Friday, December 16, 2005

Of Monsters And (Wo)Men

I remember in one earlier blog, I mentioned that I always thought that Singapore could have been the Hawaii of the South Pacific or the Monte Carlo of the French Central Riveria. I am referring, specifically, to it being a resort haven, not a gambling den.

When you learn about the heart-wrenching tale of the troubled reigning monarchy, it smacks of a family curse like King Tut. Princess Grace Kelly, ex-Oscar winning actress, died in mysterious circumstances, rumoured to be murder and the heirs are battling matrimonial discord , death , divorce (hey look, people, the 3Ds - muahahaha), infidelity or bachelorhood. Sounds like a bad Hollywood movie, an inheritance of their mother?

M/s Real Estate Wussy was just pretending to bimbote as I discovered. She is a conniving, evil and low-down life-form only pontianak can emulate. All her lies were calculated to benefit her monetarily. Professionally, she did not exercise due diligence in her fiduciary duties. She will have her just desert, where her tongue will be sliced and her throat slit in the 18 Gates of Hell, the "devout" Buddhist she claims to be.

When I mentioned M/s Doey Eyes, I recalled the nerve control centre where I worked to be dominated by women. It wasn't a nice place with women bickering, bitching and back-stabbing one another. There was a Senior Warrant Officer who politicked no end for a new ranking exercise which would have esconced her in the highest echleon of her non-commissoned officer class. She is good too in cultivating relationships at the top of the hierarchical commissoned level.

This fat ass at the top of the heap was actually pawing younger female junior officers, who must have hungered for promotional advances (excuse the pun) at anniversary dinners and dances. The Chinese has this saying: "上梁不正,下梁歪 。Shang liang bu zheng, xia liang wai". (If the top is crooked, the bottom is too).

There were exceptions of course, one of whom was a Christian Sergeant who sat me down and spoke to me and another a Staff Sergeant who works quietly and seriously and whom I bumped into several times now but did not acknowledge. There is no need. We aren't that close. She has not touched my life in any way.

What did the Officers-In-Command do? They let every thing pass without as much as a word of admonition or caution when warranted. No wonder the rivalry and bad karma boomeranged and resounded throughout the organisation, unchecked and unreined.

If you ask me, years spent in the army look very much like a punching bag for the people in charge as they unload and re-enact the bad experiences they had on their subordinates. Seeing how they can send you on "jungle missions", it scares me no end if they ever had my safety and interests at heart. It is akin to sending you on a death mission.

Your life is like a speck of dirt, no better than a toad's. It was just round after round of vengeful "tekan" as it is called in army lingo. It must really be "song" to see your recruits suffer and to relish power, torture and abuse under the guise of regimented physical conditioning and battle-waging.

Then there are the swipes of your personal articles and you are in deep shit if you lose anything.

This leads me to the question of Chinese civilisation. They invented everything (even paper money could have been their doing) and were at the acme of their renaissance before they closed their doors and barbarism took over. It is a reversal of fortunes now and the Chinese hasn't been exactly abiding in their rule of law.

The Europeans fought two World Wars and had many skirmishes along the way. But they laid down their arms and precisely because of the countless miseries the wars have wrought, the EU was born. Thus the EU nations had a commonality in their historical and cultural ties. Europe has learnt its lessons. So too Japan?

If I need to elaborate further on how Western ideals are being imbibed by Asians at a very young age, I will say look no further at the cartoons we watch or the fairy tales we read. We watch Walt Disney and read Grimm Brothers. We do not have any Asian role model. On hand, I have a folk-tale story book hailing from Mynmar which never made it to our readership locally. This is indeed sad.

This is the "life" humans have invented and created for themselves. Don't you sometimes wonder if we are "civilised" or "barbaric"?

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