Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You Know What, This May Just Do The Trick To Reverse A Declining Baby Population (Updated)

Desperate For More Babies? Then This Is How It Should Work
It just dawned on me how political everything here in Singapore is.

On the one hand, we have a highly politicised population (and I would like to think it is the women or just simply the UnHoly Trinity at work here and you ask, what? again?) eyeing the trillions in cash hoards we have as reserves sitting snugly in some bank vaults (I could be wrong here), waiting for every opportunity to seize and pounce on to urge the administration to spend (you old little scrooge you).

On the other, we have a rigid, unsmiling and unyielding iron-clad hand, the hand of Mungo Sungo godzilla dressed in transformable transformer outfit.

What we need is to find a weak spot and KABOOM, the titanium armor is thrashed forever!

Let Moi Articulate For Both Family Men And Women Their Inalienable Familial Rights
Women, you are in luck. Moi is gonna write on your behalf and by the next budget announcement, you are gonna be all smiles and in good spirits and hopefully pregnant?

Here goes:

What About Stay Home Mothers And Fathers?
I haven't really studied what the incentives are for working mothers. I assume they are sufficient and with the current slew of new measures, I presume it is gonna be LAGI BAGUS for working mothers?

However I feel that those who choose to stay home and give up their careers, should be handed out an annual allowance that is two-thirds of their annual income (or if there is no annual income, a certain quantum amount that qualifies them for a GOLD card -HIP HIP HOORAY) up to a certain nth year (let's say 24 years for each child respectively? - WHOA, far out, imagine the years just pile on top of one another and drag on).

You can't expect stay-home mothers (or fathers) to be sowing a brood of kids and not be paid a single cent, do you? Why you little scroogy-faced screw-up! No wonder we are seeing a decline in the fertility rate!

At any time, these mothers (or fathers) can choose to go back to their careers of course.

What is gonna be LAGI BEST is that no colleagues should be shouldering these duties. A new recruit (some freshie from the university or poly or even lower down) gets paid two-thirds what these women (or men) were earning.

What About Singles - The UnMarried Who Choose To Adopt Kids, The Divorced, The Separated And The Widowed?
Now extend these to singles - men or women who choose to adopt children, the widowed and the divorced.

Look, equality of sexes means just that. Equality.

So if the man chooses to stay home and the woman wanna build a career, he can't be denied these benefits now can he? Every single one of the categories above is entitled to equality and the aforesaid mentioned benefits.

Throw in a grandparents' grant! Maybe we can all do away with those loud, chattering, rumor-mongering foreign domestic maids (oops oxymoronic again) once and for all!

We Always Pay And Pay, So Now For A Change, It Is Free And Free
Better still, make education from infant-care, childcare to nursery to kindergarten to primary and secondary to vocational schools and to poly and university FREE!

Provide FREE nappies and safety pins, free infant formula milk, free baby cots, free baby toys, free baby prams and strollers, free baby socks, free baby clothes and free baby deliveries at baby hospitals and free O&G consultation fees

And then when the child grows, add : free textbooks, free educational material and toys, writing tools and materials, FREE school bags, INTERNET, FREE school buses and travel on public buses, uniforms, shoes, socks, underwear, laptops, mobile phones, S&M toys (oops, that was unintended), condoms (Whoa, dementia here) , CCA participation and FREE food!

Oo, don't forget FREE housing! And above all FREE TIME!!!!

And if we go even further back in time, there are those pre and post-babies making days to consider, so add: Free maternity dresses, free sanitary napkins (????), free corsets, free confinement period massages, free medication for STDs, free post-sex check-ups.

(If there is something else moi is forgetting here, let moi know)

And If You Are Really LAGI Serious About Pro-Creation, Then Pro-Creation Can Only Begin With A Marriage First Right?
Therefore, FREE wedding dinners and gowns and suits, Free limousine cars, free wedding photography and honeymoon holidays, Free religious rituals.

Oops, in argueing for the inalienable rights of families, has moi actually also itemised all the pre-marriage, post-mariage and pre and post babies' making costs?

And in so doing, doesn't one logically follows the other in making the environment more conducive for making babies and creating families? It is all about MONEY after all, isn't it?

In fact essential pre-requisites like housing for instance?

And Then, Dating (OO Maybe Even Pre-Marital Sex?) Pre-Dates Marriages Right?
Hence, FREE dating services, Free Condoms (?), Free contraception pills (?), FREE hotel bookings, FREE rooms and FREE pornography.

Guiness World Record For Most Freebies Handed Out To Pro-Families Creation?
That way, Singapore's babies will go back to its 1966 level where we once had the busiest baby-making machine entry in the Guiness World Of Record that year.



Women, now can you let moi go in peace? Have his little place, a nice hot hunky beau, maybe adopt a kid and drag him through the mud of a system that it is here?

P.S. I hope the administration doesn't go for broke though but doesn't look too likely with the kinda wealth they have amassed over the years, so PRESS ON PEOPLE.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Release Me (Updated)

Moi Is Emotionally Spent And Needs A Shoulder To Cry On (Not Yours Nigel)
Moi will try to say very little in future on his blogs. If he does not, there will be just too many issues out there to grapple with, rebutt and write on. And guess what? He doesn't even get paid a penny for doing this. So what happened to the think-tankers and their ilks who are supposed to do the job?

Anyway, I just realised many truths have dawned upon moi while blogging.

I am sorry if the truth spoken has hurt anyone. It is all part and parcel of the process. We can deny it, we can have people deny it to us but the truth is the truth. Think about it and stop kidding ourselves.

You will excuse moi for being candid and frank and blunt. I don't mean any harm. I just speak what I feel and what I observe and what I experience and what I have a gut feel for what is true.
After all moi is just a hopeless, useless, homeless nomad, lonely, beauless (yes, on a room hunt moi spotted a hot hunk and hopes he bunks with him) and emotionally exhausted and drained.

But he can still have sex though........

I got the blues recently for whatever reason (maybe after a couple of months' medical leave and now that he can't run in the sun, he is even bluer and no hot hunks to catch, yes he is moving house again and the hot wimp is giving him trouble too)

Pointless Other Than To Be Heard And Seen - All Talk And No Action
I am glad political space is opening up and I really wanna think that this premiership is sincerely genuine about opening up.

However it is pointless we have debates, discussions, the Speakers' Corner and the like if what it all boils down to is mere talk and no change especially when we know the change is to correct wrong and to improve things.

And let us start by looking at all the policies in place. Ridiculous ones. Archaic ones. Inconsistent ones. Ambiguous ones. Stifling ones. Entrapment ones. Discriminatory ones. No brainer ones. Non-constituted ones.


Increase In Contribution Rate To MBMF
Anyway just a couple of words here and there following the NDR speech. First, contribution rate is gonna increase for the Mosque Building And Mendaki Fund and at a time like now, I can't be sure how the Malay community is going to take to it.

It has been suggested that old mosques be upgraded using part of this fund and again I am not sure what the Malay community leaders are gonna make of this.

GDP - Another Superficial Performance Mesurement
We all know that GDP measures the total value of finished goods and services produced in a country. I am sure it takes into account works-in-progress as part of its valuation like in all accounting procedures.

However we know that the GDP isn't really a good pointer towards a high standard of living. For example, as is the case with us, construction figures quite significantly in our GDP indicator. But how is that benefitting citizens if the boom is the likes of our IR projects?

It doesn't measure externalities nor does it impact directly the real living standards of people.

We begin to wonder if our high ranking in terms of GDP is thus just another statistical indicator for the world to admire us as having arrived and being up there among the developed nations.

In other words, image but not living proof of real benefits to the citizenry.

I say to hell with such figures and let us get down to really what benefits the people.

Making Babies For Singapore - Why Are Singles Precluded?
I totally switched off during the "Making Babies" segment of the NDR speech. Being gay, this was the most BORING part about hetero dating and marriages. When the population policy announcements came out later, I thought it had many generous handouts, monetarily speaking and yes some the extension of maternity leave must be most welcomed.

Certainly the paternity leave extension was also more generous than the 3 days given out previously but could it be more?.

And to extend nappy changing to the schools' home economics classes is just too much. I think the women are already dominating far too much everywhere so much so that the men are beaten down submissive and meek and shouldering what once were women's duties.

What about extending benefits to singles to adopt children. After all, gay singles like me like kids (the boys only), but of course minus the women for wives.

And I think I know what the women want. Maybe they want some cash handouts for every year they stay home to look after their children (thus giving up their careers) up to a certain nth year.
But I suppose it is the time you wanna spent with your kids that counts most. The formative years to bond, to learn, to play with and to teach your kids.

