Monday, January 11, 2010

Final Messages To The Community (Any Kind)

One Last Final Message
All I can blog about is this:

Clean up our act and be very circumspect in the kinda values and messages we transmit.

That we want a monogamous or mono-gendered relationship. That we don't wanna be side-kicked in any relationship. Other relationships are on a friendship basis. That our relationship is of true flesh and blood and not surreal. That it is possible to make living together as one.

We don't really have to push for gay marriages (though this may be an ideal). Look at the straight world and how it has turned out. If we can maintain and live together in a relationship without the need for a covenant, it shows how much stronger we are and our ties are.

It is all up to us. Though there are cynics. But we have role models in the straight world, don't we? Lasting relationships.

All I Ever Need Is Him
He hasn't given me the heart to heart talk and a commitment. So I am in a fix as to what the status is gonna be. Who else is he seeing? What is happening in his life? Is he two-timing? Etc.

If he does commit, I will drop everything. I don't need them and everything else.

I only need HIM.

That soulmate, companion, live-in buddy and all. Doesn't he get it?

Let me write about the ordeal I have to go through with my family, our very own community and at some small and medium family enterprises

My Family Ordeal
First, my brother. He is such a naggard. He tries to write the script for my 2nd sister and me. That we are like that and so and so. For one, he accuses me of having someone to back me up who I don't. He always thinks the worst of people.

You should examine his track record at his old workplace. He politicks so hard, many of his former colleagues got fired. I met one who is now a cabby. And he is one of those God-pointing type for this and that.

He is doing the same to us. He always owns the mentality of driving big cars to show off. Our old place is Dad's which he has sold and bought another in his name.

Work Ordeal
Then at He-Ape's, his family thinks I am like gonna open up my own tutorial school. I did for a year at home and that was because he chased me out.

And I didn't enjoy it because I have to know how to talk to home-makers whom I dread and some will try to match-make me with girls.

Just like He-Ape's wife. Full of cynicism and I was criticised for using tissue paper to wipe myself after food and she insinuates that I am like a gal.

And perhaps try to match me with a gal even. Ask if I contribute to the family kitty and so on. What business of hers is it?

What about Shrill-Voice-Accident-In-Her-Face? She can't have guys cross their legs when they sit. She has a problem with that.

Look. I am here to do a job. Not have my personal life scrutinised or privacy probed into. And if she wanna intrude, she jolly well help. She can by raising our pay, doling out more bonuses and yes, match me with a guy. Whom I can relate to and like.

Not ethnics. Not anyone. At least someone with some intellectual capacity and who can share the English language freely and communicatively.

Of Course! They Too
Is the gay community any help either?

Nope. You have long hair and you are assigned a certain gender role. It is all about a public image. And I have proven this with my test and experiment and my profile pics are testimony to the kinda stereo images we all have.

Look at Chris. He wanna break people down. He has only one world for the gays. The world of the transvestites or transsexuals. I guess he wanna breal people down for those roles.

That was perhaps also He-Ape's motto. They wanna break you down to see if you are man or woman. Those sick gender role thingy again to see if you can take pressure.

That kinda sicko stuff.

There you have it folks! Need I say more?

No Straddling For An UnMistakable Sexual Identity
I can straddle two worlds of old and new, east and west, etc but surely there are fundamentals we can't straddle.

For instance I can't straddle the two worlds of the opposite-sex love and same-sex love. That will side-kick one and create unhappiness, confusion and trifling with their affection among the contenders.

It is gonna be short-term, as good as it lasts. It is only gonna be fun and it will be gone in a wink. And you will be left empty, used and devastated.

So this is fundamental. Get it?

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