Monday, December 26, 2005

Have You Seen A Christmas Elf Or Troll Yet?

I had never known "Spotlight" was an Australian export. The shop has everything a home-maker could dream up. I ventured into its only store here and was smitten with its wide array of fabrics, crafts and home interiors. The nice, plush and fluffed-up upholsteries caught my eyes. Even venetian blinds never had it so good.

How has your Christmas been? Has it been one big festoonery, overran with all the gaiety and yuletide cheer ? Were you partying the night away, ate to your heart's content and as drunk as you could be? Or were you holed up, contemplative, meditative and reflective on the Christmas meaning and message, far away from the madding crowd.

I thought, in line with the Christmas spirit of the season, that I should espouse something. Young men, take heed. Before you down that anabolic protein shake before you hit 21, think of its stunting effect on your growth as it pushes your muscles in all the right places but not in your upward spurt. It also triggers horrendous acne breakouts for some and weight gain or adipose (or is it cellulite) deposit when you are no longer training.

Steroids are the stuff hormones, the precursors of vitamins, digitalis, sterols and bile acids are made of. Digitalis are used as cardiac stimulants. Sterols occur as cholesterols in the fatty tissues of animals and as ergosterol in plants. Bile acid is used to emulsify fats.

The bio-chemical implications are clear, if you cannot by now see the light.

This is something the trainers at gymnasiums may have overlooked as they push and shove for that herbal remedy to cut down fats and protein-building steroids which line their pockets with cash. Even gym members are pulling off a similar MLM round-robin stunt at the clubs they work out. Again, schools' physical education instructors seem to be not filling this edificational black-hole.

When it is economics, everyone has a finger in its pie. But when it is something that will save a body or help a lost soul, nobody is in sight. This could be everyday issues that affect everyone schools can put up for project work.

Just so to further bolster my argument about story writers and tellers being the high-browed intellects that they are. Lewis Carroll was the nom de plume of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, logician, author and mathematician. CS Lewis was a professorial scholar. This should be enough to kill any lingering doubts.

In case you are doing any last-minute festive shopping and IT happens to be on the shopping list, pay heed. If you see a PCMCIA specification written on its IT brochure, you had better strike this off your purchase. A PCMCIA is as old as what corsets would be in the Victorian Age.

I am sorry if you thought my 6 months of blogs have been one helluva fire and brimstone. It is only an infintesimal 0.0125 of my out-and-out earth years here. How is that for eschewing statistical reality?

Merry Christmas once again and may 666 never plague us on 6th June, 2006 in the new year!

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