And moi has to think if he wanna drag a kid through the system here. He may not survive it. And the cost and no he doesn't wanna throw him to some infant or child-care or even to a grandparent, much less a foreign domestic helper.

So look women, I have spoken for you. Now you do the same for us gays. Women's Charter. Gay marriages. Adopt kids. Extend paternity leave, paternity benefits, cash, whatever to us too.

More Higher Qualifications Does Nothing - Can We Informalise Training Instead?
Again we equate quality infant and childcare services with higher qualifications, meaning certification when all it needs is to up their communication skills, their English language standard and sharing some tips and experiences to best manage and teach kids.

No need to formalise training like that. On the job, the teachers can self-learn, research and so on. No need for more stress.

It Is The Whole Environment Thingy Or Is It?
I believe things shouldn't be hot-housed or stressed or pressured too much. Like a sports school. Some athletes need loving, caring and nurturing. Some need a bit of scolding or pressure once in a while. Different people, different strokes.

Above all, a conducive environment, natural progression, genuine interest and concern, passion , encouragement and so on.

For example, a new men's club has opened. It is new, swanky and classy. But somehow it misses what the clubs in Seoul and Taipei have that make them a more happening cruising ground. And I have highlighted this to the staff.

Another example, a teacher at a child-care centre while doing a routine of skip-roping with her charges was foucussed so much on skills that I notice the boys were just so afraid to try. But it could be that they are JUST LIKE THAT.

I know it will be very hard to milk Olympics medals out of our local athletes.

Maybe it is just our DNA? Maybe it is just the system? (Too much stress and hothousing, too scientifically systematic, too much focus on skills to the point that one is afraid to try and experiment and experience) .Maybe it is just Singapore Inc at work. Maybe it is the small pool of talent. Just maybe. But we can just guess at the real culprits here.

But we should still try (and change the system once we found out what is the real bug of the issue) and hopefully one day we will truly win true-blue Singaporean Olympics medals.

Improving Social Graces
I love this part best and totally concur with it. But perhaps certain targets were targetted wrongly.

Think speaking and talking too loudly. Taking the public transport or patronising air-conditioned food courts in dirty muddied work clothes and shoes.

We can all see how this is geared towards car usage but to encourage car ownership only to then discourage its usage (peak, off-peak, doesn't matter, ERP operates at different rates throughout the day anyway)seems like buying someone an ice-cream but to tell him to hold on to it and not lick it, in the meantime watching it melt away.

Yet I don't see free-flowing traffic. That means that someone is still licking away at that ice-cream anyway. So maybe we shouldn't have bought him an ice-cream in the first place?

Every morning moi takes the bus just before peak hours and during and it is stuck in traffic on the PIE and CTE.

Reservists, Home-Ownership And Other Issues
I guess that however a family agrees to own or co-own a flat is just their business. Especially for singles.

If Singaporeans are jealous, maybe they should take a real good look at how the foreigners are coming in by the numbers and they pose a more serious threat. Good for you Singaporeans, you deserve it!

After all, a home is for living, so why don't they punish those who partition their flats up (out of store-rooms even) creating extra rooms to rent out to umpteen number of foreigners? Your neighborhood is now over-run by them!

Assuming 30 days of annual incamp training and 20 years down the road, that makes about 2 years of one's time.

Moi is nomadic for 2 and a half years. We are on par?

Suffering and struggling and what non-sense to distinguish Singaporeans and Singapore citizens. Masochistic indeed and universal suffrage is not for moi when moi did not vote for the system.

Every Singaporean should know better how the system works here which isn't conducive for a family structure and the education system is still not getting it right. Cost is high and certain policies are just plain downright ridiculous. Does that explain why one's heart is not here?

So if a person has work here, of course he spends all his time here. Question is, is he even happy or performing meaningful work? I bet you a million dollars, he isn't. A mere money collector every month, possibly megabucks too, doing senseless work.

We don't have a job because it got snatched from us and it is senseless work anyway and usually cheap labor can perform the job.

I bet you some Singaporeans (yes foreigners too) are sitting on their butts, smoking, cafeing during breaks and outside breaks (one break too many?), enjoying sumptuous meals, surfing porn, watching the clock, politicking, performing meaningless work , goofing off, fawning but at the same time, collecting a tidy sum of money every month!

Oh, don't forget, owning cars and contributing to the traffic congestion!

You call that suffering?

Wimpy Wimp
I was pissed the last few months when people drop by to view the place with the intention to buy. At first I was informed but later this dwindled to zero. So I was asleep, half naked, on the way to shower and so on, totally unprepared. Totally disturbing.

Then when moi puts his washing level to high mode, water leaks. Wimp pronounces too much water. No normal washer would do that. Unless it isn't working or the tap leaks.

The last couple of times because he was annoyed,while moi hangs his laundry inside because of the rain, he cooks and I know some of moi's clothes reeks of oil. And he is home all the time!

He isn't happy with visitors though he has agreed to it initially and he knows I am unattached. What about the sex he has with his "clients", coming in and out on a daily basis on the pretext of a massage and more than one per day usually.

And we are all gays! What is the problem!

Totally evil! You will have your just desserts and I won't say a thing.

Please, Release Me, Let Me Go (Lyrics Of Song By Engelbert Humperdinck)
I am just very tired. I just wanna go home. To my own place, maybe with a beau. I am not in the mood to play some more political games at home with fellow tenants or landlords. I just want to be myself, have my peace, my quiet, my non-political moments.

Live my home life my way.

Only to be with my loved ones.


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Breezing Past The Election GoalPost (Updated)

Lightning Breeze And Walkovers
Let moi light the path for you to see how easy it is for the forever incumbent incumbents to breeze through an election. Think of this as Li Ning sauntering in the air amid a backdrop of an unfurling scroll on his way to light up the Olympic cauldron.

All it needs is a wide smile (yes photogenity helps), buy a sure-win ticket with the dominating dominant, no need to contest elections (yes, walkovers, what else and I suppose they equate walkovers with walking all over us poor people) while our poor, poor, poor opposition has to slog like mad, sit pretty in office, ensconed on a throne and dispense authority, beatification and parrot cockatoos.

If the opposition has been accused of AWOL, we have read how incumbent incumbents have used their time in office to go on Sabbaticals, further their own personal causes and have others sit in during their out-station periods, sometimes for perpetuity?

I am sure some of us dislike the kind of representatives thrust upon us in our wards without us ever having elected them to office in the first place. Truly non-representational. Because we don't even know what ideological platforms they are standing on (usually none save parroting cockatoos) and the kinda pomp and almightiness that sometimes accompany them.

There you have it! Need I say more?

Victory Ceremony And Speech By Singapore's Olympian Gold Medallist For Table Tennis
All inner thoughts and outward actions of Olympian are scripted in italic red and enscribed within braces.

"Today is a momentous day for us all," wipes off tears and blows into handkerchief while trying to stifle a sniffle or two.

"I cannot even begin to tell you how happy (hey, I am happier myself, 1.5 million, what do you think) I am at winning this Olympic gold for you. This is for you Singapore! (sniggers) You deserve this gold medal (laughs hysterically). You are the reason I train for years (after 48 years, siao liao la), breaking my back as a result (as if to prove a point, lets off moan amid crackling sound of spinal joints and puts hand to back) and yes even to the breaking point of losing my boyfriend (so much for work-life balance and at this juncture, takes out boyfriend's photo, karate chops it and tears it to bits..you moron) . It is all about you Singapore! (as if....lan jiao huey). You are the people who are the true Olympian winners! (sniggers again). Once again, thank you for this moment, this victorious moment is all yours!!" (laughs wildy hysterical yet again)

Stands back, kisses the gold medal and lifts it up in the air and waves.

At this, the crowd went absolutely mad and wild. The Kallang Roar and The Wave took hold and some spectators went into orgies. An old woman keeled over. One student in the crowd even went, "Overjoyed! Overjoyed! I am overjoyed!" (...fool....did your grandmother just win the Olympics? Or is it your grandfather?)

Post Victory Ceremony And Speech
Eyes lighting up and real tears welling up with real joy this time.

"At last, all this money! Fools..........Do you think I am gonna stay here for long. I am leaving on a jetplane bound for China (they are the true world Olympians, no?). What in the world am I gonna do with all this money? Let me think, I know, a new house back home, some investments in stocks and shares and a brand new Mercs don't sound too bad!"

