Saturday, September 29, 2007

Parochialism And Bigotry - We Are All Of Them And More

Here Is The Whole Clan Of The Next Generation
In chatting up my niece the other day, I couldn't help thinking she was the coolest cucumber in town. In fact if there should ever be a Nancy Drew detective sequel, I would pick her for the plump role.

She is one gal who distinguishes herself from the other galls I know.

I have even higher regards for my nephew, who is now working as a social worker for our prisons department after completing his Arts honours degree. The kinda low-paying, lowly status, looked down upon job but which he is slogging at because he is answering his calling.

My two other nephews are variously pursuing culinary and tourism studies, while another older nephew is actually working in the F&B trade. Both have been featured in the press.

I am sure they have done my sister proud and I am equally proud of them.

Another Wake-Up Call - Are Citizens Seriously Disadvantaged Here?
I am not sure what statehood means these days or how it has been redefined.

To me it means a certain amount of responsibility assumed by the state for ALL its citizens with regard to basics such as education, health, housing and jobs.

Increasingly, this seems to have been devolved to various private organisations. CPF monies(Medisave, Medishield and compulsory annuities) for one (it seems that the onus of healthcare have now passed to insurance companies) and even HDB concessionary interest-rate loan-outs are being outsourced to private banks.

It used to be that the HDB concessionary interest-rate loans are virtually extended to almost every citizen but now it comes with a slew of restrictions and eligibility criteria. Chief among which are the number of times you have taken such a loan and the housing subsidy, the size of your current or next flat purchased or sold, income and if you own a private, industrial or commercial property and if so, how many and do you run it yourself.

One bite of the cherry, as they always defend themselves with but as I have time and again highlighted, our SPRs (and Non-Citizens only in the resale market) seem to have multiple gos at almost every "single" (oops, pun unintended) spousal scheme we have in which they can jointly apply for a flat with a SC (Singapore Citizen) in various tenancy arrangements in both the primary and secondary market.

I am growing tired so I will not blog about the other basic responsibilities though I have briefly touched on health and jobs earlier.

Someone do the thinking and critique them.

School Rankings Based On Schools' Achievements
Yes the rankings have changed and now schools with similar "O" or "N" level academic aggregates (the L1B5 and L1B4) are banded together right along their other achievements in the various categories of best practices, academic value-add plus a host of others.

Each is graded with stars, the more boldened stars, the higher the ranking. But what each EXACTLY entails isn't really clear-cut because by just stating processes and outcomes or academic value-add simply do not define what they are.

I feel that the ranking should not have been necessary in the first place. Neither do getting the students into a flurry of signing up for various compulsory arts, sports or cca activities just to pull up the schools' rankings or gain credits.

In fact,half the 10 secondary schools who bested the table were all-girls while only 2 all-boys' schools did well enough. The rest were co-educational ones. What this means is that girls are probably better at this kinda airy-fairy, purely academic stuff and the boys' schools featured were probably wimps.

Unsound Premises On Which Are Predicated Some Of Our Policies And Thinking And This Will Bring On Long Term Disastrous Effects
It is precisely because that so many of our policies and thinking have been predicated on unsound premises and values that they signal confusion, loathe and kiasuism. The above citation is one fine example. Scoring points.

I envisage no ranking at all. But what I do envision is this: half the curriculum time being alloted to a dose of realism. That means getting students to experience, think about, write and espouse their stance and criticsms on various issues that will impact their lives even more.

Starting from schools, their schools' policies, to their jobs (part-time vacational ones for instance), the community they live in, at home, their interactions with the community and the state and its agencies and so on.

Real education for the real world

Bottoms Up - The Community Is The Devil And So You Will Deserve All That You Are Getting Now
By now I am positively sure it is the community who is at work here. They are the ones who because of various jealous streaks have agitated for what we are now beginning to see as a slew of prohibitions that are killing us the citizens and bringing in the foreigners.

If I do agitate, it will be for improvements and betterment but this does not seem to be what the rest is advocating.

Good for you people! You deserve everything you are getting now!

I Trust Myself And To Several Gods Higher Than Me
As I have warned my sisters, I will not listen to most of the coffee-shop talk that goes on. The falsities, the half truths and the untruths. The mis-information. The bad advice. The fuel to the fire.

The spirits and the gods. The superstitions. The uncles and aunties, the bengs and the lians. And a whole lot more.

Education and wealth measure nothing. Even among them, the educated and the highly educated and the rich and famous, things can be just as bad.

In myself I trust and in the God of The Information Age, The God Of Research and Of The God Of True Science And Of Logic And Good Reasoning.

Blogging Presents A Different Medium For Espousing Views That Traditional Media Shuns Or Are Afraid To Espouse
Blogs are written straight from the heart and good bloggers check their facts to ensure accuracy and up-to-dateness.

They write from experience from the ground. Usually something that journalists do not have first hand experience or knowledge of. Bloggers also write without fear and espouse viewpoints the mainstream media would not even dare think about, let alone write.

There is that element of political correctness which journalists have to observe while bloggers carry with them the "to hell with it" attitude

Bloggers can also come up with that 360 degree radical idea or proposition as opposed to the same few safe and tried standpoints that the traditionalists and conservationalists would toss around. Almost like flogging the same dead horse to its ultimate death.

So blogs play an important role if you wanna hear the true side to a story or a different, often radical but correct viewpoint or stand on an issue.

Not the same parrot parroting the same lines over and over again.

The Penal Code : Sexual Grooming
If I were to go by a reporter's article on sexual grooming, I have much to fear.

I mean I have caressed Ashley's hair more than a dozen times and ribbed him on so many occasions. I have blown into his face and variously expressed mock disgust when he mentions "galls", only to watch him squeal in delight and cracking up in laughter.

I have given him the purported gall's half of a McDonald's "Hello Kitty" toy and enunciated words in a high-pitch voice just for laughs.

Oh gosh, so is it just child's play or am I guilty of sexual grooming? Perhaps the mother would groom him worse, wouldn't she? Wouldn't Ashley pick up more of her traits than he would from me? All those women's traits?

I guess I am just carried away and being way off the mark. After all, sexual grooming is more like grooming someone for sexual exploitation like molest or rape, isn't it?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Hey People, More To Chew On Here!

Hitting The Books Again?
When I visited the webbies of our purported 4th university (until other plans to set up another are firmed up), there were two. One, it appears, has a list of its university-conferred status of academic courses while the other largely remains to be its former self.

It is this "former self" that my hopes and aspirations lie in pursuing a Business Management Bachelor's at an affordable course fees and a speedy pathway of a year or more.

I would love doing my studies at SMU but the academic calendar is too long and I don't think I qualify for any advanced standing and fees are runaway.

I don't see myself qualifying for any scholarships. Hey, I thought a Claire Chiang Economics scholarship would help defray some of the costs but I don't think I will do her justice!

I just don't have the head for too many theoretical economic models or economic mathematics.

After all, my end is just to flash a piece of paper (useless as it seems) when I graduate to help me grab a job.

A Hybrid - Liberal Arts Cum Technical/Life Skills University
So the fourth university could perhaps be a hybrid between a liberal arts and technical/life skills kinda college.

This Is Yet Another Laugh
While I was sitting across from a junior college dude, I couldn't help noticing the title of his handouts: "Market Failure, Government Intervention".

When we chatted, I found out that the syllabi had remained largely unchanged, despite indications to the contrary. They were still studying those BIG PARABOLAS enveloping SMALLER PARABOLAS and yes, the economists among their teachers haven't told them how they can apply this in the REAL WORLD.

I wanted to laugh out so loud, GOD would be tickled pink if he could hear me.

How about changing the handouts to "Market Lucrativeness And Opportunities, Government Intervention "?

The Same Few Shenanigans Over And Over Again
To me, shenanigans are the same few people or corporations that seem to dominate civil, public and corporate life.

We have seem them at work in our retail businesses - the fashion houses, the sporting houses and the food industry. To the virtual exclusion of upstarts or newstarts, which can't be a good thing for neither competitive nor "new economy" reasons.

Again shenanigans (usually pro-estab players) monopolise public and civil lives then muscle in onto private corporations going public (meaning a public listing).

They sometimes hold independent or alternate directorships and that means private/public companies are effectively pro-estab instituted shenanigan types.

Another Small Reunion
Yesterday marked another small reunion between my three sisters and me. This time it was held at my second sister's home. It has been a good two years since I have visited anyone. In fact my brother-in-law had remarked that I must have gone missing in person.

My niece is indeed in junior college. She is all grown up too and she isn't doing too well for her first year, no thanks to the kinda subject-combi stipulation that she has to take up to fulfill a minimum number of H1 and H2 subjects to make up for a pass in her promos.

