Thursday, May 24, 2007

Caught Red-Handed

A Picturesque Moment Which I Would Have Gladly Penned A Poem
I revisited the Central Catchment Reserve.

Someone was doodling Anime and like any artist, he seemed broody and pre-occupied so I didn't wanna bother him too much. And there was a school-going couple trying to scoop up something from the murky backwater, most probably for a science project.

As usual, the hunky kayakers were there, doing their rounds.

I stuck around very late and when dark descended, I walked over to a quiet part of the reserve and looked out to the dark silhouettes of trees and waters in the distant. Then I walked over to the bridge over the waters and it was again the same beautiful dark silhouettes in the distance.

It was pretty cool and I would have penned a poem if I had my pen and notebook with me there and then.

I would once I am able to recapture that moment again.

Watch for this on my blog coming up soon.

Caught With His Pants Down While I Was Caught Down Under
The day started off innocuosly enough. All I wanted to do was to try out "Sticky Rice" which was actually some ill-thought of moniker for a Thai eatery and buy back some replacement Oreos for Galen because I had been munching on his as I was at home all alone and ravished.

I headed out for the hub, ordered a grilled fillet fish which was a really huge portion and they actually had Oreo milkshake, so I ordered that too.

Once I had my fill, I went surfing. Then the dark storm clouds broke. I was stuck.

It was then that it happened.

While stealing a puff at the loo, someone at the next cubicle was suspiciously standing facing the toilet bowl for a very long time. Too long I thought.

So I stole a peek.

Guess what I saw?

Some dude was wanking.

He spotted moi, knocked on me door and before I know it, a librarian came barging into the restroom with the dude in question and quizzed me if I had actually committed the vile act.

All I could think of was to protect myself. I didn't wanna go to jail. I didn't wanna be accused of a gay crime (again). I mean I have had enough trouble already with "the law" with respect to my sexuality.

All I could think of as in any political indictment or impeachment was to deny, deny and deny. Hey I learn this from the scums.

God Dude! Can't you even spare an old man (who has the same genitalia as you) his fervent dying wish to JUST WATCH ANOTHER cute dude like you DOING THE VILE ACT at a public location in private?

Ok ok. So I may be a voyeur but HEY, aren't we all?

I am just an old man......instead of visiting all those homes for the aged, can't you like do this little act of KINDNESS?

For an old dude?

Not A Talk Show But A Gathering Of Friends
Don't get me wrong! What I meant to say was that MARTHA STEWART and ELLEN DEGENERES are more than talk show hosts. They have made their shows more than that.

More a meeting and gathering of friends.

Wasn't that what they were really doing?

To All The Guys I Have Met Before
Look who moi bumped into. This ex-Catholic High dude was strangely sitting around at the park one night.

On the second night, he was there again but on a bicycle.

I mean there were all these other joggers at the park. A slightly-outta-proportioned gall, whom I thought was doing the relay, what with the short folded-up umbrella she was holding in her hands which I mistook for a baton.

Then another tall GALL tried cruising me up, running in all the directions I was heading towards.

So I can't be sure where his eyes were really straying to.

But I took a chance and chatted him up. This short chat actually turned into a way past 3am odyssey together around the park, he pushing his bicycle while I walked alongside him.

He is really cute but too bad he hasn't called moi.

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