Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Another Public Holiday

Missing Papers From Backyard
This line sounds like US missing the newspapers. Like you miss something or somebody.

Maybe it should read: "Newspapers go missing from backyard"

What say you, Master Teachers.

Great Reno, More Better Reno
It is kinda great with many of the shopping malls being renovated and fitted with glass facades like Wisma, Orchard Point and Paragon.

This actually makes them more visible and thus accessible and seen. Too bad that huge space outside PS has so much not going for it and so far away from the main road.

Doesn't help too that Ngee Ann city still has that closed up gleaming maroon facade.

This is part of the kinda non-communication going on here as part of our culture particularly when it is necessary.

Galen has received a circular regarding a water-supply turn-off on 30th April, which was yesterday. In fact there was already one on the 19th which I have read about.

But this one circular he hoarded and crumpled up and so when I tried to bath yesterday morning, there wasn't a single drop of water.

Just as at Calif, the counter staff couldn't communicate that from Mondays to Fridays, I could only collect the towels from the women's counter before 12pm and on Saturdays before 10am and before 8am on Sundays.

At all other times, I could collect them from the men's counter.

Or when the domestic flight at the then Bai Yun Guangzhou airport got delayed and passengers were all flustered, not a siingle communique was issued as to what was happening.

Not to mention the men's club had its steam-bath down twice on my two visits and worse, on my second visit part of its maze was under reno. A waste of money when part of the facilities cannot be used.

I needed to buy a notebook sheath and as that gay fashion house has one, I shopped there.

That same dude who shortchanged me $20 the last time promptly got an earful from me.

Toting Up The Loss
In all I have lost about SGD23.20 so far. I dropped my $2 note after buying a drink from a stall to quench my thirst following a morning run and the 20 cents leaked from a hole in my coin pouch whose wallet I have since discarded.

Yesterday the swim pool had its ticket machine down and the one dollar coin I held between me fingers got misplaced on some wash basin top and someone must have taken it.

I have been bumping into quite a few familiar faces.

Patrick the Filipino and this dude whom I have seen around the men's club and the gym. I am not acknowledging them for reasons we know among ourselves. I can size people up quite well and know who I should mix with and who I shouldn't.

You Decided, You Live By It
I am seeing all those oldies hanging out at gay places again.

This guy I see with a woman and kid (presumably his wife and offspring) and even my neighbor of old in a pink polo (also presumably "happily married").

I leave my gay brethen to decide if they want a fuck so bad, they wanna be a sidekick or a ONS fun with these oldies. I won't.

I also leave my gay brethen to decide if they wanna give a divorcee a second chance at his sexual life, a divorcee who realise many years later he made a wrong sexual choice.

I won 't too in this case.

Buck Up
I have pointed out one instance of the many fumbles of our men in blue . It is simply the way they conduct themselves, utterly stupid in most cases.

I have a few others but enough.

Just shows the kinda state we are in here.

Shit Asses Don't Deserve My Attention
I have nothing against fat and ugly people. Just obnoxious fat and ugly people. And the fukctards who do not know what they are saying.

Much like galls and gays and the rest of them.

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