As I see it, my eldest sister needs dentures, almost all of us need some form of dentitional reworking and we need a a long overdue and thorough medical check-up. In fact both my second sis and I need our eyes checked. So many things, so little money and so long a wait in time.

Everything remains about the same. There are still those suspicions and misgivings about one another and I know it is gonna be a minefield trying to steer myself clear in this sea of human dynamics.

A New Discovery - A New Town With New Facilities And A Better Lay-Out
After finishing my visit, I took a cab back home. It was late and I was tired and I had on me, a loadful of barang barang I had to cart home.

This cab took me on a straight and narrow road from Sengkang East Road to BuangKok Green and finally along the whole stretch of Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 which would see me getting "home".

Somehow this journey scuttled my plans to settle for the very old neighborhood I thought I would make my final abode.

Because right here, I found that I was sorta at the epicentre of various towns and a bus ride away to a natural reserve. Even within walking distance of many planned new facilities like a dammed up reservoir and sporting amenities.

It is a new neighborhood (thus a better layout design) but prices are sky-high. Let's see if my funds can afford me this!

The Old Ang Mo Kio
It is as if life has stood still here. Parts of Ang Mo Kio Old New Town are just like that.

There are all those very old neighborhood shops here, still running businesses the way they were and the people dressing and behaving in exactly the same period.

Neighbors still burn their joss and paper outside the five-foot-way and with flat windows facing out to the corridors, the rest of us have to bear the brunt of this onslaught.

The New Serangoon
My third sis' home has also undergone a major upgrading. One of its two lifts have been shut down and instead, the remaining one stops on every floor and another has been erected at the other end of the block.

Its corridors are so wide, too wide in fact that they have perhaps eaten into grounds which could have gone into bigger spaces for the flats' interior, as contrasted to the narrow ones at Sin Ming Road.

I can't make anything out of what our administrators are thinking about here, can you?

Both Parents Are Alive And 5 Long Years Is As Good As Being Permanent Residents Here
I ran into a China dude the other day and we chatted each other up.

I found out that a long-term pass (not those reserved for the mother or grandmother of a foreigner studying here on a student pass which is only valid for about six months) for a visitor visiting a naturalised citizen or SPR is actually 5 years.

5 years people! And when you compare the Orphan (meaning both father and mother must be long dead, you mean you can't even provide for one dead and one alive?) Citizen Scheme reserved for locals to the Citizen/SPR Siblings Scheme for a naturalised citizen or SPR, that means the Citizen/SPRs' parents (who are both alive) can visit for 5 long years!

This is twice as good if not better a deal than the Orphan Citizen Scheme. One, both sets of our parents must die and two, the Citizen/SPR Scheme can have their pair of parents visiting for 5 long years which is as good as being permanent residents.

Hey, administrators, what about cutting a better deal for your own citizens?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Reality Check

A Happy Meal Only Because Of A Mental Paradigm Shift
I had always asked after 4 pieces of McNuggets rather than the 6 or more that is in a "standard Adult" meal but was invariably told that that came in a Kids' Happy Meal package.

When Mabel told me that it is ok if I bought one and Ashley had, at various times flashed his free toy gifts, I decided that I should buy one today. And I did.

It was much cheaper at $4.60 and I wasn't ravenous enough to wolf down 6 or more pieces, so 4 was just nice. The drink was a smaller cup but the fries wasn't any much lesser.

On top of that I get a free toy gift that changes every week.

What a paradigm shift can do for one, don't you think? And I am a kid all over again!

A Matter Of A Rights Issue
My stock pick had yielded a rights issue. Two kinds of issue in fact.

One a board lot while another is an odd-lot or so it seems. If you ask me, the odd-lot (which to me would be an odd number, thus odd lots divisble by odd numbers that is) sounds no different from a board lot.

Given my free entitlement, I would have thought it qualified to be traded under either lot and after a few checks, I confirmed that it could.

I found out about the rights issue's impending listing online, a few days before what is termed "the trading of its nil-paid rights issue", a really short window period of just 10 days.

I frantically made a few calls to find out what it is all about and what I had to do. Along the way, I was informed as well as misinformed, and I miscalculated my sums too.

It was a 1 for 4 rights issue and from my mothershare holdings, I was able to determine my entitlement. And it was a kind of free giveaway shares too. I was told the subscription was compulsory when the truth of the matter is that I could let the offer lapse.

I wasn't the least bit interested to subscribe for them, as I feel I have more than sufficient of its main stock, but I was certainly keen to dispose of my free entitlement which will yield me some profit for nothing.

More information came to light when I picked up its rights offering prospectus and this was made available only after the trading period started.

So much for all the hassle the past ten days because the whole exercise came to nought when there were no buyers for my lots.

You Aint The Owner, Aunt Sally, So Wassup?
I paid Aunt Sally a deposit for a room, a room I will occupy only in the first week of October.

We flashed our IDs and she is obviously a Singaporean.

She claims ownership of the flat but she travels to KL to help her daughter look after their shop and she is only in Singapore two days every month.

Thus I had to be extra careful . I mean she could just disappear with my money and so what if she had given me her two Singapore mobile numbers and a Malaysian one? They can keep ringing or get answered by an answering machine and how am I to even trace her to her Malaysian shop and residence.

After we signed the lease agreement (and she had no copy for me to take away), she remained mostly uncontactable once she was in KL.

When I checked and found out that the house belonged to a single woman, I had to stop payment on the deposit cheque, just as a precautionary measure.

She rang to say that the cheque did not go through, I excused myself on the grounds that there must be some discrepancy in writing out the cheque and reconfirmed my tenancy.

She told me she needed the money to buy an electric iron and prompted me to purchase one for her as it is now within the promotional period. I checked and found out that it is out of stock.

Let us see what happens in the days ahead.

Security LoopHole No 1 - A Question Of Real Identity
Yes people, we can now check on who owns a public flat. It is an online thingy. Unfortunately the information can be misleading.

For example, a married couple owner should rightfully be addressed with the salutations Mr and Madam. I am not sure what is the criterion our tax people use but couples have been variously labelled Mr and Miss or Mr and Madam.

Single females have been duly salutated as Miss and there is no confusion here.

After we got that right, we now have to verify that the people occupying the places are who they claim to be. One way is examine their identity cards but seriously folks, some of the photographs may look so different from the person standing right in front of you.

I mean a person can change his appearances because of a change of hairstyle or hair color or hair length or of a matter of being with or without glasses or of weight or of age.

So who can tell?

But if it is a fake, meaning that another person's photograph has been superimposed on another person's identity card, you have no way of telling them apart, can you? You just have two persons running around with the exact same personal particulars.

Remember the case of Chris the last time? That could well be what has transpired, couldn't it?

Matters get worse if we only have duplicates because so many things can be altered.

Security LoopHole No 2 - A Matter Of Keying In Or Signing Off Once You Get Hold Of Someone's Visa Card's Particulars Or ChequeBook
Once you get hold of someone's visa card's particulars (and you don't even need the original, just copy and write down or photocopy), you just have to key in all the personal and visa card information presented on it to pay for almost any online transactions.

The same goes for a chequebook if you can forge the owner's signature.

Praise God For Higher Gods - The God Of The Internet And Of The God Of The Computer Age
Seriously, it is to the Internet and in part to the Information/Computer Age and our national efforts to fully computerise and go online (e-government as they termed it) that I owe the debt of receiving the gift of easily accessible and available electronic databases.

If I want to read up on our statutes or learn about a certain policy, I had to buy them or telephone or call on a government officer back then. Sometimes you could be mislead or misinformed if an officer is not well-versed, trained or well-informed.

Nowadays, we have, on hand, most information we need, like say haematuria or urinary incontinence. Of course nothing beats experience and that is exactly the knda reality dosage I am being hit with time and again these days.

It was in trying to hunt down a public flat for myself that I came across a string of discriminatory policies that discriminate on the bases of marital status, parentage and nationality.

Experience is the mother of all learning, as the sages would tell you.

It used to be when I board a taxi that the uncle cabby would be the one whinging but NOW, from the moment I board to the moment I alight, I would be the one furiously spitting bile and vile.

A Small Reunion
Yesterday I met up with my three sisters.

It was a small reunion of sorts. The sorta returning to the fold as I have blogged about. Except that big brother isn't there. He is the outcast for the moment.

My third sis still keeps her 19 cats. My two nephews are fully-grown. My second sister and eldest mute sister have aged and put on weight quite a bit but apart from all that, we seem to be in relatively good health and condition.

We went for lunch at a nearby coffee-shop, had a feast and cabbed down to Ya Kun Kaya Toast much later for tea and chatted mostly about how we were keeping and about Big Brother.

It is a beginning and we will probably have many more of these small reunions.

