Thursday, December 15, 2005

Cinematic Parodies Or Is It Real (Reel) Life

If you weren't as sharp, you wouldn't have noticed the mis-spelt "Catastrophie" in "Back to Gaya". "King Kong" had its hero looking like a younger Barry Manilow who was a prolific and successful song-composer and singer with hits like "I Write the Songs" and "Copacabana".

Wait. It may not have been the "Billboard Top 10" but to me, in my heart, it is a hit if I feel it to be. Barry Manilow is distinguishable by his aquiline nose. The other on-screen hero was a Charles Bronson wannabe named Bain Baxter (men who perhaps went under the knife too).

I have heard it all before - Financial Planning. We have all done it at one time or another. Somehow, we still fall critically short. An accountant I met would typify this. Given his profession, he would have thought he had financially planned better. It is the same with all the GDP and GNP growth statistics, I don't see any of it trickling down to Joe Bloggs. Therefore, on a micro-level, it ain't no growth at all.

I do not want you to think that M/s Cindy Crawford (alter-ego) and M/s Doey Eyes are maligned in my blog. They were just what they really are. They were, besides being bethrothed to their other halves, flirtatious, showy, bewitchy and charming, ensnaring one and all who cared to be ensnared.

I don't mean to be mean (oops, sorry for the parallelism). But when I am trying to have my time alone, doing my thinking and all, I seriously hate "uninvited" guests who want to take their places at my table. Can you please wait for me to finish up and you can have my seat then.

The same goes for carrionous crows who hover about your table, waiting to pounce on your dining space. So eviscerate me and call me a hooter for being single .We are humans too, deserving of space, time and thoughts alone. Blame the F&B people for not having or having enough single or double seaters.

Dong Gun visits to promote his movie "The Promise" on a whirlwind tour. That accounts for the huge turnout lining themselves outside the cineplex, some armed with read-to-shoot cameras. Star gazing and celebrity mania! This is a mini-Hollywood gala for sure.

Sometimes when I think about how computer games and games arcades provide escape channels for shooting, kicking, boxing, hammering, thrusting and slashing fantasies, it crossed my mind if we were not actually directing them at our real-life nemeses. Humanity does deserve it, doesn't it, for all the evil deeds they have committed against each other?

"Santa Slays" debunks popular myth of a mirthful, benign and magnanimous gift-doler. Who can deny this fact that we have a "The Other Side of Midnight" to our persona? Especially if we are cornered into a despicable tight corner like Noami Watts was in "King Kong". It was survival or scruples.

The Special Olympics is organised for the intellectually disabled. How this term goes unchallenged has astounded me beyond words. I suppose it could be to varying degrees.

Down's dyndrome, for sure (or so I think, or could it just be the appearance but not the mental faculty?). But polio or some lower half paralysis cannot count towards this , as borned out by the cases of our local athlete hero Dr William Tan and America's 32nd President Franklin D Roosevelt.

And the blind? Helen Keller learnt just as well , just that she needed extra coaching and special training aids and the Braille was invented for this special purpose. So too did Anne Sullivan, her forebear. What about the deaf and mute? What about kids just slower in their learning abilities?

So physical versus intellectual disabilities. And what constitutes intellectual disability? To what extent is it intellectual and not of the making of examinations which may not be assessing any ability in the first place? What is intellectual ability and is it the only measure of a person's intelligence? Should it even be a criterion for typecasting?

We have inherited many old Western-based colonial and non-colonial systems (possibly even Eastern ones as testified to by the Han imperial examinations following a surge of Confucianism) of which this is but one which we should relook and re-orientate.

Sorry if I sound like a tart. The Iranian President's inflammatory speech had three parts. Jews be obliterated. A Jewish state be carved out in the Western World. The Holocaust was a myth.

Certainly the first is totally preposterous and the third is at best unfounded, based on the present circumstances. The second doesn't sound too far off, given the fact that the Holocaust was a Western World doing and to atone for their sins, they should have a Jewish state in their midst to serve as a reminder of the horrors they inflicted by waging war, shirking responsibility and making a bad decision in creating a Jewish state in among a predominantly Arab World (though Israel would have no other site as this is both biblical and historical, as much as it is for the Arabs, but they can't possibly resist if the superpowers are not swayed or do not budge, can they?)

What he says has some validity. I mean I don't see any of the Western community interacting any time soon now amidst us. It is usually enclaves of their own kind. You see this at the cinemas, the shopping malls, the eateries. It is the same with us when we are abroad. Where else do you see large Asian communities except in their own ethnologically demarcated townships - Chinatown, Japantown, etc. Perhaps transplantation of heterogenous communities back to their homogeneous origins does not sound so crazy after all? Just a thought.

I thought I met Mr John Chia on the train that day. At least what was left of him, a shadow of his former self. Strands of hair straggling his bald pate, old, freckled with vision problem, apparently, he is nowhere near the whistle-blowing soccer coach he was during PE lessons. Frankly I hated soccer and wished we had more of baseball , football or hockey. But he was gentlemanly enough never to utter any unkind word even if I refuse to play the game and just slack during PE.

At the end of the day, it is just UNNATURAL for mankind to live life as it is now, divided as we are by economics, religion, race, gender and language. It is like putting KING KONG in captivity for all to marvel as the Eighth Wonder Of The World. Our only hope in the future of our civilisation is FANE and NWO, my two theories for survival and sustanability into the danger-fraught zone (or so we are led to believe) of the 21st century.

You answer this now. Is it really reel or real life?

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