Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What We All Seek, Isn't This The Stuff It Is Made Of

We Spent So Much Of Our Lives At Work And On The Homefront, We Must Be Enjoying Both Right?
At the end of the day, it is meaningful work that we all seek to do.

Everybody wants to do good at his work.

Unless there is something very wrong with the whole work culture that is : politicking, boot licking, people getting away with skiving and actually getting promoted, etc, etc.

Small wonder I have heard enough stories of people being de-motivated and doing far less than what they can put in.

Working culture here STINKS BIG TIME!

You Are A Surgeon, So You Can't Be A Lawyer, Can You?
If any of the TOP GUNS here think they can be re-trained to be security guards, cabbies or cleaners, let me know.

I should think they won't wanna be wasting their experience and expertise on something they are not cut out for, would they?

Meaningful Vocation
Likewise, if I can't teach or train, I won't be doing anything else.

Yes I got another call to go for an induction course with a company and subsequently OJT with some girls' school.

Teach an all-girls school? No way. More likely a mixture (bad enough) or a pure all-boys.

Can't stand the sight of GALLS and their attitude.

Boys, even if their characters SUCK, I can just ignore because it is a different kinda of SUX. But galls can really grate on your nerves BIG TIME.

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