Monday, September 24, 2007

More Thoughts

More Notes On Uproot, Marginalise And Replace
I am all for good foreign talent. Or replacement. But are we getting this?

For instance, the beng at BlueHeaven should be replaced. He should be kicked out of Singapore, deported to Siberia and sentenced to hard labor there. But will he ever?

It is precisely people like him - the low-life, despicable and dastardly henchies and commies (meaning working capitalist pigs and commercial fascists), the old, bad, traditionalists, the ritualists, the illogicians, the wicked reasoners, the superstitious - that should be replaced.

Throw in all the rest of the gang : Psycho, Bulldog, He-Ape, fake 'educators' and so on.

But they are not.

The Two-Prong Electoral Strategy Of Big Blather
I think they sense the resistance and revolt brewing on the ground.

So on one hand, they take in the low-skilled Third Worlders and on another hand, the high-end, highly skilled and rich overseas visitiors.

In between there will be those middle-end ones, like us, on top of our foreign guest brethen, sandwiched and trapped.

At both ends of the spectrum, the lowest tailend, will find here a haven when they compare the deal they have back home while at the highest topmost end, they find themselves in paradise too.

Slowly but surely, they go from permanent residents to naturalised citizens and they have voting rights.

Guess what, these will form the pillar of support for BIG BLATHER's general election win, again and again.

An Open Letter To Generation X Y And Z
When I see you mugging your heart out for exams, I cannot but feel for you.

I know it is all so academic and exam-focussed here but hey, you will be sorely disappointed when you get out there in the REAL world. It doesn't operate on a single shred of academic work.

For one, if you have only a GCE O, N, A or even a vocational certificate and all kinds of diplomas will find yourself at a serious disadvantage. Even if you boast a basic degree or a masters, you will find that you are just ONE among the many these days. Simply put, there just aren't enough jobs for everybody.

For the kinda money you spent on your education, you may find your starting pay varying from one industry to another. So the return may not be what you expect. In other words, you are not earning the kinda wages you expect for the kinda investment you put in.

Then there is the question of landing a job upon graduation. The waiting time varies and you will be the lucky few if you clinch a job before or immediately upon graduation.

You may not work in the industry you studied for, nor the job you studied for or covet. They are usually in short supply or even non-existent.

After you are settled in for a couple of years, you may find your job in danger of being snatched away from a younger or foreign competitor, at a much lower wage.

You are just one of a batch that will be used and abandoned after a certain time frame. The next batch barges in and you are out. And so the whole cycle repeats itself.

My heart goes out to you. It is time you wake up, kiddos!

First World Prices And Costs, Second World Living Standards, Third World Wages
Yesterday's Sunday Times featured several articles on some families who either squandered or depleted their CPF savings.

There is no need to dwell on the fritterers but the ones who spent theirs on just basic necessities and so on, paints a clear picture how insufficient the CPF is as a savings kitty for retirement.

Simply put - wages (thus savings) are not keeping up with costs (cost of food, transport - bus fares are going up again in October - houses, taxes and so on) and worse, any investment these days are not yielding sufficient returns to hedge against inflation.

Unless these are resolved, the problem remains unsolved.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

What A Mess - Some Solutions?

Kiddos, Wake Up, Will You?
I have spoken to a couple of kiddos and yes, they sound like those squeaky-voiced, foolish, little twirps living in a useless, academic-laden and exam-oriented world of their own, seeing no further than the distance between the bridge of their noses and the textbooks and ten-year series they are holding up.

First they are totally oblivious of what is happening around them. Second I had one citing how everyone else is doing it so we should follow suit.

So if I must use an old childish rebuff my teachers used to scold us with, then it must be this: If somebody eats shit, so you eat shit also har?

Half The Time Set Aside For Real Education (Somewhere Towards The Middle To High School Stages Of Education)
And as I am advocating, sure let us teach academic subjects like Maths and Science but the curriculum has to be tempered with perhaps half its time set aside for a dose of realism like getting in touch with the real world?

Near Perfect PSLE Scores, Ain't This? Anything Above 90% And Yes, Those 9A1s?
Well it is a near perfect or almost perfect PSLE aggregate score, isn't this? I mean I had asked around and someone told me he scored 274 (that is 91% out of a perfect 300) and I believe a high of 286 had ever been had in the PSLE exams.

Oo, don't forget the 9A1s?

Here Is More Proof Of "Foreigners" (True-Blue Foreigners And Permanent Residents -Naturalised Citizens Are Already One Of Us) Buying Up Our Public Flats And I Am Only Talking About The Resale Market
The Non-Citizen, Non-Citizen Family and the Orphans Scheme. Wait, in fact ALL schemes are extended to SPRs (whoa, aren't they just getting more than not one, not two but a manifold bites of the cherry).

Now contrast the Orphan scheme with the Citizen/SPR siblings scheme (which as its name implies extends to SPRs but of course).

You have to be an orphaned and unmarried citizen along with another similarly unmarried sibling to qualify for the Orphans Scheme while the Citizen/SPR siblings scheme has both their parents (who are non-citizens and non-permanent residents) alive. And two SPR siblings can apply!

What a poor and bad deal we single citizens are getting? Our parents have to be dead first before we can buy under this scheme.

So what privileges are citizens (single or married) getting?

Strangely they allow miscegenation between citizens/non-citizens and SPRs for all their spousal schemes (which is almost like very "single' scheme - oops double entendred) but there isn't any for a single citizen and a single SPR/or single non-citizen.

We only have Single Citizen and Joint Single Citizens.

How about extending those same schemes to singles?

Now For The Primary Market New Flats
Again the SPRs are included in all the schemes here.

But wait, orphaned single Citizens can jointly buy up flats here. Ok, so we are one up here.

Even More Proof How Foreigners Find It So Easy To Visit Or To Be Employed Here
A long term social visit pass for visitors (meaning foreigners) to find employment here.

And the same long term social visit pass for the parents, the spouse and the children of a SPR or citizen (meaning naturalised citizen) who is either studying or working here.

I am trying to determine the period of long term stay but I guess it is 6 months or more.

And now, there is even a personalised employment pass (or a working holiday pass as it is popularly known) issued for 6 months to foreigners who graduate from our local tertiary institutions in between jobs here.

Ombuddy, O Bloody, O Bladda (Part Of An Old Song) And An Independent Council Of Wise Men I have advocated an ombudsman in the light of the many policy grievances and misgivings the public and even corporations may have or have suffered.

It could be a kinda independent Council (and please enough of pro-estab shenigans, we want totally neutral, fresh-faced, new and all perspectived, holistic, able and analytical people here) who will establish the facts and then put right the wrongs and impose a penalty on the said agencies or whateva.

In fact I am not sure if such an independent Council (on top of our legislative assembly?) should not be put in place right at the start to scrutinise policies, correct or veto them if found wrong and so on before they even come onto the market to impact the rest of us.

Someone just isn't doing their job well or well enough, I feel.

Have We Really Learnt From Our Mistakes And Why Administrators Can't Commit Too Many Mistakes
Well judging by some of our public housing projects, even today the same kinda design flaws are being repeated, it seems.

So have we learnt?

And we can't afford too many mistakes because we, at the ground level, have to bear with and suffer the consequences of your mistakes and we suffer.

More Proof Of Sensors And Circuitry Going Awry
I dropped my mobile phone the other day and guess what, it isn't running very well anymore. The day I dropped it, its swivel had come loose and there were all this flashing of lights on the buttons which had since subsided.

Now the battery goes flat very quickly and usually within a day and it shows different percentages of its battery life (from low to high and back to low again sometimes) all the time.

In other words it had short-circuited, much like what I had mentioned about sensors going awry.

Vagaries Of A Log On Even Today
And yes, even today, at different branches of Mcdonalds, they turn up a different set of log on problems. Like at CCK, I can't connect at all on the one occasion I visited.

Even at my regular spot, I sometimes get back that Certificate Security Error Page and if you remember my earlier blogs, I have to click the "not recommended" option to get to the logon page.

Make It A Short-Term Optional Annuity That Can Be Bought Anytime
The final word on the CPF compulsory annuity for those aged below 50 is this: You can't force the people to buy one at age 55 and then expect them to wait out 30 years before they can withdraw a monthly stipend at age 85.

That is too long a time and yes, you may claim that that is what a pooling of resources is all about - a longer period to justify a certain return and payout sum.

But truth is: that is just too long and there is now the question of inflation eating into the returns (as if the cost of living outstripping wages and savings haven't proven time and again) and of people not living beyond age 85, only to see their retirement money dissipate JUST like that.

A more equitable way is to have a 5 year (preferably much lesser) kinda annuity which the retiree can buy at any point he deems necessary in the course of his lifespan.

