Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Social Scripts, Cliches And Quotes (Updated)

Another Social Script
It is unimaginable that we are writing all kinds of social scripts for today's world.

I was listening in to this international radio station when the deejay claimed that you haven't really loved someone if you do not cry when the two of you break up. I think the aggrieved has every right to choose how he wanna emo - be it journalling or confrontation or otherwise.

This is just another inane social scripting for today's society among others. Another that cropped up was how women love bad boys. I am sure NOT ALL DO and to each his own. So please do not generalise for the entire populace. Anyway I hope not.

Everyday this kinda social scripting is being played over the media and various state agencies and our young are lapping them up like a hungry dog as if they are gospel truths. The old days of proverbs and quotes by famous people are also fast becoming obsolete and redundant.

Even personal quotes or shoutouts on individual blogs or messenger boxes are really bones of contention and items to pick at.

So I have decided to delete mine and write only simple and less contentious slogans and shoutouts.

So there!

I just discovered Gerald has an electronic monitoring device at home wired to telecommunication devices.

Perhaps that explains how my IPhone may have been cracked because I used it once to check on my Color-Me tone and Voicemail feature . Then I got an auto-call from my own phone while at the movies.

And yes there were all those mysterious IDD calls and auto-dial text and calls which were linked to an App I think. I have since deleted it.

I am not sure whose doing is this frankly.

The IPhone
Of course besides being a phone for the young in terms of Applications, there are also ACCESSIBILITY features for the old like white on black, mono audio and zooming features.

I do not necessarily approve of some of the Applications but good and clean social networking is fine with the ultimate goal of getting that ONE and only beau.

And really NOT SEX and for me, I do not mix gals and guys as I WANNA BE STRICTLY MONO-GAMOUS and MONO-gendered.

Otherwise there will be complications.

My Only Fear About Pubbing And Clubbing
Nothing with mingling and holding your drink and chats and so on.

But when it costs money and becomes expensive and there is that ra-ra bravado of urging each other on to drink till stupor, then that is health-damaging and putting yourself in jeopardy like drunk-driving and god knows what else!!

That is when DRAMA begins.

Plus all the effects of late nights and a smoky environment and deafening music.

One Thing I Do Know
But one thing I do know is that I can't give up on HIM and I have to be there for HIM, despite the few white lies he told here and there like the two-week vacation he has which he claims he hasn't.

So I hope he was spending time studying at the library (maybe going back to Malaysia even) and unlike the occasion after work when his friend drove or cabbed to pick him up for a house "party". (somehow this word is so dirty and laden with bad thoughts because of movie portrayal of making out, drugs and drunkenness and I cannot confirm what was happening either except that there was "gaming" but again where was he exactly?)

I am just saddened he could do that and spend a night away plus all the occasions of watching movies, eating out and I am not sure what else, without his parents grumbling and he can't do it for me. Just for one night.

No Need For Games - We Are One
By now I already know who he is, just as I know who Gerald and his brother are. So I can accept everything about them and there is no need for any games.

That is all.

Adidas Shoes Slit Open? And Tiger Soft Toy On Satchel Missing?
I just discovered my pair of Adidas mid-cut boots had its seams at the sides wide open on not one but two of the pair.

Today my tiger soft toy on my satchel was gone with its metallic attachment dangling and split apart.

Either the shoes were a result of wear and tear or the above and my soft toy was yanked away or somehow became detached itself due to some pressure.

Flatmates As Friends? Ha Ha...Not In This Case
When I shared this with Gerald and his brother, they thought I was implying they did it. So I told them I was sharing it with them like friends would share their problems.

Now I know the kinda mentality and frame of mind they own. There you have it folks! You wanna be friends with these people leasing rooms or houses out. They just wanna collect rent. You think they wanna be friends? They would be apprehensive if I try to strike up a relationship because they think I wanna dodge on rent.

Besides the harassment for advance rental money (to pay for his Mom's op but as I learnt from a neighbor that a creditor came aknocking), Gerald knocked once on my bedroom door and without waiting further for me to open it, just barged in like that. What kinda behavior is that?

So now I know more about their character.

This Is The Community's Doing
I think this community is staging all these drama for me to script them. I am not even sure all that had happened to me are true.

I will only blog when necessary.


All I Want
I am a homebody person. Work, sports, nature, some entertainment (like pubbing. movies and dining) and home. Time with beau. chats and so on.

I really don't wanna go spas, men's clubs, spend money on money/rent bois and so on.

Why Do This To Me? Enough Is Enough
You put me out here and I start heavy chain smoking and indulge in all kinds of rubbish because of the stresses of dealing with different landlords and fellow tenants.

Plus all kinds of un-savoury neighborhoods like Selegie and Geylang and Havelock.

No income, no home, no nothing.

And I have a new medical issue to contend with! Life is great!

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