Monday, July 24, 2006

LATEST! Superman Is In Me Bag

As I sit and blog about this, SUPERMAN has a white CARREFOUR plastic bag pulled over his head and another from his bottoms up. He is laid right next to moi, fully erected in his 30 inches of manly glory on the carpeted floor of a LAN shop.

I can't wait to get home and lay my hands on him. First off will be his cuffs which have plastered him stiff enough to the packaging box. Then I will explore his every body part thoroughly to find how if I had missed out on some things he may yet be capable of doing. His head will swirl and so will his wrists and torso. His limbs will be in all manners of transformational rotation. His cape will fly and best of all, he will rest beside moi in bed after all that hard work.

If that kinda foreplay isn't enough to tantalise us both, it will be back to the box for him.

He is gonna be a collector's item.

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