And one suspects this will be when he can safely determine the state of his continued good health (and the state of his savings) and which will prolly occur at the very very late ages, not any earlier.

Uproot, Marginalise And Replace The Natives Because We Have No Local Talent
Just in case Singaporeans don't already know, let me remind them a Minister once remarked how someone whinged about competition for the local girls from "men from overseas" (perhaps a rather veiled kinda poser).

He had then said that if the whole character of the population has to change, so be it.

To me that is the strongest statement yet from a higher-up authority that there will be some uprooting, marginalisation and replacement of some of our indigenous population.

We all know that Singaporeans who do not fit in with various national exhortations -produce 3 or more if you can afford it, aim well at urinals, please do not spit or litter, do not sport long hair or colored hair - could well be the targetted ones.

But What Caused These In The First Place
Unfortunately these could just be the same groups of people who could have started up some new economy which are at the moment absent.

And there were neither opportunities nor incentives to create them precisely because of the few dominant shenigans here controlling the economy or in the event that they were started up, muscling in, thus disincentivising any real wannabe creative or original entrepreneurs.

Furthermore if we examine the various policies (stop-at-two, feminism and equal rights for women) and the "system" (education which beats down the boys a lot, the exam-focus which seems to favor galls and what I wrote just before) , we find that these were partly responsible for producing and resulting in the state that we are in now.

Contrast The Galls And The Guys And See Who Has The Upper Hand Here In Our Society
Don't forget, galls can grow up very naturally. They have not very many prohibitions or restrictions. Hey, two galls can hold hands and walk along a street all lovey-dovey. They can be bold, rude and totally uninhibited (look at the way these galls sitting beside me here at the library - TOTALLY uninhibited, legs up on the chair, talking into their mobiles, chattering among themselves).

But the poor dudes are under such tremendous pressure to conform to many, many, societal-imposed standards of behavior and protocol. They have to be the strong silent types but the galls are ok being vocal.

Don't forget National Service also does a disservice sometimes. Aren't they supposed to obey more rules and regulations so that they are disciplined?

That doesn't do very well for their mental state nor their mental health, does it?

There are of course other factors.

Well, well, well, you have only yourselves to blame for the mess. What can I say?

Updates On This Entrepreneur
Yes, the WYWY group is still here and they are one of the "exclusive" retailers for SINGTEL. \

But gosh, my heart goes out to you. You have all that competition and so many of them. You must be overwhelmed, poor soul!

M1, Starhub and so many other SINGTEL retailer shops.

What Use These Mathematical Data
As I sit here blogging at the Bishan Branch library, I notice all these students here at the study tables, head and shoulders stooped over their books. Some were nerds with their thick glasses or their awkward mannerisms.

But the overwhelming impression I had was the kinda studiousness and perhaps a tad too serious immersion iin academic pursuits (at the expense of social skills or some other life skills) that may well turn out to be very useless and inapplicable in everyday life.

Gosh, really. Some of the mathematical stuff they were doing were stuff I had done before. Like the plotting of graphs and a logarithm graph at that.

Well I mean the analysis of graphs would be useful as they tell us trends or something but what is the use of some of the other kinds of graphs?

What About The Use Of This Other Science That Is Not Taught
Our biology lessons focus on anatomy and biological processes (among others) but not so much on the physiology of diseases, their treatment and cure.

How many of us are actually gearing up for a medical career (but maybe now that things have loosened up, many more would consider this a choice option?) before we need to know this?

So when my Dad had benign prostatic hyperplasia or his cataracts or his glaucoma and Mom had her hypertension or congestive heart failure, I had to look this up in magazines or books (not found in schools' prescribed texts).

Like the Readers' Digest for example and do remember that this was in the pre-Internet days.

This Is Real Education In A Real World - A Medical World That Is
And it also explains my choice of another career path late in life. A medical representative marketing and selling pharmaceutical and medical products to the medical industry.

I wanted to learn how if a loved one were to be stricken by diseases, that I would be in a better position to understand the diseases (know the medical terms and the whole workings of the diseases and their treatment), pick a best course of medical action (know what kinda medication would be prescribed and what exactly it is for) and know who the medical practitioners I could consult.

Apart from that, I learn other stuff. The kinda intricate working relationship between doctors and drug manufacturers. The kinda drug patent and its shelf life. The generics. The indications and contraindications for a drug and its side effects (if any).

At The Expense Of Real Patient Care - OverReaction, Over-Diagnoses And Over-Prescription
Now the last is something I wanna elaborate.

But before that, I just hope science doesn't turn into another false science much like all that have gone on before it.

I mean we read about over-diagnoses, overprescription and above all, over-reaction on the part of people like you and me. All these in the name of creating a medical industry and a cottage industry growing up around it.

Create jobs, generate revenue and thus level up economic growth. More precisely, medical economic growth.

On the part of the medical practitioners : a state of sadness treated as mental depression, shyness treated as social anxiety disorder and treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

On the part of patients: seeking treatment for food-related diarrhea (not food-poisoning) and a case of the simple flu and cold (not the virulent kind). Perhaps letting them run their course over a fair bit of time does the trick and there is no need for medical action?

More Information Please - Therefore Real Education
All these come at a price because there could be side-effects to taking these drugs when they alter your biological chemistry like when they perhaps increase your appetite and then you balloon in your weight.

Hopefully these are made known to the patients and the patients have access to the prescription phamplets or full prescription label (and yes, general science education should help you dissect this) that usually comes with the medication.

Unfortunately these do not come with the medicine because the medicine have been repacked into different packages at the various retail clinical or hospital outlets.

That means you don't usually know what you are taking (as in a full prescription phamplet with listed pharmaceutical contents, indications, contraindications, side-effects, the whole works)except for what has been verbally instructed and the perfunctory daily dosage label and the name of the medicine on the package front and what it is for.

How can you ever make an informed decision like that people? Aren't we disadvantaged and placed at the mercy of someone else if we have no available information? Shouldn't we know what we are orally taking? Can someone else have full control over us or shouldn't we ourselves have some say too?

Friday, September 21, 2007

I Love The Nice Hot Brewed Milk Tea Here At Han's (The National Library)

We Didn't Even Get Our Ages Right, So There!
Look, I mean someone under 18 gets into a swim pool at half the ticket price of an adult here (because they are children) and only those over 21 get to watch our sexually explicit R21 films.

These are just but two examples of how our publkic organisations interpret the age limit.

So again, when is someone a child or an adult? Coz we have various interpretations at ages 16, 18 and 21.

I thought pubescence measures sexual maturity and reproductive capability (and again ages vary from anywhere between 9 to maybe 14?), so what kinda ages does paedophilia cover?

As surely that should rightly be between a child and an adult.

Frightening isn't it should an adult be caught in the act with a child aged below 18 at a swim pool for instance?

Clearing The Air
I have to clarify myself further. When I speak of secularism, I am not at all advocating materialism. What I envision is a more sciency and reasoning mode of doing things and dealing with events.

And I may have gotten some things wrong. Like when I mentioned rent bois, vanity, not keeping to one's word and so on, I made them seem like exclusively homosexual traits.

This is wholly untrue and it happens in any segment of a diverse population.

And yes, I don't hate or blame the "foreigners" in our midst. We ought to wag our fingers at the policy makers and setters. They are the ones who did this.

Arh....Here Goes Further Proof Of Use And Then Abandonment, Henchies And Estab Take Note
As further proof of use, abuse, misuse and then abandonment, look no further than our sports fraternity.

Find out what happens to the list of has-beens and how they are faring today.

Anybody cares two hoots about them anymore?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

More Moot Cases, Ashley My Darling Boy And A Coolie House Plus Many More

Sexual Grooming - That Is A New One - Does This Mean Personal Grooming? Oo
As I read some postings on a gay site, I am surprised there is now a Penal Code Section 376. Something related to "sexual grooming of minors under 16" while the rest is just lost on me.

Wonder what this mean....but I can guess......

Nepots And Croners
An associate trainer asked me the last time why I don't farm out some of the training jobs to my siblings. We were training at this premier all-girls secondary school by the way.

When I thought about it, I don't think any of them qualify and this will not do justice to the girls.

I am no nepot nor croner. That is the way I operate. You can do the job, it is yours. If not, no go. You did wrong, you kena. That is it.

Non-Profit, You Close
I am not like He-Ape who engages his sis-in-law to run a branch. Because of kinship. She is not even cut out for her job.

Worse, I understand this centre doesn't earn profits. Why? The teachers like She-Ape and Miss Accident-In-The-Face were just seriously not service-oriented. And M/s Black Widow?

Well............the way she answers customers on the phone was already a huge turn-off.

Unless the customers were like and they return like, well then maybe.

I talk to her and I know her tone too.

