Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I Slept With Superman. Now I Wanna Sleep With Army Hunk

Superman I Love You
Well for a moment, I did. I mean sleeping in with him. I cuddled him. But after some time, he began to smell plasticky and he was cold, being the chemical polymer that he was. In a brief second of crannyness and diabolicism, I twisted his head the other way and his legs another way so that SUPERMAN was facing in all the wrong directions.

It was bozoic, I can tell you that. And SUPERMAN can't sit very well either. His legs are stiffened by his chocolate red hard shell of an underwear. He can only afford a 45 degree decline which would surely be back for his spine. Oh shucks! What was his divine creator thinking when he made him?

As it is, it was already hell trying to cut him loose from his bondage, trying hard not to slash him while doing this. His cuffs were strong wired steel. He had tattooed holes running the whole length behind his body and a butthole. Yes, you heard me right, a butthole. Now why would a butthole be planted so insiduously save for the intentions of a sex loon who must have been maniacally obssessed.

When I was through with SUPERMAN, I had him tethered to the bed post. Well ok, not exactly tethered but just standing guard over me. Like someChinese door gods or those stone-carved lions keeping watch at the gates.

SUPERMAN's fearsome knitted brow and wry smile carved out into a powerful musculature would be a deterrent to even the most industrious of hardcore Alcatraz escapees.

SUPERMAN, with you by my side, who needs MR ARMY HUNK.

Mr Amry Hunk
By the way, there could be other possibilities why ARMHY HUNK had left moi high and dry. ( a) he isn't into moi (b) he is scared because moi came on too strong the other day and feared he would be ravished (c) he forgot to open his mail and reply.

Whatever the reasons, please just reply, MR ARMY HUNK. I NEED YOU though I now have SUPERMAN.

But with TWO SUPERMEN bunking down with him, moi can only rest at greater ease at night when he hits the sack. Shouldn't he?

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