"You know what! You people are just so stoopid! If you have too much cash on hand, you can always throw it away somewhere else......like maybe on a training school for the para-olympics? (laughs hysterically, as if to mock us for our lack of olympic capabilities) Why this? I don't understand you..."

"Anyway, good for you. I have my hands full as it is and I am gonna call my mother right now!"

Turns away flashing large wads of cash in her hands. Our cash.

Oo There You Have It Folks
Yesterday morning, moi walks into that same community complex loo and two char-servants walked right in after that to clean out the place. They were colleagues of the Malay uncle. I have seen the manservant before and he usually trails moi too, right into the toilet.

Today nobody was around and the inspection card was a blank.

And it is quite certain that most of the malls' loos are in the state they are not because of the visiting public but because of the foreign workers who work there in the F&B, retail trades and the delivery people who visit. The packers, the workers taking breaks and so on.

Singapore Inc At Work Again, Chipping Away At The Very Foundation Of Families
Now that grandma probably is right.

If Singaporeans are to throw money to some foreign domestic helpers, they might as well throw money to have their parents look after their children instead. So a grandparents' grant is helpful.

I still opine that the system here does not support a family structure. You can put in as many monetary incentives and bonuses or build as many infant or child-care centres but that simply is counter-real-familial relationship and culture.

People want real time to spend with their kids, look after them, bond, build relationships and nurture the next generation.

That is just so MIA.

You Little Devil You.......
First it was $150 for the first whole month and he wants moi to pay $50 when moi only moved in for half a month. Then the second month it was $70 for a whole $200 odd split among the three of us and for the third month, I demanded to see the bill but hey, he ain't showing it.

Now I have two discolored shorts and someone could have put in bleaching detergents into the washer while they were being washed like he did changing my washing cycle time.

You take the cake, masseur boy!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Singapore's 2nd Olympics History In The Making (Updated)

2nd Olympics History For Singapore In The Making After 48 Years
Yes, we are jubilant all right about the woman paddlers' team making it to the finals and assuring ourselves of at least a silver. After a drought of 48 years. It turned into a 3 and a half hour epic battle between South Korea and Singapore that spun 5 rounds.

As I have mentioned before the South Koreans have been very consistent throughout the 20 years of Olympic games beginning with the Seoul Olympics 1988 till now.

And the woman's paddlers team proved this. The last face-off between the two was a dimunitive, frail and anxious-looking S Korean versus a bigger Chinese Singapore. But look at how she defended herself and delivered the punches. It was a marginal loss after all.

I am not sure if it was just prolonged for good dramatic and political reasons just to let the rest of Singapore see how "deserving" the foreign talent are in being rewarded with the huge sums of money involved.

Yes people, the Olympics 3000 years ago must be a far cry from the kinda politics, money and doping that taint the games today. Not least that it now includes GALLS!!!!!

P.S1: I forgot to mention that Taiwan has also been up there in the medal tally all past 20 years of the Olympics. Another Asian tiger or dragon right up there with the rest of the Asian juggernauts!

P.S2:Was some parliamentarian waving our Singapore flag in the background during the paddlers' sporting event? Because if she was, guess what, we all know who she is, don't we?

For Fame, Glory Or Money?
Tao Li was commendable and she speaks a lot like us too.

But JiaWei and the rest of the table-tennis team sound too much like the Chinese. I am sure we all feel a certain disconnect here. If I were cheering the team on (which I did) I might as well be cheering for the Chinese (which I am in certain events, like badminton).

Those tears of joy must be in part for the $750 000 or $1.5 million prize money dangled before the Olympics sports team. So was it for national glory or was it for personal pecuniary interest? Do other countries do the same and did it yield the same kinda results even without the money?

It also seems like we have budgeted that kinda sum of money to be given away in a one-off (a fluke as it is) thingy to break a very long dry spell just to make us look good for a moment.

There you have it people! Be an Olympian gold medallist and you stand to be among the 77000 elite Singaporeans here! Whoopee Dong Mungo Sungo! What can I say except maybe "Whoopee Dong Mungo Sungo" again?

Norway, Israel, Thailand And Indonesia versus Singapore Inc - Who Wins?
Big questions now to ask are:
(1) Will we be nurturing more of our kind instead of foreign ones?

(2)Is it gonna be money again, sports run like Singapore Inc and is this effective? Hasn't this proven not to be?

(3)What about Norway with the same kinda population numbers as we but has way stronger showing on the medal tallies consistently?

(4)What of Israel, a war-torn country with a slightly larger population base of over 7 million but who has been consistent in its Olympics quest or

(5)Thailand and Indonesia, much less resourced countries?

(6) Lastly will this be a one-off thingy passed off as a fluke even or will we be more seriously consistent in our Olympics showing perhaps with less of a monetary incentive that is the true Olympian spirit?

Men's Individual Artistic Gymnastics Event
I was focussed on the handle bar part. The two Japs were hot and I thought performed supremely well but not well enough to earn a gold. So did one of the S Koreans and he was hot too. Both Japs came in 2nd and 4th respectively while that cute Korean made it to 8th position.

More Evidence Of Foreign WrongDoing
I met a Malaysian PR who runs a renovation contracting company a few years back. We all know for a fact that the workers are usually Malaysian too. I can't be sure if FatBloke was one of them, married as he is to a China woman now.

But what we do know are that shoddy work, disappearing acts and the like are just the normal order of the day.

Can you imagine that Malaysian who runs the massage, escort cum sex service actually sits around and is free most of the time. Who knows what other shady deals he does on the sides beside this?

Break With Educational Tradition
I applaud new talk on educational rebalancing now going on....and a few big questions to ask and risks we care to take if we really wanna rehaul and ramp up the educational ladder.

Can we break with educational tradition and rewrite the curriculum so that more relevance and practicality are written into the syllabi topics that we study?

Essay topics asked are more of the factual, discussive, reflective and argumentative sorts that centre on more personal, closer to the heart, real and life-encountering issues rather than remoter types like writing on the UN for example.

Analyses of policies that impact lives are one area too.

You ask the Australians or the Canadians if they are acquainted with our GCE kinda exams and they laugh into your face, knowing nothing about it and claiming theirs to be more superior - so where is that international acclaim save coming from our top?

I agree values have to be learnt from experience and observation and some kinda formal lesson helps only to a certain extent, maybe more to reflect on events that happened, consolidate thinking, offer change and conclusions and finally to put this down on paper?

Yawn! You Deserve This, Not Me!
I am only too keenly aware of what some kawans were appearing to show me in my presence.

Look, it is your organs and your life we are talking about. If you don't even treasure that more than money, I have nothing to say. I feel sorrier that your leaders have shown their true colors when they were recently interviewed. Mere parrots and mouthpieces.

Remember, I don't deserve this. YOU DO! Maybe Singapore deserves whatever they are getting. Not moi again!

And it isn't universal suffrage, because I didn't vote to suffer with you! Remember this good and well.

Once again : Ampun Tuanku! Terima kasih! Bodoh!

Jurong GRC By-Election - Can We Have One Please Mr President?
It seems that a by-election should be held in Jurong GRC under the Parliamentary Acts.

Moi has read one part of the Act which says "Not necessary unless whole team vacates" but a Forum reader has read another part that says "President specifies that a group representation constituency is for X numbers so if X numbers is short of one or more, President has powers to serve writ of elections" .

So it really depends on which part of the Act you are reading and how unambiguously one is tied to the other and how they can be interpreted separately or together.

So if we should, why aren't we?

What About GST?
Oo, don't forget that in addition to a largely local patronage of foreign-based and naturalised-owned corporations, we pay GST too. Whoa! Double whammy!

Hot Little Devilish Wimp
This hot young masseur is so hot, he even enters moi's room when he is out and has locked his room up. On the pretext of moping and vacumming moi's room. I hope he doesn't sleep in it or allow his clients of all ages from the young to the very old, different nationalities (locals and ang-mohs) and sizes (normal to the very big) to lounge in it either.

Like FatBloke does.

And the five or more 1 litre bottles of "Lander" mouthwashes he stores in the wall-mounted cabinet by the vanity basin is just reminiscient of the mouthwashes the men's clubs stock up on.

Twice moi's laundry has seen his shorts and berms color-stained even though moi has not used bleaching agents or whitening agents, just normal wash detergents.

It has never happened before save for that sole occasion at Bishan when moi puts his orange towel (which color runs) in to wash with his red-striped (color runs too) white shorts.

Moi grows suspicious!

Human Organ Transplant Act 2/2008 (Amendment)
The part on "when death occurs" (repealed by Act 22 of 1998) has not defined how death is classified and this is a serious omission as we don't get to see the Amendment.