They can't have other centres which are turning in profits subsidizing them. You close if you are not earning profits for so long and you know why.

Your fucking lousy attitude.

WhatEva Happened To This Entrepreneur
Remember the WYWY group of telecommunication shops? A whole network in fact.

Now it seems that STARHUB and SINGTEL shops have replaced them.

Was there a change of name or were they ousted? Or are they still around? I don't see them much.

Another Note On Our Global School House Vision
Now the government agency staked private school which, in its heydays was named Corrine Private School and was owned by a Chinese national turned our PR (who many of its Chinese students had whinged about), has now been renamed and relocated.

We all know that.

In fact it has a string of Chinese partners and our vocational school has msucled in as well.

I have met some of the vocational institute's heads, one who runs the SHELL LiveWire program (a Taiwanese turned our PR I believe and some relations to a known celebrity sportsman here perhaps?) in particular and its head at its Dover premise.

I know what they stand for.

And I refuse to work with its related construction arm, the BCA, who runs its programs. Because the premise to be leased out to moi wasn't a win-win proposition. It was more like win-lose.

They have calculated everything while I haven't quite worked out mine yet.

The same few shenigans and that explain why not too many people are keen to come in here to do business with us. Period.

Staff Turnover
A complete change of face. A sea of new staff.

The last time I sit here to surf or blog, I notice all the politicking going on. And I can sense why some left.

All the tell-tale signs are there! It is written all over the faces of those who resigned.

If you ask me, it is good some of the delivery people left. As for the staff, well....can be sad for some who did.

Another Planter! You ScumBags And SlimeBalls
Just only, I ran into someone. Now as I told you, people don't just turn up for no reasons. As I look around, I am so aware of who is near me.

Even here now at MacDonalds, I keep running into this young dude and I know who he is affiliated with. It is crystal clear to me.

Someone is playing a political game. There are two scenarios here. Either I am driven into the opposition camp or I am driven into the pro-estab camp.

The last they manage to do so by planting some indirect henchies of theirs in my midst so that hey, this isn't exactly the estab but nonetheless a pro-estab player (could be a foreigner who is stationed here permanently and having a whale of a time and privileged, so he is saying all the good stuff about the estab) who, get this, saved moi from certain destruction.


We will see how I maneovure this. You wanna play games and not leave me alone to just pursue the things I want in the first place, we will see who wins!

Because you ASKED FOR THIS, not me.

I did nothing but you fired so many salvos, don't expect me not to retaliate. And go skunking to you like the rest. I care two hoots what you do as long as I am not involved.

And I will smash the face of every GALL you strew along my way and the same goes for the WIMPS.

You chao ah gua! You aint no hero, you are just scum, doing the things you do!

Nah, You Won't Get Me Laying Down My Life For You, You Ain't Worth It
By now, I am positively sure the community is nudging me into the direction and the tribulations that they have faced in dealing with the State on various platforms, be it schools, or its agencies or its whateva.

So they in turn do the same.

Unfortunately I will not fall into the trap of fighting for them and laying down my life for them while they sit back and cheer on as a spectator or a supporter but without they themselves being at the forefront of the battle field.

That I must state categorically.

State Planters To Sow Discord And Drive Division
And judging by the so many things that have happened to me and my family (my mother used to think someone has charmed us and thus she calls in the exorcists, both bomohs and Catholic ones), I cannot help harp back to my grandfather days.

He was rich and he remarried a few times only because the wives died. Then the war came and the wealth disappeared just like that. He must be a contemporary of those old money elites of those days and who are ruling over us today.

I can only guess that there were "planters" (state-planted ones, that is) among us who sow deceit, betrayal and drive division among us, our families and our relatives.

Don't we all remember the opposition member once upon a time whose ancestors were owners of plantations in Yishun? Look at the fate of the descendants.

Updates And A Webby Is A First Point Of Contact With A Customer/Or Potential Customer/Or Visitor, Much Like A Recept Answering A Call Or Engaging A Walk-In Customer Or Visitor - So This Has To Be Done Right
As I visited the webby of our housing authority, I realised that studios are open to singles and solely for their own use. Didn't see this the last time, not sure if it was recent or I missed it.

And the men's club had listed the Dog Taggy event under its upcoming program schedule, not its specials which is a weekly staple like their Tattoos day, their days for the young and their beefcake nights.

Strange that since Dog-Taggy night (so where comes the Glow theme night?) is already a regular feature almost every Friday, they do not have it on their specials menu.

The Men's Clubs Are Only Worth An Occasional Look-See, Not Regular Visits. I Have Never Missed Them While I Had Ma Own Home Nor Visited Any For The Decade While I Was Living On Ma Own - So Seriously Will I Die Without Them? I Started Now Only Because The MotherFuckers Were Pushing Me Right To This Corner
Remember what I said about leaving something behind just like that, without hesitation, without a second thought. Like I quit smoking or sold my car or my house.

Well I have a good mind to just quit visiting men's clubs and I will, as soon as I am ready and in good time.

Today I visited BlueHeaven and the beng owner was already a pain in the arse the last time. If you remember, they issued two padlocks intertwined together and I have blogged about how pea-brained the beng is.

I also a bought a canned drink and sat on the sofa to watch its plasma tv the last time and the beng came right out and said that was prohibited, being afraid of spills as he claimed (well I finished it in one gulp usually). The man that he is, or is he a woman?

So why sell drinks and where do we drink our drinks?

Today he accused moi of opening (oops, sorry, sliding and it is that spring back kind)the door not too gently. Well the last time it could be fully opened but today, it can't. Stuck halfway. Not my problem dude.

If it spoils, that is just too bad.

When everybody slides it and if it springs back like that - very loudly, it is just that. So what the fuck?

I asked for a refund and got out. No use talking to stupid people. I could better spend my 8 bucks on a drink or a meal.

Stick To What You Say Are Your Opening And Closing Hours
I also got round to talking to another white owner about its staff at another club. I mean I got that at about half past 9 or so, closing time is half past 11 but by ten or so, they were cleaning out the whole place and getting ready to shut.

Granted there were quite a few people in it (about ten or so) but seriously, if you say you close at 11.30pm, then it is 11.30 pm.

If the gym closes at midnight, we would expect its facilities to be still up and running till that time. Not mid-way and the steam shuts down or the sauna.

A Certain Fixed Cleaning Schedule And Not At Various Odd Hours
And sure the uncle cleaners really work hard at cleaning out the shower rooms. You should see the way they scrub the whole place, rolling up their sleevs and hemlines.

Like the local cleaner at this swimming pool I visited. Or some of our local cleaners pushing trolleycarts of debris and rubbish from our HDB flats. They work really hard.

But hey, don't they have a certain cleaning schedule and not the various odd times they do this? They do have a washing schedule for our HDB flats and so why can't the rest do the same?

More Instant Moot Cases About The Old
Well, look at the pathetic state of some of the oldies today.

Some are still slogging away in their old age, sometimes not by choice, but by circumstances. Not too many are in a good state, financially, in health or at their jobs.

Can you imagine how some are still cruising at that age at gay haunting grounds?

The Case Against The State For Its Non-Acknowledgement Of Its Gay Population
Look what we have gotten ourselves into. It is almost like the local movie production of "Men In White". The ghosts are invisible though a handful can see them.

Is this what we want for ourselves?

I mean can you imagine they give us gay clubs and gay pubs (the sleaze) but they refuse us our due recognition in meaningful areas of our love, our life and our work.

They have reduced gayism to homo-eroticism (another sleaze industry), just pure physical lust and sex and not treating it like a wholesome relationship as it should be.

That we exist even. That we are non-entities. An aberration.

Our fundamental rights. That a gay relationship is as viable as any other. That it begins with education. What fucking backlash are they talking about?

We gays may be as diverse as a cosmopolitan society as I wrote about the last time but these, I am sure, we stand united for.

The penal code treatment of us and the official sanction of a domicile partnership/or gay marriage. Plus granting us the same rights in public, at work, in schools, the whole works.

The Case Against The "Foreigners" (Naturalised And Non-Naturalised Residents) Who Are Among Us, Occupying Important Jobs And Starting Businesses And Of Course They Speak Well Of Us - They Have All Their PlayThings Here
I ran into an Indian doctor (from Northern India) working for KK Hospital on a residency permity (wasn't there a quota imposed once upon a time and weren't the utmost stringent requirements necessary back then? So it seems we now have an approved list that covers almost anywhere).

I ran into a French owning a retail business. We have seen the foreigners speaking on behalf of and working for our distinguished public policy school. And for some of our universities. And the men's clubs.Foreigners owning accounting firms. Starting up medical companies and multi-levelling health products.

The list goes on.

Every single one of them could do this while the rest of us seem like we are held back for one reason or another.

