Monday, July 24, 2006

Superman I Am Coming For You

I have to explain myself, I guess. When I did what I did at the reservoir, it was certainly for eye therapy. First, I did have a stroke of chronic fatigue syndrome for a whit while and second, the hunks were all so ravishing, my eyes smart just from gawping so much. I will stare at water anytime, wouldn't you? You wouldn't find me staring at parliamentarians sitting at a round table, shooting their mouths off, that is for sure.

When I said "new" gym, I meant it was a switch from the last one I worked out in. It isn't as if it was a newly built one. I think you could say it was just new old gym.

So when dogsbodies ask if I work at a specific time of the day, I reply: "Yeah, I work....out."

I am crestfallen. MR ARMY HUNK hasn't caught on to my electronic mail addressed to him. That can only mean one of several things : He is (a) bethrothed (b) married (c) bisexual (d) straight or (e) plain fuck. You had me tethers and now this.

Of English And More

I chanced upon this dude schooling in a Madrasah. His command of the English language was simply superb. I was awed. I discovered that this did not happen from school. Rather, it was his own love for the language which led him to do his own reading and so on which made him head and shoulders above his contemporaries.

He is so much like me . We both did poorly for our mother tongue but superiorly better in the English language. A senior writer in the ST hit the nail on the head on the subject with her well-written piece headed "The TV My Tutor".

Another frightful thought entered my consciousness. All guys are in their all-natural state save for the handful who are stage artistes. Gals, on the other hand, pile on tonnes of foundation, concealer and compact, have their eyebrows plucked and redrawn (tattooed even - hey, this was all the rage at one time) , put on false eyelashes and god-knows-what-else. Can we be sure we are getting what we think we are seeing through our eyes? Remember those "before' and "after" pictures? Frightening, isn't it?

Daniel, Gimme A Break
Well, yeah. This guy can drive me nuts sometimes. All my encounters with him are over rent and utility bills. I am not gonna put down a deposit, not when some furniture, as far as I can see, are some real cheapos and then have you offsetting "damage" against the said deposit.

I am not paying for any utilities anymore because you are the one always at home (because you aint working no more and prolly living in the bosom of your family, a real MOMMA or PAPA's boy), using the air-conditioner 24/7, the computer, washing, etc. I am not footing what is essentially your utility bill.

So I do wash my stuff and have a change of clothes too at this place. But this is about all I do.

I had hoped I could lay my head down on the bosom of MR ARMY HUNK but now that his abundant bosom does not seem to be on hand anymore, I guess I will have to fall back on SUPERMAN.

He-Ape Is An Educator?
The WYSIWYG entry got me remembering how He-Ape's 'school' materials were all back-dated by several years, maybe more. Imagine teaching this to kids now. And perhaps because of some kickbacks (what else can it be in this age of our 'economy') , he is so fond of this one publisher whose publications are so full of errors, it is astounding nobody has vetted them?

I mean , hey, I am all for making mistakes. But to realise this and print an erratum or not to repeat them again would be in order. But to allow these mistakes to repeat over 19 years is too much to ask, don't you agree?

Well I have my entries deleted in someone's blog (you know who you are) . The funny thing is that I could only think of a funny punchline :"....I am beginning to think I am deleterious."

Superman, I Think I Am Buying You Up
I have finally decided. I will buy him up once I find a suitable piece. The one I saw had scratch marks on it. That would spell certain disaster as superman clawed means superman disfigured. And no right-minded DC comic hero should ever suffer this indignation. Not when you are supposed to be SUPERman, right?

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