Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cravings And Capitalism, Both With A Capital "C"

You just won't believe me if I told you that I have found yet another WIFI hotspot to blog and it is ABSOLUTELY free.

You can expect more frequent blogs provided the CORPORATE EAGLES do not decide to chase moi away for taking up way too much of their advertising space on the web meant for their cinema patrons to log on.

If they do, I just won't watch another movie among its chain of cineplexes then. How is that for tic-for-tac?

I am craving for a walk and a stretch in some parks or nature reserve. As a matter of fact, I am already protein and nature starved. Let me explain.

My gym workouts have since been fantabulous. But I think I am prolly not having enough protein or something so I have recently been plagued with "chronic fatigue syndrome". After all, the gymmers do gulp down their regular ration of whatever protein concoction they have stirred themselves.

It is just too bad the public gyms do not have as comprehensive a range of equipment to work the body parts as do the gyms in town. I don't think I can afford the pricey memberships, really.

However getting to the gyms in town ain't so nice an experience either.

First there is that BIG CRUSH at the train stations as always.

Second, jostling with all that people and sitting or standing pretty still or crammed amidst a sea of unsmiling, stern and in some instances vacuous-looking commuters (a nation of cataleptics, mutes and catatonics?) can only send one bad vibe after another.

Third all manners of good protocol get tossed out the window as soon as you have to claw your way into and out off the trains. You get sucked into the whirpool of bad behavior and discourtesy too. There is no other way.

Which makes moi yearn for those long walks moi has been taking at our parks. Any park must have a reasonable expanse of water. Water is therapy. Drenched in the rain, splashing about or just immersing yourself in what is essentially combinant 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen detoxifies, destresses, rejuvenates and exhilarates.

I would rather soak in the sun, the water and the natural sights, wouldn't you?

But as I have whinged about the gear-up changeover, you should understand how inconveniently inconvenient that is. If you were going to shop or work, you don't want to work up a sweat in your stilts or pantsuits for sure. But how are you gonna go on the train, bus or malls reeking of body or armpit odor?

Moreover, the whole place is blasting with artificially created but extremely cold air. It is almost like winter in sub-zero temperatures in some places here.

What an irony! I would rather be out in the sun, sea, blah blah blah, but this means I must be able to walk there to enjoy it first, profusely perspiring and bypassing the Northern and Southern Hemispheres where Singapore is. Muahahahahaha.

If I want to visit the Arctic or Antartic regions to shop, eat or catch a show, then I do so in me tight jeans and high-collared polos. To shield meself from the cold, the really really really freezing cold.

How come if we are so inclusive, so many of us are not included in so many things? I mean singles can only own a piece of public housing at a ripe old age of 35. Half his life is gone anyway and short of tottering on a cane, he may even have kicked the bucket, going by the grim statistics for a healthy living male.

I am dating again if you wanna call it that. I got rebuffed of course several times by wimps. And it does seem to be wimps who are doing this to moi. A real man wouldn't.

I mentioned Jonathon (whoops, is this right? I know I got Mathilda's wrong the last time, sowwi, dearie) Leong and his dog. Jon, you must be a hell of a fella to be among the few who actually go back to school to call on a former teacher. This is quite moving. Don't worry about moi. Moi may be an old dog but you can teach this old dog new tricks.

I also mentioned dudes donning pretentious spectacles. It is certainly more of a kaleidoscopic cum new age fashion statement more than the intelligentsia they aspire to be. They do look cute in these and moi's heart is set on fire.

The one thing I have been noticing about gals is that the nail varnish nowadays is no longer confined to the monotone red or pink ones of days gone by (if I continue to blog about the past like that and comparing it to the now, I think I might as well be Cliff Richard or Neil Sadaka). It has migrated to an assortment of colors which can be splayed, mottled or speckled in two or more hues with various motifs. I personally like a blue with a sterling-silver speckled floral motif.

Each movie I watch is a blog in itself. But I can't afford that kinda time,money or space. Thus I am really not doing them the full justice nor credit they deserve .

Just so you have some inkling of an idea, Cloris Leachman (Scary Movie 4)and Rob Lowe (Thank You For Smoking) were stars in their own right once upon a time (here I go again penning history). Cloris played her catatonic role superbly and Rob is so "youthful" after all that ravages of time?

For a knock-out stunner, the China-born actor looks real cute and bulgy in his knickers (430, which could be a conundrum when you ask for the movie and the ticketer thinks you want that time slot but keep insisting you specify the film title instead). So much for the myth that their pants are pulled up to the navel or nipples.

We assume everyone is gonna enjoy their Golden Years in relative good health. Unfortunately, I say, if we don't do the things we want now, we may never get to do them at all in our twilight years. We may not have the blessings of health on our side. *Think about it although I don't have the statistics.

Awww. Fans have been looking like a blur, claiming they can't spot moi's mistakes in his blogs. Ok ok ok. Stop bugging me. Here is a sample : Turf/tuft, adverse/averse , cross-legged and krypton is a noble gas. Some are just pure typographical errors ok. You happy now?

I know some educators are prolly holding up my piece as a subject of some academic research for both good and bad language use.

Hopefully they do understand that some parts are just meant as creative humor writing (like when I use meself, me, etc) intended to enhance the dramatic effect of the English language.

At least I dare write pieces like that and I don't normally repeat a mistake twice. What do some educators do? They are so afraid of slipping up, especially in front of their charges, they recoil into a chink armor of indifference, of fearing to write, or writing within a safe distance and only limiting their roles to editing and the like. You just miss out on a whole chunk of life, I will tell you that.

Isn't it the same too with some educators, particularly at the primary school levels, to just recommend tuition for intellectually-slower students, just to take the load off their hands and the likes of people like MR HE APE reaps the economic fruits of such a move. And he isn't even providing a decent enough education for it to be called that. Sounds like passing the buck to me.

Ah yes. Hypnopompic is a big word for some.If you experience so much pain in your life, watching your personal and family life crumble right before your eyes, I guess the only way is to withdraw and float into beautiful thoughts, tuning out all the negativity and bad karma. How do you achieve that must surely then to be in hibernation, suspended animation or alternating between sleep and awakening right?

By the way, karma is about the sum of all your good and bad actions in your former lives culminating into the net result of your present life. If you have bad karma now, you have had bad actions previously. So it isn't about doing good in the present because that only prepares you for the next life. Certainly not for the here and now.

If I wanna change my bad karma now, I prolly have to go back in time to change all the bad actions. Hope we all get this right, like we haven't when we confuse a kayak with a canoe. Someone please invent a time-machine!

Well I forgot about that tidy sum I have re-invested into the economy. Doesn't that enable realtors to build more real estate and therefore create more jobs and wealth? What about that other bit with our financial institutions? Doesn't that help seed some start-ups and again spawn employment? I am a loyalist ,am I not, in pumping back into our very own economy and not ploughing back elsewhere? *Chew on this.

There are about a million ideas swimming in me head for creation and innovation, just waiting for industry, commerce, science and academia to tap into. As I can't blog down ALL of what is happening to or sparking moi's neurons, these little bright bulbs will just lie dimming, dimming and eventually get snuffed out.

What a fucking waste! Don't you think?

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