Either we are too poor and can't afford the capital or we are killed off by all the nonsensical licensing requirements which do not seem to affect the "foreigners".

They do seem to be privileged.

And we are their playground?

Like I am sure they are speaking all the good things about us because they have been privileged. They can do business, they can own homes and they can do almost anything (diplomatic immunity extended?)

For the gays, they have their sex boy toys and for the rest, they have other playthings and playtoys - real live living, breathing toys I mean.

Singaporeans, another wake-up call!

Ashley And I
The boy and I have had some great moments together. I mean I have addressed him as my darling boy but hey, he can't be my adopted son. He still has his parents with him and their ages are not too many years apart from mine.

I mean we fix his jigsaw puzzle together and I can't help noticing how the alphabets A to Z have gotten more profound like U for underwear and A for alarm clock (traditionally an umbrella and an apple respectively).

Then we hit his McDonald's Happy Meal giveaway hot-air balloon like a volleyball or kick it like a soccer ball. We sing the ABC song together and I even got him to write his ABC.

And yes, Ashley is a left-hander. You should see the way he writes and forms his alphabets - way out from every conventional way a right-hander would write them. Very much the opposite.

He can't speak whole sentences very well yet and that is because he just got admitted into kindergarten, having skipped all the nursery stages because he was afraid of the teachers or something.

He would sometimes ask if I wanna talk to him and invite me to sit and watch VCD movies with him.

Today, I found out he got hit in the eye by the door handle and he was sporting a really bad bruise and bump around his right eye.

I have yet to watch Rataoulie with him as I promised.

And one fine day I will.

What Is Happening At Andy's And Mabel's
Yes there are strange things that have cropped up and it is no stranger than the sensor wash taps can't detect you and so do not turn on water.

Or that an electronic fuel-injected digital tachometer and speedometer on the dashboard could go berserk.

Or among my three digital Adidas watches synchronised together and after keeping the same time for a while, one is now about 10 seconds behind while the rest is only a second apart.

So it is with the washer. The 35 minutes stretches by another few more minutes and I never finish my wash on the stipulated time. The sensors must have gone awry.

And yes Mable has gotten better but hey, on the surface that is. I can still feel and detect it. And the whole row of neighbors are home-makers. Gosh, really!

A Police-State And All The Big Dogs Are Here
Again, I won't be surprised this is another one of BIG BLABBER's schemes! I don't just get to lease and stay at the places I do, I think, for NO GOOD REASON. Maybe even Mabel and Andy are one of them and yes, the whole row of neighbors.

I don't bump into that pro-estab Frenchman (now partially one of us, maybe even one of us and hey, would he say so?) at the swim pool just like that.

Or have two of them sitting near me and to whom I shot off an email and guess what, they never replied. Or that Indian couple sitting near me, watching me as I chat the two Frenchmen up.

A police-state?

A Final Cautionary Word To Both Estab And Pro-Estab Henchies
Remember henchies, you are only as good as your next assignment.

Some have come and gone. Even the pro-estab "Old Guard" have seen some of them falling by the wayside.

And estab, remember these are short-lived alliances and you are in greater danger than you think. These henchies, if they can do this now, will waver as soon as another opportunity strike!

I will just pray for you, you will need it! Both of you.

Also remember that you can't have your citizens 100% backing you up or behind you if your policies are not even 70% right.

What My Room Hunt Has Turned Up
A double storey shophouse with its upper floor doubling up as quarters for a whole gang of young China men.

The shop touts beauty salon services but all I could see is a cleavage-showing China woman in a tight and short dress and a lone old male customer walking out of its premises as I came calling.

Next door boasts better sleeping quarters and this where I will be holed up with 4 other Chinese Malaysians in various jobs like accounting, hair dressing, landscaping and travel agenting, if they should accept moi.

Generally clean and nicely done up and the price is a steal at $270.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Instant Moot Cases

The Case Against The Oldies
Now let me be very clear on this. I am not an ageist in many sense of the word. I have nothing against age, myself being not that young but yet not that old.

What I hate it about this older generation is that they formed part of the "silent majority", the "Old Guard" who did nothing to speak up or protest vehemently against issues they know were hurting them, their counterparts and now US.

Some are suffering, in silence at times, while some are thriving or seemingly so. Like perhaps this old fart I ran into who has a young toy boy for his sexual pleasure. Or that old fart at the gym.

This is the generation that DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR THEIR PEERS, to the detriment of themselves even. They chose to go along, some even got chummy with the establishment and in return, I suppose, were privileged?

I will have nothing to do with them and it is in the NEXT GENERATON that I place my hope and faith that change will come and that they will be the voice for themselves and for their contemporaries and for the too many wrongs that yet remain unaddressed.

The Case Against The Gays In Hiding
But I can be sorely disappointed of course.

As I am with gays who still hide under the cloak of a GALL. Who perhaps even marry for the wrong reasons. And yet, on the side, let their true sexuality run true, at the expense of a commitment to his true self and his other.

That is precisely the reason I shun Jonathon who I always see with a GALL even though we do like greet one another. If he is brave enough, be on his own and I can chat him up and him alone.

Not with another GALL as a cloak, a shelter or a whatever.

The Case Against Gaydom Being A Side Kick
Look, let me rephrase this. I have nothing against bottoms.

I don't yearn for a fuck, unfortunately? But as I said it is a matter of an arrangement between you and your beau. A committed beau. A gay beau.

It is just when they allow themselves to be a side-dish or a side-kick to a BI, in a relationship (marriage or just courting), that REALLY GNAWS at me.

The Case Against Gaydom And Their Conduct
And I don't do any of the stuff that many seem to be onto now.

Conducting themselves in the fashion Chris does. Seeking sugar daddying. Renting out bodies for money. Desiring so many material wants at their ages. Going back on every word they promised. Unable to commit. Slutting while attached unless it is agreed upon mutually that is an open relationship.

At least I am single and I have no qualms doing what I do. I mean hey, I chat up some guys and they are not keen. Far and few chat me up and I may not be keen.

The Snooty Hunk Gays
But I have witnessed this ex-young hunk who was a poly student then. With his physique and his looks, he could have all the TOP GOOD-LOOKING dudes in the world.

But what has happened to him today? He is bloated, his eyes bulge and there is something about that jaw that seems to have gone awry.

And he is still cruising at places. Pathetic and unwanted.

Choice Picks And I Am Not It (And I Do Pick Too)
And the men's clubs when it is jam-packed means that moi's choice of a hunting ground is usually diminished. BECAUSE I AM AND NEVER WAS A CHOICE PICK among the so many young or older hunks, good-lookers, maybe even a few good brainers and character types.

And the places dont afford much privacy. I mean I am not gonna do it in full display of a crowd. A sexual play is private among the few who want it. Not having onlookers, bystanders and jumpers (people jumping in unless invited, if you are pushed away, that is it).

What Do I Have Against This Gym Oldie
Let me elaborate. He brought up how the security guards at the gym was essential. I don't deny this. He mentioned the case of a locker being broken into, apparently, where a LV bag filled with cash was stolen.

Yes I was present that day when there was a commotion about the whole incident. In fact I am not even sure if this was staged. I only saw the police come and the staff on hand giving statements.

Anyway, the fact remains that the culprit was not caught.

So much for security.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Henchies That Are Just Plain BootLicking Incompetents

M/s Butchy And A WebCam Recept BitchWhore Of A Dude
Remember how while on a trial try-out at Calif, I was attended to by a membership recruitment consultant (who was really yucky and bitchy) and a personal trainer (who wasn't really my kinda coach)?

Well those were just part of the reason why I didn't join, besides of course, the stiff prices. Who would wanna pay for what you are getting that isn't even up to par, right?

As they have an all-club membership (kinda wonder why a trial can't be all-club too, otherwise how do people decide?), moi snuck to several clubs just to recce the place (are facilities comprehensive, etc, etc) and of course, check out the dudes.

If I haven't blogged about this, let me write about it now.

At its financial district, which was dead quiet on weekends, I was greeted by M/s Butchy (not because she was a butch that I dislike her but the way she conducted herself).

She insisted on a web-cam snap-shot before allowing moi in.

Well, now that I have joined the club, I swung over to the same financial district club just the other day after laying up for such a long time. In fact, when I first started out again, I was all tired out and could not even manage my usual weight loads.

And it was life's sweetest revenge!

I pointed out to her how my replacement card, which was just recent (and yes, that same recept bitch dude insisted on another snap shot today which I flatly refused, citing that they didn't capture it that day - that is your fucking problem dude!), had its gold-embossed letters already worn out!

Amazing isn't it?

I suspect that the personal trainer (some sissy fart who is good for coaching galls and oldies anyway) must be behind this.

