Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Dick A Day Maketh A Man

Look me in the eye and say this: "YOU ARE A DISGUSTING WHORE!"

Yeah right. It just shows that you do not know me well enough.

I may be blogging about hunks everywhere on my weblogs but when it comes to the crunch, I always believe that every guy has to find his own true natural body shape and tone. It looks beautiful on you if you just work on its natural definition and it doesn't have to be the rippling deltoids, latissimus or trapezius that all the muscle magazines would have you believe it should be.

For example, I find the track and field athletes' bodies to be sinewy and a bit on the scrawny side but they are beautiful nonetheless. The smooth and unblemished skin tone add to the gleam. On the contrary if your body tone is too well-sculpted with chunks of ab muscles showing, it may be a tad unnatural, bulky and hard.

And of course there is the penis which defines who we are. Made up of erectile spongy tissues that erect into varying lengths when flushed with blood, this male sexual organ is GOD's gift to humankind for admiration, adoration , fellatio and for butting into buttholes. So can you blame moi if I google a bit more in the showers or changing rooms the moment this LJ makes its debut? Muahahahaha. BURP.

And there is this one other thing you have to know about me. I dont make many U-turns, be it a bad relationship I have had or a company I have worked for. What is over, to me, is truly over and done with.

I also take this opportunity to clear the air. I said girls can be heart-thumpers for me but that doesn't mean I will love them or something. I only like the way they could decorate themselves like that satorially, imagily and so on (and I am hoping to cross-dress and emulate them *wink).

I also enjoy bitchy shows starring galls in them. It is ok just as long as I can watch from a distance, in the safety of my home, and have a few hearty laughs over the entertainment they provide. I can also be a distant friend of theirs of course. Really distant. Like a couple of thousand of kilometres or more.

But working or living with one 24 hours isn't funny. I watch only so I can model them to beat them at their own game or to fend off some dudes (the wimpy ones). So I hope you get this right.

Instant fame and success, is this fair and does this teach our young the wrong values about not having to work hard and so on? So goes a new TV program's questioning line. As far as I am concerned, there is seriously nothing wrong with this.

Young wunderkids have skipped grades, attended universities beyond their age and performed at world-renowned musical concerts. They must have that 90% raw talent plus a 10% luck and effort doo-dah to make the cut. So why deny them this. If it is real talent, it will eventually be recognised.

Hard work gets you nowhere sometimes. Isn't our education system a fine example. Did some of our educators get promoted on the sole bases of merit and talent or did some just get there by politicking, bootlicking, being in the principals' good books and the principals in turn on some higher-ups' good books and so on. I know for a fact She-Ape sucked up so much to He-Ape and she has no talent whatsoever other than her rotund belly which she could do a hoola-hoop if she would just try. That would be her one and only raw talent.

We would, as usual, attribute anything to luck. It isnt. As the movie "Just My Luck" would testify, luck has nothing to do with it almost all the time.

If a hotspot on the road is perenially plagued by accidents, it has nothing to do with luck or ghosts or anything. It could possibly be the design of the road which makes it a blind spot. I remember this blind spot at a particular junction where a bus bay and a parking lot cross paths. It is just crying out for people to ram their vehicles into one another.

My little statistical doo-dah of a 10%-80%-10% (like boys only - like both boys and girls - like girls only) cross-gender intercourse may , if looked at in a different way , be kinda frightening.

Imagine for a moment that the 80% decided they wanted to stick with just one sexuality for the moment (hey for all we know, it could turn permanent too), we would at any one moment in time, have an entire 90% of the population engaging in just one-sex intercourse. How do you like that? That would be like you venturing into a coffee-shop and there is a 90% chance you get hit on by someone of your own sex. I suggest to ward off unwanted sexual advances that you wear crash helmets and put on super groin armour guards to protect your weakest link. Muahahahahaha. BURP.

I wouldn't mind owning a unit at the estate where I am living now. The 15-year plan could hopefully be fast-forwarded somehow. Since there are plans to dam up the river to make it a reservoir, I suggest that a million beavers be released into the wild to help the process of damming. Beavers are famous for doing this well and in record-time too.

Royston Tan's film "430" had such a dark theme, I was horrified and cringing throughout the show. Its depiction of two protagonists who share parallel predicaments, one addicted to smoke, beer and sleeping pills and the other to codeine, undergoing the pain of loneliness, abandonment and struggling with life's every moment of twists and turns, reached into the psychological innards of our very inner sanctum. The murky ending didn't help either. We would have preferred a happy ending for sure.

I could identify with some elements in its plot and I shiver at how Royston had managed to rake up unpleasant memories of one's past. Royston, you made a film true to your heart that wasn't meant to be a mainstream, commercial, box-office hit. Scary!

I finally got to watch "SUPERMAN RETURNS". It had a well-paced plot with just the right amount of action bonanza. But the beginning of the show was almost like its predecessor some decades ago (after Christopher Reeves died, then did SUPERMAN make a comeback, which I suppose was out of resoect for the actor). Perhaps the reviewer was right that LOIS LANE was a bit barbie-dead in this remake. Margot Kidder was a real screamer in the earlier SUPERMAN epics.

Of course Planet Krypton doesn't exist and Kryptonite is a radioactive substance that makes SUPERMAN wobble at the knee, according to DC folklore. Truth is, krypton is a halogen and how can SUPERMAN have X-ray vision if he doesnt have a radioactive substance embedded within his crystal blue eyes? That should rightly be kryptonite then.

The Mahatir-Abdullah head-on confrontation only serves to show how politics is usually a short-lived alliance for some mutual benefits. If you remember , I have mentioned how nobody would allow himself to be handled, if only for some temporary benefits. Once that beneficient is no longer in reign, he gets dumped.

So aren't you glad you know where moi stand on most issues and you know I may not agree with some of the things you do? I dont pretend to be your friend on the surface and agree with you on everything, only to disagree at the end of it all. This is hypocritical and you have to be careful with people like that. And we have plenty of such people around.

My next blog will most likely be some dark moments in my life, especially when I was younger. Dark moments nobody knows or cares about. Royston Tan, thanks to you, these memories pop up in my head and I have to be rid of some demons after watching your movie.

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