Similary for the part "except Muslims" (deleted by Act 2/2008 wef 01.08.2008).

We should clamour to see the amendments in its entirety to compare what goes before and after and to be fully cognisant of the changes.

Otherwise amendments are just slipped in and in the cases of deletions, we don't really know what has been deleted.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beijing Olympics 2008 (Updated)

Pointless Blogging About Too Serious Issues
Moi will be writing far less frequently now particularly on too serious topics. He will just drive himself insane and kill himself in the end. But he will try to blog on happier events or something special or dear to his heart.

Moi feels very sorry for himself that being homeless and not being able to pursue the kinda vocation he wants to and his interests for the moment, he is too preoccupied with events in Singapore which he can't change.

He can pat himself on his back that he has registered his indignity through the vote but that was taken away from him a long time ago.

Meanwhile the rest of Singapore is engaged in earning BIG money and driving around in their BIG cars and totally oblivious and forever voting for the incumbents.

Moi must kick himself real hard for being such a jackass.

It Is The Same Disappointment Olympics After Olympics
I am keeping my eyes trained on the Olympics though.

I was analysing the past Olympic medal tallies and was pleasantly surprised that China, Korea and Japan had consistently been at the top of the league. Of special mention is Korea who has consistently done well. Even Thailand and Indonesia have medals to their names throughout the two decades of Olympic history.

Yes we should be proud Tao Li has done well to qualify being the 5th fastest woman in the world for the 100m butterfly. Somehow, moi feels he could cheer on more if it was Joscelin Yeo or Patricia Chan.

And what happened to the men? Past figures like Ang Peng Siong, David Lim, Desmond Koh or Mark Chay had always have a thumping impact on the Singaprean psyche, don't they?

It is time we stop kidding ourselves and really start looking at the very limited success of our foreign talent recruitment schemes.

Even Malaysia, Vietnam and the Phillipines have had one or more go at the medal tally in the past 20 years but never us.

Something must be seriously wrong here but perhaps we still have a fighting chance in the coming days for the table-tennis or sailing events or possibly in the 2010 Youth Summer Olympics.

The Olympics' Men's Singles Badminton Match Between Singapore And Malaysia
I feel very sorry for Susilo.

Deep in my heart, I could guess what was going on but I shall not say a word here.

When he was interviewed, his expression and what he said were telling.

We are behind you Susilo!

The Olympics' Men's Singles Badminton Match Between China And Hongkong China
Lin Dan didn't become the World's No 1 Seed for nothing.

You should see his superb tactics from light flicks of the shuttle cock to disarm his opponent to his powerful jump-smashes which caught Ng Wei totally off-balance.

But he took half an hour to finish off his compatriot and Ng Wei wasn't exactly off-form and not on the attack. In the second round, they were neck to neck, with Ng delivering several tactical finesse.

Both mirrored each other in the cockatoo hairstyles they sport right down to the strong, determined even arrogant expressions they wear and I was actually rooting for Ng Wei since he was an underdog.

At the end of the day, Lin Dan powered away to a decisive victory, a victory which is worthy of his No 1 seed fame.

Looks Like Malaysia Is In Contention For An Olympics Medal This Year
With Asian defending champion Hidayat losing out to yet another Malaysian, it looks like our neighbor has a good shot at an Olympics medal this year.

Beijing Olympics 2008 Opening Ceremony
Like Singapore's NDP, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics 2008 didn't cease to overwhelm moi's senses.

It helped that it was directed by Zhang Yimou and so the performace production at the Bird Nest stadium had an almost movie-like quality to it.

It showcased China's history and culture to a perfect T with classical musical instruments playing in the background, the traditional Chinese costumes and most of all, Yimou was able to synchronise very Chinese elements as a backdrop for the displays. For instance the scrolls and calligraphic works.

Moi had so much fun watching it, never mind controversies raging about the lip-synching or the faked pre-recorded segments.

Strive on China!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Who Do We Have Among Us Here

I have to write about the kinda foreign Third Worlders moi has encountered either at work or as a landlord and now as a tenant.

Foreign Room And Flatmates
As A Rentee
Recently moi wanted to share this room with someone as rentals were getting more expensive.

There were a couple of Malaysians who responded, one whom confirmed his booking but as there were no deposit paid and he was cautioning about how payment could be in arrears on some months, I responded to someone who listed in the classifieds.

As it turned out, it was his friend (he planted this friend there) and he accused moi of not keeping to my word.

So what do you think of this?

As A Rentor
A Filipino who had his girlfriend over to cook and share his room with him when it was meant for only himself. Cooking oil were used to cook fumy Western dishes and he didn't ask for permission. Big group of friends visited and lounged in the hallway.

A Malaysian ex-financial director now turned medical entrepreneur (asking moi for tips even as to who to consult in the medical field and do stock-take for him).

Visiting over the weekend with wife and kids without letting moi know and moi was at home in his underwear and had to hide in the bathroom for a while.

Setting up a mini-golf course in his room and putting holes.

At Work
One Malaysian dude working in the same Certified Public Accounting firm as moi and now at our Housing Board.

What of sensitive information about citizens' residences which he has privy to and the Malaysian community I am sure knows one another and keep each other informed.

Yes the Malaysian accountant who recently committed fraud and stirred up a financial scandal was a ex-colleague of mine. I remember him as someone who always puts on dark shades even in the office and he is married to a Singaporean teacher whose older sister was the ex nun-wanabe.

The same partnership firm has its founders who were certainly Malaysian too.

The New Young Malaysian Arrivals
We are now begining to see more of the younger set arriving in Singapore working in the retail, hair and beauty trades. Even in the professions like accounting and administration.

I feel they are gonna be worse, the kinds who hang around gay cruising places, clubs and engage in drug and sex parties and dragging along our Singapore boys.

Total bad influence!

What Does This Show?
Ill-mannered, rude, totally Third World, shit thrashes and we are bringing them in by the bus loads

They Are Coming In Here Sponsored, Hand-Held And Privileged I Am Sure
And the entrenched members of the older community here, they are probably sponsoring them here and recruiting them into our schools, universities and various trades on a priority basis.

Is that fair?

Who Are You People?
Come to think of it, I am not even sure who FatBloke and this masseur here really are. I have not verified their identities.

For sure the other flatmate here is a Malaysian PR working in a factory, so I was told.

There are so many of them here among the Chinese, Malays (for both races, including the Indonesians) and Indians.

We just do not know who is who anymore!

Influencing Other Nationals And Our Very Own
Worse they are instigating the Chinese nationals who come here (who are more diligent and smarter in some instances) and wanna drive them out of here because they are just jealous.

And they are manipulating and maneovuring them in trades like the massage services and inciting against our own local Malay community here. Even our Chinese here, driving us out of our homes and work.

Good luck Singapore, you will never get real talent in here anymore!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fuck You MotherFuckers (Updated)

National Day Parade 2008
It has been a long while since moi had wathed the NDP, especially since moi gave up his own house two and a half years ago.

It opened with dark storm clouds and a shower. Our 43rd National Day celebrations that is.

Moi was totally impressed with star artistes like Hady, Kimberly Chan, Jacintha, De Silva and Nat Ho who each had special vocal talents, be it jazz, suprano or the rendition of various genre of songs .

Watching the Dark Knights and their aerial displays was akin to watching a Hollywood movie on air fights, what with the close-ups of the pilots in the cockpits and the stunts they performed. Don't forget the parachuters encircling first in air and then jettisoning down all the way.

Moi was awed no end.

The kite-flying on water power-boats were just as dazzling and the entire musical production on land was superb ranging from the props, the performances to the costumes.

Both Parade Commanders had done well by Singapore (again part of our "elites" and possibly among the "millionaires" league with personal glimpses showing "happy" families, swanky homes with swimming pools).

But like this parade, along with other icons like its national anthem, the Merlion and our Singapore flag (the pledge was missing this year) , what is the reality out there for most Singaporeans?

When Gurmit Singh said that the TV audience was watching this show in the comfort of home, that was when moi was struck by a bolt of lightning.

Here moi was, homeless for the past two and a half years, subjected to all kinds of indignities and outrage by both foreign and local landlords/tenants and soon moving to smaller and far less comfortable quarters despite paying a hefty price.

And that is home!

Foreign Sluts And Conspirators (With The Aid Of Locals)
My very first contact with room-rentals since moi moved out was with two Malaysian chief tenants who had taken over a Singapore-owned heartland property.

One was working in our auxilary police and as I happened to chance recently, as an airport emergency worker.

