Monday, May 07, 2007

A Coffee Break On A Night Like This

Eternal Summer (R21)
Every once in a while, a gay movie comes your way which isn't a commercial flick produced for the tastes of the mass market.

Like its predecessor "Bishonen" (which had a tragic ending and unlike it - "Bishonen" is a Hongkong-made flim while this is Taiwanese), "Eternal Summer" warms your heart, veers away from a predictable storyline and ending and portrays gay love poignantly and sensitively.

It tells the story of a young boy who is both a class monitor and role-model pupil assigned to look after a disruptive, hyperactive and attention deficient classmate by the form teacher.

What follows, as they grow up with the passing years, is the blossoming of their friendship through thick and thin and their love for each other, which neither reveals until the tail-end of the movie.

With tears rolling down their cheeks as they struggle with their emotions for each other by the seaside, they finally communicate their love.

I could almost cry at the ending and in fact at every turn of the movie.

The occasions when Bryant Chang has to take his buddy Joseph Chang back home after a motorbike accident and nurse him back to health. Or the times they spent studying together. Or when Bryant attends basketball matches to cheer Joseph on.

The best gay movie by far that even the likes of "Brokeback Mountain" or "Lan Yu" (which apparently opened to a lot of publicity fanfare) does not come close to.

Two Hot Hunks In Two Hot Nights During The Hot Hot Summer
One was showering in the buff and had I not promised a tryst with Jonathan (which was an equally hot date) , I would have jumped at the chance of a steamy hot bath right along with MR HOTTIE.

The second was a hot athletic and well-built runner wearing a hot black skimpy G-string inside his hot white shorts who was not only burning up the trail but also burning up my sexual appetite.

Again providence was not on my side as he was followed by many, many, many hormonal and pheromonic-driven game hunters.

Survival: California Fitness
Not only are there too many gay dudes, there are just as many pretty, muscled boys that you try not to look into their eyes or risk being found out or distracted.

You notice that all have hang-ups. There mustn't be any slip-up on the part of their outwardly sado-macho, cool and confident physical and emo portrayal. It helps that all have the polished and accomplished physique, the power and the looks to complement this. They must have absolute control and hold on their gait, their performance and their overall appearance.

Even the personal trainers are not spared. That could explain Ilham's "dirty look". He can't speak with moi during one of his training sessions. He can't lose control. He just can't be distracted.

What can moi do but to keep up with this electrifying air of SADO-MACHOISM!

It Was More Than A Cruising Ground, It Was A Chat Corner As Well
In my last blog on the fencing up of a particular stadium , what I really meant to say was this : The grass slope leading to a winding concrete path used to be not only a cruising ground but a meeting and chatting venue as well.

Gay dudes would just sit and chat up one another sometimes.

The inner perimeter which borders the running track is already fenced up. So it doesn't make sense to wall another wall that is within, is it?

Unless it is Shih Huang Ti's royal edict for the re-construction of the Great Wall?

You Just Can't Leave Us Alone, Can You? My "Run-ins" Or Brushes With The Law
The "police raids", so to speak, will almost always follow a set pattern. A patrol car with its overhead revolving red searchlights would suddenly swerve itself into a car parking lot and police officers would swing into action.

Cruisers would scramble for cover and run helter-skelter.

At one time, I got so tired, I just didn't bother to run for my life, metaphorically speaking that is.
Two police officers promptly asked for my personal particulars and I asked for theirs in return as an act of defiance.

Who wouldn't with all the hostility and resentment they have fermented in us.

Hot Pepper Lunch Served Up With Good Local Service And In Good English Too
It has a few restaurants in various places but it also has this stall at this particular foodmall.

I have been drawn to its video advertorial played again and again at its premises, no less by its sizzling pan-frying sound.

Not only was the taste unique, I was actually served by a local polytechnic student temping at this eatery who served up food in his good English which was kinda out of place and unheard of in most of the foodmalls moi has visited thus far.

It is a great change from the usual aunties, uncles, bengs or foreigners who can be downright loud, crude and rude, not to mention having to grapple with the various dialects or the Chinese language. And he could explain what condiments I was getting to spice up my lunch even more.

In short there was communication and conversation AND in good English.

The only grouse I had was that I couldn't pay a little more for an egg to be added and done with its sunny-side up.

So why can't I?

When Was This Begun Anyway, Anyone?
Have you noticed how long the construction of the Circle Line is taking? Or how this ties in with recent sand and granite supply problems we are having with our foreign vendors.

Makes one wonder what the real situation is all about.

You Can Be Yourself, Enjoy Not Only The "Aloneness" Feel But Also Your Own Company
There is something very special about being up and about in the dead quiet of the night. I mean a very late night like the kind after midnight and in very quiet and desolate corners of Singapore.

The last couple of nights, I have been venturing to places like this.

The streets are deserted, human and vehicular traffic are at an almost stand-still and the deafening silence of the dark night just makes you feel the whole world belongs to you and you alone with nobody else to interfere in this world of yours.

You don't have to put up with people with all kinds of bad attitude and behavior.

You can sit, think and ponder away - communing and connecting with your true inner self, away from the daylight glare of what the world wants you to say or behave.

I did exactly this.

I spotted a petrol kiosk, promptly ordered a muffin and a canned vanilla coffee and sat at a round mosaic-tiled table with similarly mosaic-tiled stools, relishing a night like this.

Don't we all need to be truly ourselves at all times and not only at moments like this?

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