Monday, July 10, 2006

Thank You For Not Smoking

Yes! I am getting careless with me language. I have been noticing it meself. I mean I meant a couple of things when I said them but somehow the words tumbled out wrongly. You would have noticed them by now, I suppose. I have also got a few facts wrong and me spelling is atrocious now. Primary school teachers, you would be ashamed of moi!

Without being too paranoid, you would be a dear now, won't you and be your own editor. Ok? *Flutters eyelashes and do a sexy belly-hoop.

Well if you are wondering why I am doing what I am doing, you have every right to know, for sure. Thing is, I have been noticing the gals quite a fair bit recently, from head to toe and back again. I am trying to catch on to their dress sense so moi can copy them. So please excuse me, won't yer! I ain't exactly hitting upon your beaux but just "noticing stuff" ok.

The whole bevy of Singapore Idol wannabes had a recent screening of their personal selves on air-time. Each had a little intimate part of themselves to share with the audience. I think it is gonna be a real tough contest, especially among nearly all the male participants, who have unusually strong vocals.

Jonathon struck the most strident chord with me , what with his patting his crinkled old dog whom he "sleeps around" alot with. If he can love his beastly-looking pet so much, I reasoned, I could actually be his dog anytime, bunking in the back of his trailer. Won't you take me in please? *Flashes forlorn and doleful look.

Perhaps all the bisexuals in the world would like to have a go at moi. If I am so hideous and deformed (as some envious souls would have you believe - a classmate once remarked unkindly about moi's face being infested with craters - CRUEL yea? And some of the yucky-looking gays flatly turned me down too - what a Freudian twist!!), wouldn't this be a kind of repulsive-conversion therapy for them?

This is mutualism. I get my kick. You get your conversion.Wouldn't I be doing my little part for saving the world from extinction and death? *Think about that.

I am also shell-shocked that nobody in the music industry had the audacity to interview Norman Then, a idol finalist, with this one killer line:

"Norman, Norman, Norman, tell me: How was the Norman Then and now?

I have been looking at myself in the mirror and it doesn't look too good. My hair is way too long and harried for its own good. I am trying to keep my hair on me upper lips and chin. I think I am actually beginning to look scruffy. Plus, my eyes are kinda red from wearing the contacts and my gym workouts must be depleting me protein so much, I have dark circles round my eyes, making me look like Count Dracula of Transylvania.

So perhaps putting on make-up may help a wee bit?. Any beautician reading this article now?

Of course moi is doing his bit for the economy. The $1.75 moi spends on a bus trip or train ride, goes into the official coffers as revenue which in turn goes into buying that nice ,neat little gantry point at another highway which then collects more income from deficiting some motorists' cashcards. Isn't this the "economy"?

Best of all there is no leak. It is all kept onshore. That means everyone in the economic loop of things benefits. So whoever says I am not economically productive?

I have been swamped by loyal fans of me blog to divulge just a little of what me Dark Ages were. Right. Just to let you in on a bit, let us just say I was hypnopompic during the Dark Ages. Would this juicy bit do for the moment?

Luck has really nothing to do with most things. Skill, savvy, design, following proper operating procedures, quality and so on, often do. I hope we all remember this. If it was a ticky-tacky in the first place, don't expect that wardrobe to last very long. Or SUPERMAN's limbs.Or even that nice camera phone back cover you got.

I have just finished watching this great American movie titled above (though I have twisted it a little). I think everyone must watch this to know what is really happening around us. Touted as a corporate ad social satire, it contains elements of political satire too. A must watch to make us aware of how men have unnaturally created problems for themselves.

Just one last thought before I head off for the gym and it does hold up hope for some delicious eye-treats or more. If I have to live the life of someone else, then I might as well be that someone else right? Then I wouldn't be me. Isn't this correct?

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