He is trained in martial arts and was supposed to be a security escort for our parliamentarians at one time as I learned.

So I am not sure why he is now working at our entry-exit points which are our security lifelines given the fact that he could tap into security-enabled networks of his neighbors . What does that show? Someone in a high-security position having no qualms doing this.

Then I soon found out his other Malaysian friend now secures China masseurs for the gay sex trade when his private mobile is the number of the masage services.

There you have it, our foreign gay brethen engaging in shady, clandestine and usually illegal business deals with the aid perhaps of our local gay brethen too.

Sullying Points - Outright Cheats
Now if the Malaysian had managed the Chinese masseurs well, it would have been fine.

Many a time, moi has been conned into accepting someone different from what moi requested for (of a different person or nationality) and someone totally different from the photograph gallery whereby photos have been touched up to show a more mascular person.

Then there wasn't any proper massage first and foremost and the masseurs do not comply with original instructions handed down by moi to the vendor to do the things requested.

Pure cheats!

Rallying Points?
And moi has noticed one or two people here who wear shirts emblazoned with a tiny insignia of the Malaysian flag. I hope they are tourists, if not, what does that show?

Finally are foreigners breeding diseases here like the chiku thingy and bed bugs plus countless others like SARS, bird flu and so on? Do we have a say again as to who lives, works or plays here?

You Won't Help A Fella Singaporean And What Does Our National Pledge Says
What irks moi was when moi made the rounds of schools just to promote his enrichment programs, moi was given the cold shoulder and told to wait in line or promised dates that never materialised.

A few miserable projects and they were employing their own kind - fella ex-teachers and friends.

A constituency surgery bungle which proved of no help later and now having waited two and a half years, moi is still nomadic.

Fuck you Motherfuckers!

Die Today And Your Organs Get Removed, Millionaire NotWithstanding
And see how some of our citizens (naturalised even) and non-citizens are benefitting.

The vast majority of us can forget the Singapore dream like cars, landed homes (even public ones) and making a million. That will only be the 77000. We can slog, we can dream and we can fawn, but we will never reach there!

Dream on Singapore!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Moi Can't End The Season Yet, So Here It Is (Updated)

Constitution Of The Republic Of Singapore
Protection Of The Sovereignty Of The Republic Of Singapore - No surrender of sovereignty or relinquishment of control over the Police Force or the Armed Forces except by referendum

Moi is heartened by this part of the Constitution. Because of it, every citizen sleeps better in the night and feels safer, no?

Question is, when the crunch comes, will the "guns" (meaning any of the two) be trained on an "invading" foreign power or its very own citizens?

We all remember the hilarious episode of a lone female opposition member being ring-fenced when she tried protesting.

National Sovereignty Of The People
The Constitution protects the sovereignty of our rulers.

However it seems that we are answering to one or two (maybe a couple of) Kings and princes (Queens or princesses even, behind closed doors). This is an even bigger laugh when we make ourselves out to be a democracy, not a monarchy or a feudalistic state.

So how is the national sovereignty of the people enshrined when there are walkovers in elections (thus non-representational), gerry-mendering and "supersized" group-representation constituencies which effectively keep out the opposition because of purported minority interests and a quorum to fulfill.

What say does the people have when there are only two lone oppositional members in Parliament, a largely non-vocal and non-articulate legislature along with all the other parliamentary checks on bills, debates on issues and investigations which aren't doing their supposed functions as much?

National sovereignty of the people has to be protected too against the sheer number of foreign presence here, shouldn't it? Just as national sovereignty of the state is protected against foreign interference or powers?

Special Powers Against Subversion And Emergency Powers
This part of the Constitution effectively puts a stop to a legislature or a people speaking out if moi gets it correctly that Civil and Criminal are separate from Constitutional ones.

American Patriotism
There are at least two ideological traits in American politics, both of which are considered patriotic.

Besides affirmation (like identifying with national anthems, symbols and icons), there is also rigorous criticism effected by both Democrats and Republicans alike.

If every party is singing hymns of praises and muttering "Yes Prime Minister" (maybe albeit grudgingly?) or worse fawning and flattering, will there ever be room for improvement for the common good?

Consumer Sovereignty
A system of governance based on caveat emptors and disclosures (or non-disclosures) simply cannot do.

Who is to enforce or audit the disclosures?

Is there firstly perfect knowledge or even expert specialised knowledge available to qualify the safety and efficacy of products and services (like the hair, beauty and the health industry) and make appropriate recommendations?

For example, should moi have gone for a cataract surgey despite his age or wait where results are better with increasing age? Will skin lasering bleach your skin and what happens thereafter when moi goes under the sun?

Participation in co-operative international schemes which are beneficial to Singapore
My Word, There You Have It, It Has Been Enshrined And Entrenched
This part of the Constitution has been enshrined. It doesn't entertain amendments (which include repeal or additions) unless there is a referendum by which a two-thirds majority of the electors (meaning you and me) is needed.

There you have it. Something like this is shoved down our throat. Did we have a say? Can you turn around and accuse us of being bo-chap, indifferent, uncaring, selfish and apathetic? Even if we chap, can we do anything to change the status quo when everything has already been decided on and will be bull-dozed through anyway?

Disenfranchisement. So what do we turn to? Shopping, sucking cocks and porno..........

What Is National Sovereignty Of The People And Who Has Powers To Call For A Referendum And How

Do citizens have a say as to who comes through our doors to live, work and play here among us? Are they welcome because of the different value systems, hygiene standards, culture and language?

We can count domestic maids, technical and construction workers, retail, food and beverage, administration employees and managers. Yes even the owners of these factors of production.

Has this been weighed against a backdrop of a profit versus cost analyses? Profit here taken to mean vigorous business development to ensure a healthy bottom line at the expense of health, money, environmental and social costs (work-life balance, family, leisure pursuits, etc)

Don't we feel besieged ? Do we have a choice? How is it beneficial when one weighs it against, one, our very low corporate taxes, two with regard to employment opportunities for its own citizens (or is it non-citizens) , three, those costs moi has itemised and four, a largely local patronage.

What of security issues? IT, banks, is this compromising our bio-data and money, making it too easily accessible to one and all leading to cyber-theft, even harm to ourselves?

Telecommunication shops, landlords and beauty parlors, almost everyone has your personal data save YOU!

What about our security troops? Who are they composed of? Our prisons, Armed Forces, Police Force and auxillary police force.

Are we selling out to economics at the expense of our souls? Dare I venture even traitorous and treasonous to ourselves in cases of allies turned foes and what's more coming from within?

Chinese Patriotism
The Chinese are up in arms against a large foreign presence in their midst.

The Olympics seems like a redeeming event to salvage their pride and make up for the history of humiliation it has suffered under foreign powers and its loss of technological supremacy despite being among the firsts of cradles of civilisations.

I pray that they will once again be supreme but for good of course.

What About Us?
I think we feel similarly except that we should feel it even more keenly and profoundly.

First there is that far too few local, truly home-grown, truly home-spun innovation, creativity and enterprises here who will not only develop businesses but swear to do good by Singapore.
Not to speak of our own talents in every field like the sports, the arts and so on.

What we have here are copycats and lacklustre local (yes naturalised too) and foreign-based industries. Food and beverage, IT, retail, the list goes on. Is the Singapore Flyer anything new?

And even dubious ones like Crazy Horse, casinos and now human organ trading.....Whoa! You are the best! That is all you can think of!

What next? Organ transplants of the genitalia?

Tying Up The Loose Ends
We can opt out of HOTA but what if we need one ourselves in future since we are precluded if we opt out and two, short of being on the crime scene (oops, I mean death scene) how can we be sure organs aren't removed anyway since embalming ensures that they are?

Does that explain why other religious groups (who are exempt before) perform funeral rites at home and within a day inter or cremate the corpses?

There are only 77000 millionaires in Singapore. So dream on Singaporeans. You can work yourselves to death to aspire to that million and still have your organs removed.

Pointless to have loud gesticulations and quarrels over politics in coffee-shops, dear uncles! When it comes to the ballot box, you didn't exercise what you were unhappy over.

Yes the grandma I spoke to is partially foreign and her grandchildren are half-Korean.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

One Last Swipe For The Season End

True Blue Singaporeans
One who will think of the dire consequences first before he decides on business development. Particularly with respect to health products.

An incident etched into our collective memory will be a local celebrity who had a near-death experience with a diet pill.

As for my medical sales experience, I seriously pause at the kind of products and pharmaceuticals I was pushed to sell by my bosses. Yes one foreign boss.

No offence, some of the medical equipment and devices were made in the Third World and somehow, there were no safety certification.

