Sunday, May 27, 2007

Getting To The Groove

A Local Matie
I don't see why I can't be getting a local and young Singaporean Chinese dude as a matie.

After all, that is where we should connect.

I don't need another Chinese National or an Indian or even an oldie, for obvious differences in cultures, thinking and traditions.

Just look at Doray....He is not even half a Modern Indian as the real estate agent makes him out to be. What a traditionalist for all the wrong reasons too! And we are only years apart!

Wrong Place
Oh, look our bobbies are actually patrolling Orchard Road. That is nice! Even though it doesn't seem to be the right spot! This is where all the hippers are, sipping and drinking their lattes and what-have-you!

I dare them to patrol where all the foreign workers are, their living quarters and thereabouts. Maybe they can pick up a few aliens? Or a few smugglers even.

Or are they afraid?

We all know the security patrollers were ex-police officers. That explains how the stupidity spills over, all over again.

Young Versus Old
I don't mean to be ageist. But the oldies aren't like the younger school-going crowd. The younger set has a better sense of humour, laugh a lot more, joke around a lot more, are more easy-going and they aren't uptight, power-hungry and as obsessed as the older crowd.

But as they proceed right along our system, they would eventually arrive there.


Anything But The Economy
I text Jack about how he could always come up to moi and say "hello". Because everytime we run into each other, he would seem to be like selling something to moi.

Like trying to get more members, etc, etc, etc.

And yes Jack, I do know that if I get three people into the club, I get a year off on subscription fees, right along with free gifts to boot.

But this is precisely what is happening here.

Everything is centred on some business, marketing and the economy.

This Is My Country, This Is My Home
Well to all those people out there who sniggers if us citizens can't take the heat here to JUST UP AND LEAVE the place, to thee I say the above two lines.

Moi was born and bred here. From cradle and going on to moi's grave, I have been paying my dues (either as taxes or indirect taxes). Everything goes back in a cycle to the state.

Why should moi leave? The people to leave are the scums who are ruining our place here.

Get out of Singapore and stay out, whoever you are! All of you! If you can't take the heat yourself, of criticisms from the citizenry, you can jolly well leave too.

Star Hubba Hubba Hubba (As Fred Flintstone Would Have Hollered In The Days Of The Cavemen
I thought it pretty cool if I could just head out via the underpass from one part of the Singapore World to another part of the Singapore World just to blog.

But boy, was I in for some rude shocker!

As you all know, I already have a HUB ID with StarHub. So naturally I tried logging in using that. When all the futile attempts to sign in got on my nerves, what with my battery going low and no power socket in sight, save for those on the lamp-posts, which COULDN'T BE USED anyway, I decided to give the service provider a call.

What transpired was a yo-yo, me being shoved from one telephone attendant to another, each giving me a different side to A LONG, CUMBERSOME AND TOTALLY CONVOLUTED story.

I was told my WIFI account hadn't been activated which I thought I did eons ago. Then someone said it had. Another guy thought my password was wrong and re-issued me another.

Finally after having wasted half a day, I decided to just go home and sob my sorry heart out while waiting for the STARHUBBERS to sort out the mess.

Right smack in the middle of my run, I had a missed call from one of their operators who could eventually explain that I actually have to log in using my mobile account. This is despite having told the attendants earlier in the day that I was their mobile subscriber.

Freaking lack of listening and analytical skills!

Physical And Sexual Intimacy - Can Your Family Provide This, Save Your Spouse?
I have been asked too many times this same question: Why the hell wouldn't I just stay with a next-of-kin, be it a sibling or moi's parents.

Well, first of all, moi is orphaned. Secondly, my siblings are all married and they have their families. Thirdly, our lifestyles are vastly different.

I mean sure, some families can give you the kinda social and emotional support you need.

But I am so sorry I have to say this: I NEED A MAN for more than that.

I need physical and sexual intimacy. That means hugging, kissing and fondling A DUDE in the buff at night on the bed (that means a DUDE's slightly musculatured body and his penis - sorry no breasts, no vulvas here - it is a preference thingy I suppose - which I like) while communicating our deepest secrets, thoughts and feelings (like I do on my blog) .

A lifesytle where we may just go nude around the house.

Can you kiss, hug, fondle and have GREAT SEX with a family member?

The Heat Is On?
With all due respect and I don't mean to be rude, I know it is almost summer-time ,what with the stifling heat all around us these past few days.

But does that mean the heat is on and it is bitch-hunting season already?

They are infesting cafes, the library, sporting facilities and the streets of Singapore. I mean how much can a GUY take? First they dominate the homefront, then they invade the workfront and now, THEY EVEN CALL PUBLIC PLACES their 3rd home.

Give the GAYS a break. We need to ogle at MORE GUYS, NOT GALLS!

Hilarious Hilarity - The Clowns Have Done It Again
I am not sure if the smoking ban is going a wee bit too far.

As it is, it is already a laughing stock among the citizens.

Picture these two scenarios: A table designated "smoking area" right next to one that is non-smoking in some open-air cafes. A dividing line between a row of smoking tables and non-smoking tables which is only some flower-pots with shrubs planted in them. Again, each right next to one another.

In fact why even sell ciggies if smoking is gonna be banned? Why ban hair-dyes in schools when beauty parlours are touting hair-coloring? Why preach morality and abstinence when brothels and the INTERNET purveying sex is all around us?

More Hilarity
Grimy oily cooking is allowed within air-conditioned eateries, which leaves patrons smelling like the exact same stuff they ate, while smoking isn't.

The fear of the bird flu pandemic but look at our cafes and kopi-tiams here. First the sparrows, then the mynahs, the pigeons and finally the crows all have their pick at scraps of food left on dining tables.

Good Product Design
Instead of a flag-raising kinda motion, just one tug and the whole screen goes up or comes down. I am speaking of window screens with a difference, unlike the venetian blinds we are accustomed to.

Iron grills covering recessed floors which could easily wash away the urea after public loo users. Instead of the puddles lining floors making them a slippery-slope.

They are all there but we are just not exploring them or imagining and creating them.

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