Saturday, January 02, 2010

Gregorian And Lunar New Year Resolutions And Wish List 2010 - The Way Forward (**Updates)

A Fusion Or A Dichotomy
Even the title for my blog says it all. That fusion or dichotomy of West and East.

However contradictory that may sound (aren't we already an island of contradiction of old and new, modern and traditional, Chinese and Western Astrology with multi-split nationality to boot) I will now try to reconcile and resolve the two differences as best as I can

For My Living Quarters
I can't afford condo prices so it seems like public housing is the way to go. Unless of course a miracle happens.

I will like to live near water and nature. Quiet, serene, tranquil , scenic and soothing environs where I can exercise, trek and take long walks. But with easy access to 24-hour round the clock food and conveniences. And yes, if the city is too far away, a car is a must. This is where I wanna chill out like cafeing, a movie and other entertainment.

I can tolerate living near young couples and families, but not the old folks, the blue-collared or the foreign workers. The younger set like students, working professionals and expatriates are most welcomed.

Unfortunatey, I am totally secular (does not necessarily mean materialism). Therefore I can't be living near too religious people or an overwhelmingly culturally diverse populace .

**As it is, to put me under constant threat by denying me that security of a roof over my head is TOTALLY UNFORGIVABLE and I WILL HATE YOU FOR LIFE FOR THIS!

The denial of a home base just affects many facets of my life.

For A Career
Higher education dealing with better or higher-ability youths (though I am sure the slower ones will ONE DAY catch up and youths do not necessarily mean teens or preteens).

Not too old a student body though. Asian Chinese/Koreans/Japanese/South Easterners or a Western population is much coveted. English language proficiency and accuracy is a must.

After all education cuts across barriers and I will expect that they form the majority while the rest will be a minority.

Be it in communications, business, finance or science and technology.

I can be a creative consultant too giving inputs for ergonomical designs, technology and innovation.

For A Familial Life
A younger Asian Chinese beau well-versed in English (Mandarin is ok too) is most definite. Someone I can connect to intellectually, communicate with and so on. Yes maybe even adopt a boy kid (optional).

But younger Western beaus who can speak the English language well can be considered too.

For A Balanced Life
Sports like running and gymming or other adventure viz nature and the like.

Overseas trips.

Entertainment like cafeing and pubbing....not so much clubbing with loud music or dances. Home parties with food and drinks seem fine.

Movies, shopping, dining and the usual fare.

Me, My Interests And Hobbies
I like technology and aesthetics. I don't like drama at home, creating a scene, kicking up a fuss (but to be totally honest and open and communicable) that sorta thing but humor and jokes and jibing is fine.

I think I am modern in outlook and I have very little tradition left (by virtue of our exposure and education).

Aesthetically anyone can see the stark differences between a shawl bought from a flea market and one bought off a luxury brand house. Even tens of dollars will buy you a piece of cloth with marked differences.

Because of a love for technology, I have gotten myself an IPhone and a Mac BookPro. And there is good news on the horizon. Adobe Flash will be available over Apple handheld devices most probably in the 2nd quarter of the new year. That means we can have flash player to play a variety of websites that require them. Movie trailers for one on cinematic websites.

And yes we control technology not the other way round. Therefore I make sure that I have control over the IPhone and not the IPhone control me in terms of the data and cost usage.

And I am all wirelessly wired up. I don't feel tethered that way and I was always prone to yanking wires or tripping over them anyway. Yes, wireless portable speakers are available but not sold here. Therefore excuse me once again if I am all wirelessly wired up.

I am the kinda person excited about the exchange of ideas on a variety of topics and subjects like Philosophy, Science, Business and Economics and especially about LIFE but with a very hands-on practical yearn.

I like reading hands-on kinda books too.

And building up meaningful relationships with like-minded people.

Is my wishlist and my resolutions too much to ask for?

Wise Old Sage - You Speak Once Again With Wisdom And Truth
Yes I read excerpts from MM Lee's forum discussion in "Today"'s edition yesterday (oops oxy-moronic).

Wise Old Sage. Such wisdom and wise words in a long while now.

I can't agree more with all that has been said. It is comforting he understands the cultural miscegenation/divide thingy so well. I tip my hat to those who do and they are models for those who choose to follow them.

And truly we can't shut off the Internet or the cellular network completely now can we? Therefore casinos too I presume. But we can try to mitigate its effects like we already are. Like we can sleaze control? Away from residential zones and in appropriately designated ones?

