through with him. Another faker, sweet-talker and immature retard. Fat Bloke, Bulldog, Psycho and the rest at their ages didn't exactly prove any better either.

They will suffer for it as they already are.

I am glad it is settled and this is because the mental retard just will not grant me that one heart to heart talk showing how immature he is despite being the whole of 22 years.

Grow up ass-hole PIG-shit!

Sigh! Another One Who Isn't Worth It! Spineless, Gutless Mental Retard
And yet again, he isn't worth it! Worthless, spineless, gutless, mentally retarded player! And a serial liar to boot.

Age Is Not It
And it isn't about age. From the very young to the very old. They can be just as bad. Everyone knows that. You just see the kinda old men who visit the prostitution areas.

Already I have a faker at home aged 34 and Gerald isn't grown up yet despite being a father in his mid-twenties.

Seems like the faker is gonna move out while the Indian Eurasian is moving in. I am looking for a place and shifting out soon the moment he steps in.

Don't Accept Gifts And Trifle With Anyone's Feelings If You Don't Like The Person! I Won't
If he doesn't like me why was he accepting my meals but he was throwing them away so I was told but would I know that?

For me I will be very clear about how relationships are from the outset and I have told him I have just gotten personal with him. Otherwise I will treat him at a professional distance.

It Felt Good Punching Him, In Retaliation Of All Those Pokers Who Did What They Did To Me
I requested for that meet-up after work and he slinked away despite me telling him that I am waiting outside. I just wanna sit down at Coffee Bean like we usually do and have a chat.

But he slinked away.

So when I caught up with him at the taxi-stand and I asked him to follow me to the cafe and be done with, he refused.

A Fiery End To An Emotionally-Laden Relationship
That was it. All my impetuity, emotions and anger got the better of me. The anxiety he put me through. The worry. And he didn't care a fart and he had communicatively cut me off completely.

He was just texting and answering others' calls and treating me like dirt. Going out with his friends and have time for them while NOT ME. And he couldn't be honest and open and tell me what was going on in his life.

So why drag me on?

This Was The Moment All Hell And Fury Broke Loose
A fight erupted. I must have punched him or something and pushed him to the ground. A pull and a drag and his tee got torn. He almost pushed me to the glass wall which showed how vindictive he was.

He started running to the shop and as I was down with flu and cough, I was actually panting while trying to catch up. While inside the shop, I slapped him some more. He deserved all of it!

He will do all those stupid pranks he did but he won't meet me for a while and settle affairs of the heart? Now whoever has him as a girlfriend or boyfriend must be pretty lucky! I envy him/her.

At Least I Got Part Of My Past Demons Exorcised - All Those Wimps!

It felt really good for all those gutless, spineless, boneless wimps I have met throughout my life. Who won't stand up, who won't fight for what is real and who just wanna have fun on the side. They are just mocking us! Emotionally trifling and manipulating us!

The likes of Chong Beng, Allan, my Chinese ex-roomie and the rest.

Causing Me Pain And Emotional Turmoil
The slap was really on behalf of his parents. Just like that China student at my home. He was turning my whole place upside down and he was the first person I slapped across the face.

By Now, I Feel Pain, Remorse And Guilt
How could love turn into so much hate? Is love really a battlefield? I would have wanted to kiss him instead and make love to him.

So why did the first step turn out to be a fight?

I really want to cuddle him and nurse his wounds. I must have hurt him so bad. But at least they are physical wounds which will heal. What about all my past psychological and emotional wounds so many people have inflicted on me.

My family. My friends. My classmates. My NSF buddies and colleagues. My past loves. Do you think they have healed completely?

I Can Predict His Destiny
I am really glad it is over and done with. He will live with my cusses because I can easily predict what will happen in his life based on the kinda temperament he displays.

It wouldn't be pretty I guess whatever and whoever he chooses.

Elusive But I Can Live Without It If It Never Happens
I will have to wait for SOMEONE more worthwhile IF EVER to turn up.

If he doesn't, it is ok, I will live with it.

There will probably NEVER BE ONE.

You Wanna Fight For These Skunks?
So at the end of the day, is Singapore, Singaporeans (whoever you are), the gay community and all the rest worth fighting for?

The Gays Are Not The Gay Relationship Gurus, OtherWise They Would Be In One
From drama serials to quotes. We are already filling our heads with nonsensical notions of how love stories should pan out. And egging our friends on in all the wrong direction.

And from a student to the expert who has never been in relationships before, they all wanna dish out stupid advice. The fucking gay poly sissy to Chris Fong. Who are they to say the things they say! Pure nonsense.

At least I have my fair share of relationships to know something.

Stop Scripting Our Gay Relationship To Death
Does he think I am a public relations exercise? Someone to maintain friendly ties with so that in future if he needs a favour, he can get it. Or of convenience. As and when he needs company. A relationship of convenience and time.

That is now the quality of relationships. Reduced to this sad state.

And is he playing up to the local and expat straight and bi community for the same reason?

Will it last? Let us wait and see. History has shown us the likes of Suharto and the rest and how their allies fall by the wayside when they fall too. It has also shown us examples of what money can do to people and where they can end up.

So once again, will you fight for these skunks ?

And Get This Once More - You Seem To Be Hearing And Intellectually Impaired
They are still shoving the old farts into my face at cruising spots. And this other ethnic who works at the gym is actually living around my estate. If he harasses me again like he did at the gym, he is gonna get it from me.

As it is, I have moved my shoe rack further away from the Indian Eurasian's shoes. I have taken an even closer look at him and he is old. Looks like a fair-skinned Indian to me. He is definietly a different guy from the one I saw the other night.

And I am not smiling or talking with him which is another sure sign I am not interested in him. So I hope he gets the message.

Is this another gameplan of yours? It won't succeed. I see this old Hindi/wateva dude in the daytime and the faker at nite.

So it is a 24-hr surveillance or tag-team thingy. FUCK YOU MAN! Don't you get the message? I AM NOT INTERESTED. Not even for all the money in the world.

Imagine If I Were To Be With People I Hate
If my love for HIM could turn so bad, IMAGINE if I were to hook up with BIMBS and those whom I HATE TO THE CORE. I will be even more violent with people I HATE.

So please, get this really right people!

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