Well look, nobody just sign up if prices aren't competitive and you don't measure up! It is simple as that. Let the shenigans bring in their whole ding-dong gang and see what happens to us in the final end. I don't operate that way.

In fact I suspect its henchies (I have spotted two at cruising spots) and perhaps even Big Bro's henchies, are the ones masterminding this.

An Old Pro-Estab And BootLicking Fart
It was also at this gym that I ran into an oldie.

While chatting him up, I realised how much of a pro-estab person he is. He must be doing very well. And fed well by the system. Or bribed by the system. Whateva.

But he was cruising nonetheless, sexuality none too clear.

In fact, I have noticed a whole gang of them swarming places moi goes to. Some old and some of a certain racial make-up.

The boot-licking, apple-polishing swines and sakas that they must be. Spit at your faces!

Don't hide under a cloak of anonymity and insiduousness! Show your fucking face and let us slug it out!

A Room Hunt Is On Again
It has taken me to several places. Only one is reasonable. And I am still awaiting a reply.

In fact I screwed an agent (who advertised on the gay classifieds), first for not knowing what he was marketing (in part because the Indian owners were not very truthful about who lives there) and for being a full hour late (real attitude) and then showing ineptitude.

Sure, he was caught in a traffic jam but I had to call him one and a half hours beforehand to reconfirm, only to be told the appointment will be later and he was still home. And this was fixed a day in advance, mind you and the time was appointed by him, not me.

So he was sick (many, many excuses) but he didn't mention this at all untill after our viewing and my screwing him.

The asking price was a ridiculous $450 which he said could be re-negotiated to $250 if I had wanted the room. But as the landlord is Hindu, I don't think I wanna repeat another Doray episode.

This is the sad state of gaydom, of the hencies and of the real estate industry in general.

They are perhaps one and the same, all rolled into one!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nudists' Night Out Fiasco ,Keep Out Unless We Ask You To Step In, A Solarium Sojourn And When Is It Perfect Or Not Perfect?

Men's Club Night-Out Fiasco
As I was whiling away my time, in between stealing looks at the gorgeous young male helpers at the cafe, I couldn't help noticing how much time has passed that the bewitching hours of a DOG-TAG NUDE night out was in fact drawing near at a men's club a stone's throw away.

In fact I have been bumping into too many gorgeous and reasonably hunky dudes at the gyms, at the men's clubs and at about everywhere else moi chose to go. Like this American Born Chinese at an eatery.

So much so, each and every one of them has been a sexual fantasy fodder for my wet, wetter and wettest dreams every night as I lie naked on the floor.

With a lean hungry look of Cassius and a sexual appetite of the werewolf of London, I logged on to check if the dog-taggy nude night out was still on.

I couldn't find anything but decided to go anyway, if just to check out a nudists' Friday Night out at the club.

When I arrived, there was a sizeable crowd and the club had some new camouflage leaves and curtains fronting its doorways which I thought was hip and cool, besides affording some privacy.

Normally when it is jam-packed with testerone-drooling hunky dudes, there is hardly space nor room for sexual trysts. So you have to wait your turn or it is NEVER. Even if you do find a crack in the dark, other less enticing characters lurk to jump in which dampens or spoils your fun.

When it was nearing midnight, the whole crowd had gone out and I was surprised. I was still acclimatising my asgtimatic and bleary eyes to the dark and wasn't in a particularly good mood (well, for one, I would love to spend time relaxing at home or something but hey, THIS ISN'T MY HOME, IT IS ANDY, MABEL AND ASHLEY's home).

I decided to snooze in one of the rooms because it would be a long night after all. It closes at 8am the next day and I was intending to stay over.

Fucking God! They had a break in between for a clean-up (this I didn't know at all) and the club boys hollered and pounded on my door repeatedly while I refused to open up. Until that last pound and more hollering! Apparently they had announced it 15 minutes ago but hey, it didn't get to me!

I was pissed and the whole night's mood dissipated! I packed up and left at about half past two after sulking for a long while and mulling over some of the other stupid things that had gone on before like the needless and inconsistent security checks at the National Library.

I could see they had a glow theme night going on as well and the boys were in their glorious naked forms.......

So why didn't they say something about their clean-up and glow-in-the-dark theme on their webby? And there was not a mention of the dog-tag event anymore. Does that mean that has been annihilated?

What poor communications! As usual.

Who Is Annie (Crew Leader) Anyway? Why Is She Meddling In Our Family Affairs?
Among the other things I was mulling over was this conversation with an old lady at a Mcdonalds Cafe near my old old neighborhood.

She claims to be an upstairs neighbor but I cannot for the life of me, remember who she was and where she came from.

It appears that my third sister had spoken to her and she knows quite a fair bit about what is going on in our family. A feuding family or at least a very fragmented and disunited family. Thanks in part to Big Bro and Second Sister who pulled us in different feuding paths and directions.

Yes, it is true. It is to the credit and magnamity of my brother-in-law (my third sis' hubby) that both my father and mute sister have been able to find a roof over their heads.

This is undeniable and in fact, I feel ashamed my own sister doesn't cook and the whole family has to wait for my brother-in-law to return to cook for them.

My third sister has been putting on tremendous weight and that is because she has been gorging herself with food and there are all these medicine she is downing like a hypochrondriac.

She also suffers from Obsessive Compulsion Disorder as she constantly washes her hands, the last time I remember when we were staying together in our old old old place.

And yes she is a seance of sort too, going into trances and claiming to speak with spirits and so on.

The only guilty party to blame would be the GP who prescribes her whatever she wants and not what she needs.

What I hated is my own flesh and blood has washed every dirty linen in public and I haven't even breathed a word about anyone.

And this woman should have kept out of our family affairs and not add fuel to the fire.

I will tell her this into her face the next time we run into each other.

A Solarium Outing
It was with wide-eyed curiousity that I decided to try out this sun-tanning salon.

I checked with them their precise location and as it was a weekend afternoon, the whole financial district was almost like a ghost town and the crowd milling at the mall was really thin.

The cute young dude briefed me on their promo packages and after I had confirmed one try-out session, he passed me a promissory note to read and initial.

I was handed a towel, a padlock with key, a suntan lotion satchet, sun-proof eyewear, buffer solution and lens holder for me to take off my contact lenses and put them in.

I headed for the changing room, dunked my barang-barang into the locker, took off my lenses, stripped off my clothes and rubbed in the lotion all over me body and face.

The cute hot young recept dude accompanied me to the solarium room, instructed me on a few stuff I had forgotten by now and hey presto, I was all ready for my sun-out.

I was hoping we could tan together, in the buff, lying down on the solarium bed and orgasmed to an orgasmic fling. But hey, life is so unfair isn't it?

I locked the door, peeled off my towel, hung up my locker key and laid down on a bed of fluorescent tubes (which was essentially what a solarium is).

I set the time to 10 minutes (as I was already very tanned and just wanted to rid myself of tanlines) and closed the capsule and whoa, what followed was a session of windy hot radiation flowing through my body.

I got out before the time was up, washed off my sun-lotion in the showers and was hoping someone would join me here!

But again, life is never fair, isn't it? Or is it?

When Is It Perfect And When Is It Not
So it is always the same lame excuse.

When the situation warrants, we absolve ourselves with the excuse that nothing is ever perfect. Be it governance or our "system" or our infrastructure or our civil service.

So why are we demanding perfect role models for teaching (and arent gay teachers absolutely hypocritical if they can't be a model for gay relationships but they have to pretend to be someone else?)

And perfect scores for exams because we have middle, high school and university admission criteria like the PSLE aggregate score or the L1R4 or the L1R5 or a credit system?

Friday, September 14, 2007

Of Needless, Petty And Stupid Security Checks In Rules-Bound Singapore, Bogus Role Models And A Fragmented Gay Community

The Thing About Our Security Guards Here
I have nothing against the very old and the old who are manning our security posts. But seriously, if a burglary happens, I can't be too sure if they can handle it.

Anyway, some old and the not so old can be real pains in the asses.

The Security Stupid Stares
Like this big stout senior Indian woman at the hypermart at AMK hub. I walked out after buying some groceries but remembered I had something else I needed.

So I walked right in again.

Immediately, she turned around and faced moi squarely as if bracing for a fight but backed away when I gave her the stares.

Inconsistent And Needless Security Checks, I Felt
The few femme security guards at the National Library were no better.

The first few occasions, they asked nothing of opening up my lappy's casing but the next two occasions they did. So it was rather inconsistent.

Some even insist on examing the pile under my clothes (my gym and running gear mostly).

I had a good mind to flash them the condoms I had on me and my g-string the next time, like I did my underwears on one occasion.

Another Prime Example Of SenseLess Rules-Bound Singapore
I bought a drink and some kuih kuih and as the eateries were meant for take-aways and the few seats around the Bugis Office Tower were filled, I walked into the office lift lobby where there were some metallic benches.

