Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Homophobes And Repression

Who is autistic? Not moi!

See I am not autistic. When I am within close range of somebody, like a hairdresser, I start yakking, almost non-stop even. I probe and ask questions . Hell! MR HAIRDRESSER may even think I am just a hair's breadth short of being a real busy-body.

But look at the things I found out. This salon, which was my haunt for a while way back in time, has now split up into two, apparently from a fall-out between its two partners. They have equally divided the salons, with one staking out its half with a intoto new name.

Who is homophobic? Not moi again!

I guess it is the whole culture permeating our society here. Most guys gotta have a sado-macho outlook, brimming with testerone, to qualify himself as a REAL man. The less he talks the more macho he is (maybe austism has nothing to do with it).

What if he opens his golden mouth and he actually has a high-pitched tone? Or worse, what if he talks like moi? (Cue: split your sides, roll on the floor, wallow in the grime and dirt and laugh your tight buns off)

Hell, I was a homophobe myself once. I mean society bashes us for whatever reasons. I don't wanna be caught hanging around groups of sissies in ma school. Nor do I want to be picked on . I dont exactly have a pretty-boy face and could easly be mistaken for a straight guy.

I even pretended I have done galls in. But secretly I was frequenting gay haunts and having a real GAY time! Muahahahahaha.

Imagine the hell if moi just as much as raise an eyebrow or crane his neck 10 degrees just so to have a peripheral good look at a HOTTIE. I would be dragged away, have my fingers crushed and crucified on the cross for the sake of my sorrowful passion, that is for sure. It will be GOOD FRIDAY all over again.

So can you blame us for all the sado-macho and indifferent act we all put on, especially the buffy gymmers (Oo, which I really like). This is seriously REPRESSION. Repression which makes us the catatonics we ALL are today (at least for a generation of us, I am glad to see the Generation NExt more open in many respects) . And long-term repression can only be irreparably harmful to our mind, heart and soul.

Therefore it is important I have that special someone now where I can just express my sexual self freely, uninhibited and unrepressed.

Who likes kiddos? Moi!

Not too long ago, a young mother bundled up her little son in a cloth cradle and took him, along with his sister, on a trip to the train station. While riding the escalator, he was fully facing me in his sack. I couldn't help pulling funny faces on him and this little boy actually cackled.

The same thing happened with a girl who sat on his dad's laps. She looked so much like a barbie doll with huge sparkling eyes and very lively.

Gee whiz! I didn't realise kids their young age have such powers of vision and observation. That tells us that kids are very much alive in any environment and watching our every move . They are just taking in all that they see, hear and feel and one fine day, WALA, they become what they imbibe! Like Charlie's Angels or SUPERMAN.

You know what? I think it is ok. After all if most caregivers are women and they do spend disproportionately more time with their kids, then wouldn't sons be in real grave danger? *Chew on that.

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