When I was selling sanitarywares, I had to attend more to complaints about staining and product failure to comply with resistance to fair amount of wear and tear in a short time. I wasn't even selling anything much.

And yes again, there were no certification.

Not to mention the factory health standards. Workers grinding away and all that swirl of dust generated. Chronic respiratory problems later on? I won't know what the short and long term effects are.

Occupational hazards. I caught chicken-pox contracting it from a patient at a clinic when I did my medical sales rounds.

Please treat certification in the context of safety concerns and education as two different realms.

I guess we will truly be the losers here and the rest will be winners.

Two-Faced Singaporeans (Whoever You Are)
Looking back, Singaporeans (whoever they are) must be looking on the huge reserves we are running up with great envy.

I agree that I disagree with some of its spending in various areas.

And while conversing with a grandma one day some time back, I realised her dislike for maids was, besides the usual about hygiene, theft and work thoroughness, centred more on money.

She is looking after two grandchildren and the thought struck me that perhaps she wanted a grandparents' grant or something, if it isn't already in place.

Greedy Singaporeans who only hanker after money as if money is the main issue in bringing up a family. Not of time. Not of love. Not of anything.

PokerAsses Using Moi As A Pawn On A ChessBoard
Singaporeans are making use of moi to do all the talking for them while they keep a pretty and straight face in front of the administration, perhaps even fawning and flattering.

Behind closed doors, they were griping and whispering about the administration.

One (from the town council) even wanted me to contribute to the online forum which to this day I have not bothered.

There you are, higher administration! Your lackeys below you are not with you.

You are in graver danger than you think.

Perfect Role Modelling? Gosh..... But Openly Gay Educators Are Not Ok?
They are again prompting moi on one more aspect of education today.

I have noticed students playing cards these days and I suppose if the school authorities were to be doubly strict on this, they will have to slap their faces twice over.

What can they say if we have casinos here?

And openly gay educators are not ok.

You Voted Them In, Not Moi
Poor moi is put out here to observe all the double standards between talk and action, preach and actually doing.

I didn't even vote for any incumbent and am being subjected to this indignity and outrage by the majority.

Fuck you! No fucking balls!

For The Last Time
If the people or the administration are deaf, let me repeat a final time.

My appropriate dwelling place, my beau (and/or kid), pursue my interests and "career options" (if they are still available).

Period and buzz off.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Moi Loves Playing Detective And Justice Bao (Updated)

To A Large Extent, Useless Education
I concede there are parts and certain topics of some subjects that I find useful and applicable in moi's life. Subjects like languages are certainly totally useful.

Too bad the kinda local spoken English we watch on TV is just too ABC-accented. Nothing like the Standard English we speak but not Singlish of course.

Apart from languages, moi sorrily has to pronounce that academic education has been largely useless.

I mean I would love to be studying more chemical compounds in chemistry that are used as ingredients more readily in everyday applications but somehow we end up studying compounds that do not seem useful.

And to be able to analyse ingredients and their workings and effects in food we eat and products we use.

And moi isn't sure if he spotted his ex- JC GP head at the mall recently.

I mean look at the kind of very remote topics asked sometimes in GP questions or generally in any factual/discussive or argumentative essays at secondary level. Compare this to the kinda journal entries moi can write for his blogs based on true life encounters.

More personal, to the heart, experential, relevant, practical and life encountering.

We Need More Real Experts With Special Knowledge
That brings me to my next musing and that is that we shouldn't be too surprised that the "experts" in our midst, especially those very senior in years type, probably know next to nothing about their field of expertise.

They probably got there by virtue of their graduation degree, their exam grades and all that mugging and regurgitation, leaving little analytical skills and body of real knowledge.

This is most telling if some overseas products and services make their way here and they can't qualify as to their safety or efficacy.

We need people with more special knowledge and experience and who have made the rounds abroad to study and are axquainted with their products and services to be able to analyse and judge the safety and efficacy aspects.

More Musings On The Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act
All of what moi blogged about finally leads to this.

By having an accident part to the Act shows that our administration probably does not have special knowledge of what can happen when fumigation works are carried out.

They are acknowledging "imperfections" (again that "nothing is perfect" lame excuse for absolving mistakes) and as moi has said before, that o.1% imperfection can harm, maim or kill.

And again our administration has acknowledged this via the Act's statement of "any accident that occasions loss of human life and personal injury".

Wait till you read about the paltry $500 or less penalty imposed on offenders of the Act! That is how much our lives are worth and what a deterrent that is!

It is like waiting for a Spyros disaster to happen when we all thought that safety measures were well in place.

Moi has read that in higher concentrations, hydrogen cyanide can be explosive and I am not particularly pleased with the way I have observed the foreign workers (there are two of then who are supposed to be trained, experienced and supervised) carry out their work.

Coroners' Inquiries On Deaths From Accidents
What is even scarier is that there is a part on the "Coroners' inquiries on deaths from accidents".

Whoa, corpses, dead bodies and a coroner to top it all.

Wait...Who Gives Notice Of Accidents Resulting From Fumigation
Then there is the part where the onus of reporting the accident seems to go to the fumigators. Now why would this responsibility be devolved to the fumigators?

Unless of course the brunt of the full effects of the fumigation is not known and since the fumigators are the ones carrying out the fumigation, they will be the test bed for any side effects.
But don't forget there could be residual effects that can filter down to us as well.

Whopee Dong Mungo Sungo!

Young, Strong And Sometimes Dressed Fashionably Army Of Foreign Workers
What do you make of all these?

As far as I am concerned, this simply will not do and cannot go on. A pure lackadaisical attitude on the part of the fumigators as I have witnessed.

Remember that the army of foreign workers we are seeing are usually young. Being younger, they have the energy, the verve, the strength, so we expect them to be more vigilant, more thorough, more circumspect and more diligent.

Are we?

Your Control And Vote Strategies
We know you want your votes and they are easier to subdue and control only because they are bo-chap (this is not my home, I am here to make a livimg, afterall it is a commercial hub here), they are less discerning (coming from the Third World, this is a "paradise" no? But wait for their next generation and see if they will say the same) and they are under your thumb..

But at what kinda price?

To the detriment of the natives living here? Who would swear allegiance and do good by Singapore?

ABCDEFG...Now I Learn My ABC......Penal Code 376/A-G
Booby traps galore....

While I agree to some parts of the Acts like the age thingy to some extent though I still hold fast to pubescence as being the defining definition but since the maturity element is invoked, well maybe but sexually he/she is ready.

And the assault thingy too.

However nobody can tell a person's age based on appearance, size, height or weight. We can only ask and if he/she tells a lie, well.....moi can't be blamed. So "mistake as to age" which can't be invoked (except for the opposite sex) isn't fair if he decides to tell another age later.

And the "consent" part is just too ambiguous and volatile.

It may be consent now but dissent later. Well if it is dissent based on some pecuniary interests, that is easy, it becomes "extortion".

If not it is gonna be just snitching after consent because of some feud or bad blood later on. How is one gonna argue based on that? No end to that.

As for commercial sex, what if the person is a rent boi in the first place? And then he decides to snitch based on some feud or bad blood later. Again we can't verify ages. Can we counter with "extortion" in return?

Or what about massage services doubling up as sex therapies in some instances?

There is no way we can verify the age except through the vendor vouching for the age.

Seems like incest is the way to go here for gay dudes.

What About Aggravators?
Other aggravators should apply like to married persons since that person supposedly has a sex partner and if he/she has children, then it is more aggravating.

Contrast this with a single person.

And women? How does the Penal Code apply to them if they were the initiators and then snitch?
And The Sentencing.....
In some cases, 10 to 20 years.

Contrast this with the $500 fine for the Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act....which occasions loss of human life and personal injury.

Far out!

Hope You Have Your Last Laugh, Professor
Look even a certain across the Causeway professor in one of his school's pre-opening mocked at the lack of questions during Q & A.

He is mocking us.

Are we to blame for the system that created us?

And yes a certain Malaysian ex-tenant of mine asked me what is there to teach about the English language especially for higher order kind which moi was trying to conduct in schools.

It really shows, doesn't it? And yes, I have sampled his English writing skills. Simply atrocious.

Moi Loves Playing Detective And Justice Bao (Maybe In Reel Life?)
Much as I will love to, joining in the fray for parliamentary elections is definitely out for moi. Unless of course I get parliamentarians for neighbors. And I mean all parliamentarians.

Moi has too many skeletons in his closet. I never claim to be Superman or Goody-Two-Shoes.

