Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My Dear Gay Brethen At The Gym Or Anywhere Else For That Matter

This gym is really something else. My perception is that it is probably a 100% gay crowd with some in transition. There are just too many gorgeous looking hunks for the whole gym not to be overcome by a hot gay nuclear cloud. There is something about the eyes and the gait and the whole works which oozes gayishness.

There were just too many pairs of eyes, dreaming and looking. You sense them following your very move. Your mind can just as easily drift along with theirs. That peacock strut. Everyone looking for something. Except moi that is. At least not during the workout. But possibly after.

I have seen some familiar faces from moi's past life. Golly! You mean they are still at it. Guess the same goes for me too but I just kinda started after a decade of nothingness.

I can't figure out why we can't just start something up. Like a "hello" and so on. And then go from there. It isn't easy, I suppose. I find it hard too.

But look at it this way. If we don't try, we are still gonna be at it till we grow our little white hair. The Malays have this phrase : "Sampai tua" (till old) or the Chinese would say : "Tang kuh kuh" (wait long long). Do we want ourselves to be caught in this highly unenviable position? No right?

I don't feel very comfortable working out amidst so many of my fellow gay brethen, frankly. I can't concentrate when everyone is so good-looking, as if this isn't a superlative enough. It gets very distracting. Above all, I don't have such a hot bod as they do. I feel small.

I do goggle sometimes of course. I can't work out very well. And I need the workout, trust me.

I wanna get to know some. But I sense an aloofness. A wall. Can't seem to be able to break through.

Can you help? I have only two more days here before I vanish intoto.

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