Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Who Gives A Damn

Yawn! It Is Ma Life
Let me say this again in case YOU DIDNT GET IT the first time round.

I am not into CHUBS OR BEARS (so that rules PSYCHO, DORAY AND BULLDOG out - we don't get on, traditionalist most of them and yes BULLDOG is still hanging out at the men's club - obnoxious, no looks, no heart, no shape save for a nice house - what is the point - and don't forget he warns moi against hanging out with youngsters so why is he hanging out on a day at the club meant for the young like moi? The BIG FAT UGLY hypocrite that he is! ).

Nor am I into oldies.

Exceptions there are when that X-factor and chemistry kick in.

I don't care what people think if I hang out with someone way much younger or if it looks nice or not. Some of our public houses may look nice on the outside but wait till you look inside and the people living in them.

Again what is the point.

Doesn't mean I am at that age that I must be with someone at my age. I can't click with all those old fuddy duddies as far as my experience has shown. Sometimes even the younger set - remember the hunk who walked into the GRASSROOTS club?

Age does not confer wisdom and I don't see any of the older folks saying something very sensible or thinking or acting like they do sometimes.

For example, I walk out the bath and of course there would be still some water prints on the floor somewhere. What do you expect if like Auntie Chan Moi or Doray that they come out immediately and see this? How stupid can that be?

Or a sales assistant commented that he likes my bag (I will take it as a compliment). Well I like it too, that is why I bought it, STUPID!

The same goes for the younger set who may reject moi for his age, looks, physique whatever. I accept that rejection in my stride and I do not hoist myself on anyone.

In fact as a kid, I was fat and ugly. BUT I WAS NEVER OBNOXIOUS or impose my FAT SELF ON ANYONE. But Bulldog and some of the fatso (both men and women) I met DID.

Get this right!

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