Someone has to pick up the pieces in my blog and go from there.

All moi can do is play detective and Justice Bao, perhaps in reel life.

Free Thinking - A Non-Religion To Be Respected On Its Own
And moi is not anti-religion. I only ask that atheism or agnoticism or free-thinking be like a religion in itself, respected for what it is and free from encumbrances from the other religions.

A non-religion.

As long as no anti-gay, no Sodom and Gonorrhea tales are played up, no double standards, no hypocriscy, no mere mortals intepreting their religions in a misconstrued way, no superstitions are stirred up, I am fine.

I Am Sure We Have Common Ground But Hey...We Have Different Aspirations
Moi does not hate foreigners either. Some of the young ones are really cute. Oo

Just that there are far too many of them here and we are different in many ways. From behavior and thinking to what is acceptable and not, mannerisms, speech, language, etc.

And we know they are seeking a better life, to make a small fortune while moi just doesn't live by economics alone.

There are greater life aspirations for the common good. Like trying to equip our next generation with better communication, life, thinking and analytical skills. A better sense of doing things good and right and not harming others. Etc.

Then our jobs and homes get taken away.

I only hate the policy-setters more. Period.

Concession Travel On Public Transport For Singaporeans Or For All?
Wait....what about concession travel on trains and buses and taxis? Do Singaporeans get concessions or do they apply to one and all?

Because as far as moi can see, all categories of the train/bus cards are the same for citizens, permanent residents and foreigners.

That is fair?

Final Word On HOTA
HOTA.......it is hot, hot, hot! Ho say la!

Ampun Tuanku....Terima Kasih........Bodoh.....

Singaporeans, you TAKE THE CAKE!

Moi adjourns for a season.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Chap Jee Ki - A Form Of Lottery (UpDated)

Administration Of Muslim Law Act - A Musing (No Not Amusing)
Moi went through some of the Administration Of Muslim Laws Act which has passed to MUIS. Apparently "halal" just doesn't refer to just products (which in this case can mean food and foodstuff) but services and activities which have to comply with Muslim laws in its production, processing, marketing, carrying out and displays.

Now that is really encompassing.

Next moi wanna know if moi's organs can be transplanted into a Moslem and vice-versa? And yes, a sex act between moi and a Malay dude, is that halal? Apparently it is ok.

And guess what, MUIS is a corporation too.

Further Musings
Perhaps that explains why HOTA has been extended (but I don't see the Amendment yet and even the 2004 amended act doesn't appear here).

Perhaps in devout Islamic countries like Iran, Iraq and Pakistan, recipients would only receive strictly "halal" human organs and body parts.

Perhaps in war-torn countries like these, human organs and body parts are in greater need both for the rich and the ordinary folk.

Perhaps that explains why moi ran into that Pakistani woman with hubby and kids in tow here for corneas transplant.

Perhaps moi was right in writing about bald vultures...she is bald and she is rich...O GOD! Please not you too! I trusted you. SOB SOB SOB ROB MOB SOB

Where Have All The Blood Gone? And Yes HOTA's Prohibition Of Organs Trading At The Moment Includes Blood
Someone told moi that despite being regular donors of blood they couldn't get blood when they needed it here at the hospital. They had to purchase it.

So he asked where have all our blood gone?

And yes HOTA includes blood.....that was also featured in "X-files - The Movie" where the paedophilic priest shed tears of blood and yes a bloody X marks the spot where the body parts were found.

It was featured again in Money No Enough 2 when they couldn't get the blood type for their mother and a granddaughter.

So really, where have our blood gone?

Who Is This Authorised Medical Practitioner?
Seems like he/she is the one to remove our organs. But who is he/she?

Since the Act exempts organs which have to be removed for embalming purposes, is the embalmer then that medical practitioner?

And because of this exemption, the embalming process then needs our human organs to be removed anyway right?

Once these organs are removed, then all moi's previous questions have to be answered. What happens thenceforth to these organs?

Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act - Which Can Be Adapted For Fumigation With Other Gases
Oops you have a law on this but I understand from a pest controller that cyanide is only used for killing termites.

Of course they have strict regulations on admixtures and manner of generating the cyanide, supervision, training, experience and licensing but the Act doesn't apply to open-air works. Oh my God, the foreign workers are carrying this out and without supervision as I witnessed.

What if humans are nearby especially for residents living in low-rises and its intoxicating effects are well-known ? And its dissolution effects in water? Since the gas can escape into air and come into contact with drinking water lying around or as a residual substance on our eating utensils for instance?

What about that?

But why have an accident part of the law which makes it look like it can happen and establishing an investigation and inquiry thereafter. What about prevention?

It also makes it look like our administrators can't be too sure what the real short term and long term effects of the fumigation are gonna be so they are gonna wait for something to happen and then call in the assessor, the legal or special knowledge experts .

Do not spend on unnecessary expenses now, wait for it to happen then spend it. Lives are not important.

And it seems any non-compliance with the laws prescribed here is only subjected to a "mind-boggling" $500 fine or less for each offence.

Whoa, the really scary part is that the accident which occasions loss of life and personal injury only merits a fine not exceeding $500? That is how much our lives are worth, people!

And not sending a notice of such (and I think the onus rests on the fumigators) only warrants a fine not exceeding $200.

Whoa again! Only the fumigators get to lodge the notice and not the people suffering the death or injury? It looks like absolving someone of a crime or something.

I think sending a notice of such to the Minister by then will be far too late, so I hope that preventive measures are in place.

And since this Act can be adapted to fumigation from other gases, that means we are not safe too with other kinds of funmigation works involving other gases. The same things can happen.

Supreme Council and Ombudsman again anyone?

Last Hyrdrogen Cyanide Laced Ciggy Pack For Moi
Oops, this is present in ciggies too.

But moi knows he doesn't inhale it as in breathe it in through the nose and lungs but only via his mouth? So is that harmful?

That's it. I am quitting smoking soon.

Photosynthetic Flotsam
If the people do not already know, back in the 80s and 90s there were talks of harnessing solar energy here.

In fact terms like "solar cells and solar panels" were tossed around so much, white water rapids pale in comparison. At that time, solar powered calculators were in vogue and moi even owned one.

So what happened?

Flotsam And Jetsam
And yes, flotsam is indeed the name of the game.

I have read an article relating to the "Westminster Parliamentary" democracy that we purportedly have here (sniggers again). It talked about "flotsam maverick" and I take that to mean "pure thrash and garbage" and "human flotsam".

If ever there were human flotsam, it simply reflects on the "system of governace". The creators of the system. Moi cannot clean up after it should it poo because it is not moi's system. Let the "flotsam" mavericks who can fawn very well do it.

Remember we are all its by-products.

Terror OnBoard
At one time, we were, like the rest of the world, chanting anti-terrorist slogans.

Look who we welcome onboard our shores. The Gaddaffi Institute.

So is the man a freedom fighter or terrorist?

Shit Thrashes
Like Liz and Leela before her, the foreign maid I ran into yesterday looks shitty and even if some of them look pretty, the words and language and the tone that tumbles out of their mouths tell you what shitasses they are.

So many foreigners here, so many shitasses and a babel of tongues that boggles.

Bitch whores, sluts ...the wimps and blimps.

Sex Is Good, Living Isn't
The men, whoever they are, are mesmerized with the womenfolk or gay sluts (local or foreign but I suspect more foreign).

It is certainly delicious with the sex act.

Wait till they stay together and the real strain begins.

Good luck!

Penal Code 376-377 (Sexual Offences) And 494(Offences Relating To Marriage)
I think Penal Code 377A shouldn't be the only repeal we should be looking at.

Look at the traps here. Sounds like a jealous enemy within who could think up these. Just like advocating polygamy for the rich and famous at one time back in those days, only to be slapped with Penal Code 494.

So much for all the false reassurances from our top. Totally evil!

Whoa! Far out!

Bo Chap Become Chap - How Do You Like It?
Singaporeans have been accused of being bo-chap.

I was among the "silent majority" and now that I have chosen to break this silence and chap, how does the administration like it?

Let sleeping dogs lie?

You get the picture, don't you?

So don't provoke or touch or harm moi ever.

P.S. Will be blogging far less frequently now. Unless something crops up again. And you make moi do it and prolong his suffering here among "humanity". TATA!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Over Representation

O Please, Didn't You Kick-Start The Sex Industry First?
If I need to remind our Malaysian womenfolk again, I will. Remember how they first kick-started the sex industry under the guise of the neighborhood hair and beauty salons which actually were covers for sex services?