I plonked down and ate my snacks.

After I almost polished off my food, an old male security guard walked up to moi and told me consuming food was prohibited.

I really do not see what the BIG PROBLEM is with eating here. Do you?

Another prime example of needless and petty security checks and patrols. Shouldn't they be more concerned about break-ins or crime or something?

This is exactly what I mean when I say that we are so clever with all those petty stupid stuff like these that we are not pre-occupied with real niggling issues.

A Mirror That Reflects Back What It Sees
I know many of the older generation (maybe even among a handful of the younger ones) has A BIG BONE to pick with how the younger set look.

I mean the colors in their hair and so on. Certainly in schools they do.

Well, what about the younger people having a BIGGER BONE to pick like the balding and greying pate of the old?

Bogus Role Models
Time and again, our dear Ministry Of Education has consistently sloganeered the tagline that "teachers" should be "perfect" role models to their young charges.

The few key words here are "perfect" (didn't we like, when the situation warrants, always excused our shortcomings by prefacing that the world or the system is never perfect?) and "role models".

I think the young charges are gonna be sorely disappointed when they get out there in the real world and see that the world is less than perfect.

Even worse, when they grow up and they interact with their 'role model' "teachers", they find that they are no less scummy than the working capitalist pigs they deal with on a daily basis at work.

So much for role modelling.

Like I told Mabel, I said it is gonna be VERY TOUGH on Ashley if Mabel keeps disciplining him on all the "wrong things" he does and he finds himself, all grown up one fine day and getting out there, that the rest arent doing the RIGHT STUFF either.

So please, drop the "perfect" "role modelling" requirement.

Let the students see for themselves a variety of characters in ALL THEIR FULL GLORY AND FURY!

The scums and the angels.

A Fragmented Gay Community With Different Segments Needing Different Addresses
I have written about this in one of my previous blogs.

The gay community is as diverse as any cosmopolitan society is. There are, I suppose if I can term it, the good, the bad and the ugly.

For me, I can't personally relate or wanna relate to those who are much too similar to women in traits. I leave that to gay brethen who can.

I am neither asking for sado-macho masculine bulls raging in a china shop.

Something in between would be nice. It does seem that we always have two extremes here (because I think we have done this intentionally), either too hot or too cold or the best or the worst.

Someone decent and reasonable. With both a tough streak and a soft touch when circumstances dictate.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Let Us See How We Will Fare In The Long Term

I Will Smash Your Face Creep
Chris has finally returned the wardrobe keys after I consistently hounded him. He left the keys on the doorstep and slunk away, the stinking rodent that he is.

He hasn't kept to his word on about everything else he had promised. I have chucked away his stuff, useless stuff that they are,which he must have premeditated and was about to dispose of anyway.

I really wanna smash that creep's face.

I have told him how useless a bottom he is, always yearning for a fuck and by conducting himself in the manner he did, he had thrown away all the faces of gays like us.

Short Run Petty Power Control, Long Run Ruin
Like so many of us, Chris is really smart in the small petty power control and tricks department. This is of course good survival for the short run.

In the longer run, it is real talent and skills that will see us through.

That is why we are faltering now after 42 years.

No new economy or industry in sight or at least coming very, very late.

Maybe too late.

A Note On How Our Global SchoolHouse Vision Is Faring
I got an invite for an interview at 4.30pm yesterday.

This private school has opened up a new campus on sprawling school grounds, while having another nearby and yet another at a science park.

Its old premise at a hub is no longer there and it seems like its old foreign uninversity partner has parted ways with it, cutting itself off from it and running itself as a satellite of its main Australian campus.

This reminds me of another private international school which has both a unicampus and office presence and another (our government agency has a stake in it) which has shifted itself back to private commercial premises after a stint on sprawling campus grounds.

Let us see how they will fare in the longer run.

The Prelude - A Long Bus Ride
I set off at 3.02pm (according to my time-piece synchronised to CNA's anyway), caught bus service 166 (which happens to be a very infrequent service) at 3.19pm, got off near Thomson Road at 3.44pm and I was lucky bus service 851 was right behind.

So the transfer was instantaneous.

But this bus took such a long time and on its last leg, it was trailing another service 851 and so was moving along at a snail's pace.

I reached at 4.22pm and when I make the walk to the school campus, I arrived exactly at 4.29pm at the customer service block.

A good one hour and a half during off-peak hours.

The Long Wait
It was a full half an hour before I got to meet my interviewers.

While waiting, I read the map which showed some of its overseas campuses either in collaboration with foreign partners or on their own (their Vietnam one is wholly owned).

I was actually agitated as I remember having met with one of its Indonesian partner recruiter (to no avail) and I have spent no less time trying to source for students in those same places they did.

Brazil and Russia for instance.

Not that I didn't have the luck, they just have all the resources and they were of course leap-frogging over people like us.

The Interview
An elderly woman and a middle-aged man conducted the interview and I am not even sure who they were, though I specifically asked the co-ordinator who rang to arrange this to inform me who I was gonna meet.

I repeated the same things I said to the Semi-holy Trinity of the other international school the last time.

The dude did sound pompous and it appears they have a Harvard grad for their life-sciences faculty and they were trumpeting this.

Let us see how the degrees and diplomas they are awarding will help their graduates clinch jobs in the industries they wanna work in.

That will tell all.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Sleaze What Else?

See How Costs Have Spiralled But Wages Remain Stagnant
And look at all the ridiculous prices that are being quoted for room rental these days. Prices start from $450 all the way to $600 or even $700.

Mind you, this is just for HDB and the flats aren't that fantastic that warrant such a premium. The condition of the flat, the age of the estate, even its location.

But salaries and wages remain relatively the same. Hasn't gone up commensurate with costs.

How the fuck do you explain this?

Another Someone's Mistake That Moi Has To Pay Dearly For
Well I traded my membership card for a towel card at the gymnasium and when I returned it, I got somebody else's membership card instead.

I turned to make right this wrong but the Uncle attendant couldn't locate my card and yes I don't remember my towel card identification number. Who does when a different one is issued each time and there are tonnes of them, right?

So I had to have a replacement card and yes, the old one has much of its letters erased after repeated swipes.

I have mentioned this before to a towel attendant long ago and I am not sure if this was their feeble attempt to get it replaced lest there be any complaints or just a genuine mistake on the part of the old fumbling Uncle towel attendant.

As long as the old one gets invalidated and nobody gets into the gym on it, I am fine. This could be another possibility, having someone come in on my account. And Chris did mention he wanna join Calif Orchard.

Because there is always that interconnectedness and relationship among the few shenigans (as someone would put it). Like we all know how one entrepreneur could hold the F1 race here and how someone gets appointed to the board of our very famous branded beverage company.

Right before I entered, the counter staff took a photograph of me on their webcam and claimed they needed this for identification which was never done before anyway untill now, that is.

You wanna be a magician and pull off hat tricks, so can I.

Because it is a known fact that young people below the age limit can get in to watch R(A) films, pubs and clubs (getting high and drunk) and lay their hands on ciggies.

The last two I have seen with my own eyes.

So what else can be not sleazy here?

Unless you happen to be living in a charmed circle of the rich and famous and the elites?

So That Was How You Did It
Yes misplacing my bunch of keys at the gym just yesterday showed me how the one dude (their staff) could actually cut open my padlock with a huge cutter.

That was how they wiped out my padlock when I forgetfully left the locker locked for two days.

But at least I got a free padlock this time, and I don't need to purchase one from them like the last time.

Padlock-Key Vs Key Security System
That is the problem with a padlock-key system as opposed to just a key system.

The former and the latter can see you misplacing your keys but if they are on a loop or strap, this is less likely.

With the padlock-key system, the additional danger is if you just forget to fish out your key, you could just padlock your locker to a permanent lock-in.

There Just Aren't Enough Jobs At The Upper Middle And High End Spectrum?
Gospel truth is : yes tens of thousands, maybe even half a million jobs, have been created.

But in what sectors and at what kinda entry level? The low skilled and the semi-skilled?Cleaning, technical or service industries?

Are they even meant for locals in the first place? The cheap price tag remember.

And if they weren't, could a local with our own Cambridge qualification fill it, despite its calls for a certain minimum qualification that a foreign third world university graduation certification usually qualifies the candidate to?

Let us face it, it is really ridiculous to need a masters holder to teach all those foreign third world students in a private international school.

They can't even handle the international English standard of testing like the IELTS and TOEFL, not to mention our Cambridge ones.

Even our local neighborhood students who usually make the grade for entry to polytechnics or some of the lower-ranked (academically only, mind you) junior colleges.

Gosh, how stupid can this be?