Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Farewell Run

Farewell, Dear Old National Stadium
I thought as a farewell tribute to the Grand Old Lady (as she is affectionately known but hey why can't it be the Grand Old Man?), I should run round its tracks at least once.

Despite its four parasol-shaped lightning rods perched atop its floodlights, the two clock towers and the astro-turf popping all over the place, the Grand Old Lady can still hold her own.

And run I did. All six rounds along with a cast taking photo-shoots of some hunky army dudes, perhaps in memorial of the Grand Dame.

What got me even more enchanted was the overhead pedestrian bridge which straddle a highway and a soon-to-be-open underground tunnel. It offered a breezy outlook to vehicular traffic but it was really nice.

But my sight-seeing got promptly abrupted when a groupie of darker-skinned nationals walked by, creating a din with their loud talk.

What does it take to spoil the ambience of a moment for anyone?

Wow! Hanging Out At A Shopping Mall Is A Crime Too?
First Don, the security patroller, had the audacity to tell moi not to sit on seats the gay fashion house had put out for its customers (this is also in part due to the gay punk who signalled him for whatever reasons).

I walked over to him later and suggested settling the matter with him at his management office, not in a very polite or quiet tone of voice, I am afraid. I can get VERY NASTY AND LOUD MYSELF especially in cases like this where I know my rights.

While there, I screwed him left and right.

I asked his manager if it was a crime to loiter (meaning hang out) particularly at a shopping mall like this. Was I in a groupie? Was I rioting? Was I committing a crime?

He got the picture.

BullDog, Don't Spoil This Club's Image
I mean he was daring enough to sit right smack in the middle of all the cruising maze and darkspots. Like a statue, not moving his fatt butts an inch, and ugly with bulbous eyes, he probably will scare away cruisers and patrons.

In fact he is supposed to be at the Bear's Club, not here. And I will usually keep watch for some time outside the clubs before deciding to go in. Otherwise I am just gonna throw money down the drain with patrons like him and all those geezers.

God, doesn't he know his own place and just stick with people and admirers of his own kind.

What irks me is all the moralising and preaching he does (in his loud voice), making himself to be a saintly GOD, but deep down he is just another hypocrite.

Nobodys And Unwanted
Of late I have been noticing women hanging out at sporting facilities and in their cars out on the roads alone late in the night.

Such a pitiful sight! Seemingly successful (judging by the cars they drive) but all alone (for whateva reasons).

You deserve this GALLS! You know what I mean. I have met and worked with your types in so many places before.

People I Ran Into
When Hurwan approached me at a cruising spot, he struck me as a policeman. As it turns out, he was serving his National Service as one. Something tells me something isn't quite right and that he may still be ONE though he denies it.

Anyway if he can take this to be a friendship, I am all right with it.

Another car cruising dude at another gay haunt struck me to be the well-known and high profile ex-cop turned social worker. He only gave out his Chinese name but already everything is suspect.

What with the whole cruising place within sight of our bobbies' headquarters and who knows if he still has ties there? And he could cruise right in through the gates of an educational institution. No checks, no questions asked.

It did strike me that only authorized people have that kinda privilege and the gate-keepers surely can recognize Who's Who.

Wimp You Are
This bears repeating.

It certainly shows on you.

If a wimp, because of some Penal Code and unable to stand up to the pressures of being gay turn tail and decide to marry but still have gay fun on the side, it shows HOW UNWORTHY this character is.

You have my utmost sympathies and contempt.

Junk Relationship - That Is Because The Seeds Of Cultivating And Sustaining Relationships Hasn't Been Sown
It is unfortunate that cultivating and sustaining relationships (in whatever sexual configuration) hasn't been taught here.

That accounts for all the JUNK relationships. Be it in the dating scene or even in matrimonial homes.

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