Now the Chinese have taken over and guess what, they are prettier, fairer, possess all-natural beauty without an ounce of make-up and more daring too.

Not to mention the Vietnamese womenfolk and all others in between.

Competition and green eyes? You bet.

A Troop Of Old Traditional Unaccepting Third Worlders
I just witnessed a foreign maid admonishing a young boy who idolises a HongKong male celebrity and wanted to snitch on him to his mother.

How is the boy gonna grow up like? Psychologically scarred, homophobic, an unhealthy attitude and disrepect for gays and that can only spell disaster!

There you have it!

Only old traditional Third Worlders are unaccepting and guess who brought them in the first place.

You again!

It Is You, You And You Again - You Set The Rules To Suit Your Whims And Fancies
I asked some Moslems where in the Islamic world can their religion allow organ donation. Apparently none.

So didn't we set our own rules to suit ourselves? Didn't we engineer this? Please do not excuse yourselves from repealing Penal Code 377A based, seemingly, on someone else's disapproval.

Sounds a lot like you are the disapprovers for quirky reasons known only to yourselves.

You could have gone ahead and repealed it without a second thought just like you did for organs donation for our Moslem brethen and sisters.

Need I bring up Parliamentary Acts 217/218?

OverStaffed And Goofing Off
This old Malay uncle cleaner is at it again at this community complex.

So I decided to examine the inspection card and discovered that checks were done two-hourly starting from 10am.

I got into the loo to brush my teeth (what now with my braces on) after my meal at about 520pm and he sauntered in immediately after. He was moping part of the floor and attending to a toilet bowl which I suspect was not working. The soap dispensers aren't too.

I don't think the users should be the ones reporting the defects.

The inspection is due at 6oopm and here he is about 40 minutes beforehand for a grand show.

Since the floor was almost as dry as a whistle, that means there wasn't even moping or washing work done at the earlier 400pm inspection. No wet floors dry that fast.

I must be right in my suspicion about the private-public enterprise engaged to do the cleaning.

Checks were not even conducted and must have been passed off as being checked just like that.

And quite a few contractors and manual laborers in their mud-caked boots and clothes who used the loo were really the culprits soiling it.

Not to mention the army of foreign cleaners roaming the estate freely, so freely, we wonder if the GRCs are overnumbered working as they claim to in estate management (as opposed to the poor old uncle alone)

Overstaffed and goofing off? You bet.

Subversion Of The National Sovereignty Of The People (Not Of The State Or Rulers)

National Sovereignty Of The People (Not Of The State) Is Being Subverted By Economics
Again it is telling that our leaders have underestimated the kinda nationalistic fervour some Taiwanese feel. As usual, the assumption is that economic interest is the be all and end all.

These days economics have a hold on national sovereignty of the people and I have just made more interesting discoveries how many more of the commercial interests here are foreign or naturalised-owned. Filthy rich and living on landed properties too.

I have pointed out the vastly different ways indigenous and naturalised citizens may think and behave. Especially the well-schooled (meaning a better sense of good and bad, right and wrong and of belonging) native citizens.

Let us weigh these repercussions against a backdrop of rampant profiteering (after all they are here for business development not people development, the bottom line, etc, etc) at all our expenses (social costs, monetary costs, environmental costs, the list goes on).

Dumping harmful products and offering misrepresentational services that misrepresent, misinform that lead to harm, maiming or even death.

Health and beauty products are some examples.

And to conclude, to have such sheer numbers of foreign or naturalised-owned commerce is just selling out Singapore and subverting ourselves.

Some Examples Of Neglecting And Even Putting Down Our Local Talent
Back in junior college, I have blogged before about how a Malaysian ASEAN scholar has been extolled no end and I wonder where he is now and if he has Singapore's interests at heart.

I remember how a Thai was elected student leader councillor. A huge prick of a pighead and again I wonder where he is.

"Serious-Minded" Chinese
When I wrote "serious-minded", I meant that the Chinese while grappling with money concerns, were also keenly interested in wider national political, social and economic issues.

They are not afraid to vocalise their concerns and they have proven this in the forums they write to or taking to the streets or via the ballot boxes or by very outwardly signs of protests.

What are we predominantly pre-occupied with here? Hollywood style frivolities especially among the womenfolk that is.

And yes, I just realised how many more Chinese legendary "real-life" flesh and blood heroes there are in Chinese history than the fictional, make-believe and thus less-real but nevertheless endowed with endless superhuman powers heroes of Hollywood.

So there! You have the answer now.

Money No Enough 2
Contrast the Chinese mind with the local populace here.

Money No Enough 2 takes the words right out of my mouth. The Taiwanese have criticised us for having "no balls". That is what we are and that is what we will be.

The movie lampoons many of our high cost of living icons and the family feud in a way parallels mine. I was moved to tears by the death of the matriarch and the mistreatment she got from each of her son's family.

Justice Bao may be dead but I am sure he lives on somewhere inside all of us. We wanna see justice, truth and virtue being upheld. Give moi his black beard, blackened face, red crescent moon stamp on his forehead and imperial robes and headgear and moi joins Hollywood reprising his role!

At least if one can't get justice in real life, one can get it in drama?

Just remember this one thing, people - whatever money you make now will probably be good for spending it on your health concerns in your golden years. Minus your organs when you die.

Bulldoze Is What You Do Best And That Is Political Will?
Taiwan has announced plans to overhaul its swampy international airport.

So were we a swampland before. How much political will is needed to bulldoze over a swampy land and erect new buildings over it? Hasn't Manila done it already with its newly opened Terminal 3?

Can't anyone else?

Democracy Not Monarchy
By the way, if the political system is to "evolve" further, let it be truly democratic and that we are shown to be a democracy not a monarchy.

Enough of certain dynastic "elites" (sniggers) holding reins forever. That bloodline has to end for good.

Red Cliff (Part 1)
I love Chinese heroic period movies like "Justice Bao" (O please, can we have a remake of this legendary hero?) and "Warlords" and this is no exception.

In fact the three characters of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhu GeLiang are known to parallel that of Justice Bao, Zhan Zhao and Gongsun.

The costumes, fights and war strategies played out on the battlefield were more than superb, they were flawless.

The audience must have been caught off-guard that this movie was only a prequel to a sequel that is to follow.

But for sure, like the banging of the drums which is a call for battle, we should also be drumming up support for more truth, virtue and justice to be seen and heard here.

Supreme Council or Ombudsman anyone?

The Mummy - Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor
Is it my imagination but are we seeing more Asian-inspired Hollywood flicks?

First, Kungfu Panda, then Red Cliff (a collaborative effort between Hollywood and Asia) and now this.

I need not elaborate on the plot nor of the action but I do want to point out two parallels. One, how when one Uncle adventurer of Alex stumbles upon the Himalayan kingdom of majestic scenic beauty, he was awed into wanting to start a casino, of all things.

Two, the spell call of the "witch" on an army of the oppressed dead souls buried under the Great Wall to rise to mutiny against a resurrected tyrannic dead Dragon Emperor

Need I say more except that you can expect more "mummy fun" when they fly off to Peru (The Incas civilisation maybe?) for the next sequel.

X-Files Reminder
"To find the truth, you must believe" and "I want to believe" (the truth is out there) are just some of the rallying calls we always hear in the X-Files TV series and now the movie.

So believe me you should, that perhaps grafting of human limbs onto living people may not sound so far-fetched in the future.

Maybe it is already happening......somewhere in Russia?

Wait......... as I write this - limbs transplant has been carried out in Munich, Germany.

And yes I feel so sorry for the paedophilic priest in the movie. I am not sure of what ages the 37 altar boys were and to hell if I were to be caught here by the definition of an adult who is someone above 18 years old.

Look, what if that 14 year old changing in the showers possesses massive genitalia ? And he is a child?

Scaredity Scared
Guess what, moi has a gut feel he is being watched.

Moi spends quite a fair bit of time cafeing somewhere in Orchard Road and yes, this mall's ownership has just opened up moi's eyes to what I have blogged about today.

And a couple of blokes hanging out here are rousing moi's suspicions. Even the foreign cleaner is not exempt. Then at this supermart, moi bumps into two high-powered business people here.

One is balding (hey I really wasn't referring to you as the balding vulture in my story the other time) and the other is just an old bloke who once lived in the biblically war-town country of Israel.

I am really scared, what with witnessing a collision between a cab and a car on the road just the other night.

P.S: If you are really watching moi, tell moi what you think of his hair and new face now. Prettier? And if you wanna kill moi, why don't you just leave the killing to moi himself when he hits 60 years old and above? That's a better deal, ain't it?