Thursday, July 27, 2006

Superman Is With Me

I was shooting the breeze with someone, literally, as we were parked near a beach . That was how this topic surfaced. I remembered how there were the LRAC and SRAC (long and short run average cost) parabolas. How this concept applied to the real world wasn't very clear and economics is, in many ways, theoretical, with loads of models assuming some constants.

How Some Teachers Could Teach The English Language
Taking She-Ape as an example, she wasn't proficient in the English language. She could speak it fairly well but she can't write. What helped her along was some grammar book with isolated illustrations filled with ample DIY practices thereafter. Anyone can do this quite easily. However when she has to write a piece and to put together all that one has learned, she can't. Her writings have been ridden with all manner of syntactical and grammatical errors.

This clearly shows that in many instances, we can't apply our knowledge or act on it. Students would relate much better to any subject, be it Science, Math or Business Studies, if they could see the practicality of their learning.

Can A Singular Method Work For 40 Diverse Personalities In A Class?
The pedagogy, curriculum design and other aspects of education like classroom management seem to be handled by professorial staff advocating a singular methodology in our teaching academy. Given the wide array of different educational experiences such as primary school, secondary school and junior college learning, it will be bewildering that they would be expected to know how these work if they were never at the ground themselves teaching.

And with 40 or more diverse personalities in a class or lecture, can one method work? Has it even worked? Were all the discipline and management only temporal in their effects, only to have the same "problems" crop up again at some future point in time. Were they even problems in the first place or were we being overzealous in seeing them as problems when they were not?

Our vocational schools like the polytechnics do not strictly employ teachers trained in the academy. This seems to work better where industrial and practical experience count. And practical skills include life skills such as communication, reasoning, logicating, sequencing, processing, critical thinking, observational and application skills. Skills gleaned from personal experential encounters .

Singapore Idoless
This year could mark a turn of tide if Mathilda D'Silva's superb singing and dramatic performance hitherto keeps up. Even Rahimah Rahim seems to better hers every time. As the "Spectaculars" has some way to go, we can't speculate who will be the Singapore Idol just yet . But Hady, Jay, Jon, Nurul and Mat do seem to be the consistent favorites thus far. Every finalist has bettered their last, even Joakim, but with some dips in between.

Heady Encounter
Daniel, you are such a Macho Mary. Coz I refused to pay for the utility when I realised that if the meter reading wasn't askew and you stay in most of the time and I am now on a fan system and not the air-conditioner, then who is the one who must be eating up the electricity?

It was so good he called in the cops and tried to throw me out the flat. At least they could mediate and I could reason with them. Daniel, with your personality, no wonder you had a breakup with your ex-beau and you can't connect, communicate or socialise . You have my sympathies. You are probably one of the many in your generation and older who are steeped in this tradition of "autism".

I am really packing this time. I just wished our men in blue are more well versed with the law than they are now.

Of Bus Trips And More
Hot on the heels of the hike in cab fare, comes the increase in prices of bus and train rides. There is even the mooting of better bus service. It is about time. Some bus trips are two to three pages in the bus guide printed in very small fonts. These buses journey from one terminal to another, weaving in and out of several estates sometimes. This spells a time-consuming, costly and hassling ride to the commuter, not to mention what state the bus drivers will be in at the end of the toing and froing.

Success And Failure
Just as He-Ape claims credit for its students' top PSLE successes, so too mustn't he disclaim responsibility for its students who fail. For every one success, there is probably five or six other failures. I personally know of several pupils who had been with his "school" at lower secondary and who went on to vocational schools despite their dreams of making it to junior colleges and the polytechnics.

He doesn't talk about this, does he?

Cool Breeze Here
At the MRT platform, the whole place was abreeze with strong gusts. That proves that with the promontory that is the place moi is holed up now, the surrounding waters should be suffusing the entire godam place with sea breezes. But the clustering has effectively prevented this.

Superman Is Still With Me
Yes, he still very much alive. He is guarding over moi. He is gonna be a kind of mascot for me. Whenever someone tries something to harm moi, moi will be flying SUPERMAN right in front of him as a shield.

Who wouldn't fear the MAN OF STEEL with X-ray vision and super chilly breath?

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