Saturday, January 09, 2010

Straddling Two Worlds

Straddling Two Worlds
I am at that age bracket where I straddle the two worlds of both young and old, modern and tradition, east and west and a bridge between generations.

I can understand what the young is going through while not totally agreeing with some of the things they are doing. At the same time, I can also understand their parents' concerns and perspectives.

I will try to let the kids in on their parents' worldview. At the same time, I try to relate to their problems as best as I can. Stuff I went through myself like loneliness, sexual identity crisis, lack of support and a bad familial environment.

Though I didn't do many of the things they do to get the attention.

Even today I don't have that network of support of friends and family.

For me, it is just about getting work, attaining higher education, establishing real friendships, cultivating some hobbies and sports AND MOST IMPORTANTLY a home and a beau.

And there are guys at any age (of coz not the KIDS) who share that, I am pretty sure.

Straddling Again Between Home And Outside
I can be a homebody or go out pub and club if need be but HOME is first and foremost. If he wants it, I CAN. ONLY FOR HIM and nobody else unless it is close friends.

But I prefer we are anchored first as homebodies and everything else is second.

And we must connect and be able to communicate and share some interests together and a language affinity like English (at least).

I am sure HE is more on our side than he thinks otherwise. Therefore I wanna help him realise his blind spots and cross over to us - he is at that age group where the KIDS don't really need him.

He is really gonna get himself into hot soup.

This Is Me Again
Teaching is where I self-actualise myself and express myself.

There are the KIDS who think like me and I wanna chaperone them. Not the rest like that punk at AMK or HIS brother. The better-behaved ones.

And they are trying to push me to the matured (meaning really old, therefore I share nothing in common) crowd or the girls (whom I will just treat as friends).

And remember. I come here to do a piece of work assigned. Not have my personal life scrutinised or probed into. To be witch hunted. Just remember that.

Deep Sadness And A Broken Heart
I am not sure what is gonna happen to me.

With a new medical condition cropping up, no projects, no job in sight, no income, no money, no home, no support, no nothing, I might just jump out a building soon if nothing pans out.

The things you put me through and at my age! Half a life gone and thanks to the maligning by my family and the community.

There, a finale to a script?

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