Friday, May 11, 2007

A DeceitFul Act

There they were.

Always in that light blue top and darker blue bottom which is their school attire. Sitting together on an iron-wrought bench, chattering a couple of words now and then.

Sometimes HE would even put his paws around her shoulder. YIKES!

A sweet young pretty boy and a "GALL" that makes up a pair of a "hetero" coupling.

At first, like the countless others who pass the lovebirds by, I would have given them a slight side glance, a kinda stare - just so to voice my disapproval of a courtship so young and in BROAD DAYLIGHT showing off the school they come from - BUT just as quickly I would have moved on.

Like innumerable others before me, I would sometimes dismiss them altogether and nary give them scant attention.

But an inner intuition told me that SOMETHING WAS NOT QUITE RIGHT. SOMETHING was amiss. Something about the guy. Something about the girl. JUST SOMETHING.

SOME tell-tale signs: the way his hand hung limply around her that doesn't quite keep up with the fact that they were deeply enough in love, IF THEY WERE IN LOVE at all.

The "GALL" was all stiff, shifting in her seat, arms folded across her breasts (if she had any breasts in the first place of course) and she was on tip-toe, guarded and distant and all so UNCOMFY.

Their body language told me THAT THEY WERE NOT AN ITEM. In fact, they look more like good friends hanging out for SOME OTHER REASON, some reasons other than courting each other.

REASONS I have yet to determine but can only postulate on.

On other days, I have seen the boy with his bunch of buddies.

Now that OTHER GUY he hangs around with looks more like someone HE IS VERY MUCH INTO. Or so I think. Maybe he is just waylaying moi? Waiting for MO, MOI being the one he is really, really, really seeking?

So that fine weekday afternoon, after sightings of the "lovebirds" in question, I actually plucked up enough courage. I put on my sexiest NUM tanks and black shiny short shorts and plonk myself on an iron-wrought bench two seats away.

Then I pluck up EVEN MORE DUTCH courage and inched myself up to a round tiled table top fraught with stools, hoping to catch his attention with my sexy smooth tanned calfs and thighs.

I am not sure if that worked but I finally got down to chatting him up and THAT WAS WHEN I gave out my NUMBER.

PLease call moi, YOU HORNY GAY BOY hiding in the closet!

GOSH, do we all have to deceive ourselves and others like that just to shake off a HOMOPHOBIC trail?

I feel so sorry for the many other sightings I have made of couples where THE DUDES ARE SO OBVIOSULY GAY, ELLEN DEGENERES AND MARTHA STEWART can't possibly be the talkshow hosts that they claim THEY ARE?

I can only pray THIS ERA OF DECEIT AND HIDING will end soon with the liberalisation move that SHOULD, IF NOT, MUST COME.

Earlier rather than much later.

For the sake of all of us.

I am getting VERY tired of the masquerade, charade and game that is eating into my insides.

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