And it is always better to have a fixed quantum of "corruption" in that sense rather than unbridled or excessive corruption in countries where the public sector is lowly paid and fed.

I remember I did blog about snowballing corruption which I have an issue with. Today a diamond ring, tomorrow a luxury car and what next - a whole human body transplant?

Inane as that sounds.

That Was Like "Selfish" To Me
And I think I am actually in dire need of comfort, hugs and reassuring words from HIM now in the light of all my losses and losses and losses but he can't, over the next two weeks because of festive meet-ups and I presume with his "brother".

Oh please! Fuck the brat. Like in the case of my Chinese ex-roomie. If their "brothers" repeatedly commit those silly, brattish, outta control addiction, they must face the MUSIC ONE DAY. So LET THEM!

We can't always molly-coddle, clean up and bail them out consistently!

Bad as it sounds, I cannot connect to Gerald as well as I can with HIM!

I Need It More Than Them - They Are Better Dramatists And Attention Getters While I Am A Quiet, Long-Suffering Silent Type Which Is To The Detriment Of My Health

I think I need his love and concern more than his "brother".

And the final dagger to my heart, once a week is only possible if time permits.

And I hated his "brother" because I can see through him, like some of the bitchwhores at the coffee-shop, my ex-room-mate at AMK, the fucking gay I went out for "Avatar" with or my flight attendant ex-bf that he is the fucking rude kind.

And then will turn lovey-dovey again like the sociopath in "Girl Interrupted" to get the things he want. Thus alternating between PiG and lovey-dovey. So I really pity HIM if he is gonna hang out with this "brother" who is gonna RULE OVER HIM. It is the wrong crowd he is with!

But as a consolation, I actually got my hugs and cuddles in bed from a very guai NSF personnel and that comforted me for the night.

Chemical Encounters
My first encounter with the sniffing chemicals was from a gay I met eons ago. It just provided a rush but for several seconds. It didn't become an addiction of course but an on and off affair and never happened again for a very long time.

Because I remember the brain damage it could do.

The first and last time I had the other kinda stronger chem was a year and a half ago when I was distressed. This young snookering and clubbing dude was peddling it online.

It was expensive and I insisted he accompanied me and took it right along with me. He accompanied me for a while and it was half an hour later before it took its effects. I didn't feel high but dizzy and it lasted some good minutes. That was all.

So I wanted to kill him for the false promise and hype he generated about getting high and turning on music and so on. It was all LIES!


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Unknown said...

I hate to tell ya, bro,
you totally aint a god.
You're a sinfull mortal.
Follow us on the journey Upstairs...

Q: what's mo important than gettn to
Seventh-Heaven at death's hour?
A: aint too cool in Hell, child

When our soul leaves our body
(without which nthn can exist)
and we riseabove to meet our Maker,
only four, last things remain:
death, judgement, Heaven or Hell.
And dats d'fak, Jak
(which is exactly what happened to me:
Im an NDE - my colorFULL nomenclature).

Find-out what RCIA is and join
(ya might wanna check-out
'Lui et Moi' by Gabrielle Bossis -
a French writer, translated;
a wonderfull novel which'll
ROCK, YOUR, WORLD, earthling).

Make Your Choice -SAW

Unknown said...

Your blood?
Most pro'bly infected with AIDS.
Or soon will be.
And you expect yourself to have
a family withat???
No, bro, you cannot.
Jesus sez...

God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

Your blood?
Most pro'bly infected with AIDS.
Or soon will be.
And you expect yourself to have
a family withat???
No, bro, you cannot.
Jesus sez...

God bless your indelible soul.

Unknown said...

I hate to tell ya, bro,
you totally aint a god.
You're a sinfull mortal.
Follow us on the journey Upstairs...

Q: what's mo important than gettn to
Seventh-Heaven at death's hour?
A: aint too cool in Hell, child

When our soul leaves our body
(without which nthn can exist)
and we riseabove to meet our Maker,
only four, last things remain:
death, judgement, Heaven or Hell.
And dats d'fak, Jak
(which is exactly what happened to me:
Im an NDE - my colorFULL nomenclature).

Find-out what RCIA is and join
(ya might wanna check-out
'Lui et Moi' by Gabrielle Bossis -
a French writer, translated;
a wonderfull novel which'll
ROCK, YOUR, WORLD, earthling).

Make Your Choice -SAW