Friday, December 09, 2005

Bloglets (Blogs Within A Blog), Bloggists, Bloggicide And Blogonymous

More nubs for my blog, thoughts that just came and went.

When I ride the train up north, I am enraptured with the blue, crystal clear, shimmering Sungei Sembawang snaking its course along the blocks of flats fronting it. But when I walk over to Sungei Whompoa, I am greeted with the stench of filth and the sight of murky, dirtied waters. What a world apart! I certainly hope something would be done and waterfront living would be made habitable once more.

Madonna has cut her most recent album "Confessions of a Dance Floor" and one track is entitled "Hung Up". In this song, she gyrates and grooves like she always did in her earlier albums, only sexier and more provocatively, and we have to hand it to her as she is already a mother. However I will only go so far as to admire her brazen performances, outlandish costumes, nifty dance-steps and unforgettable songs.

I found myself raising my voice the other day at the community librarian when I tried explaining why I should not be fined for a book the library apparently never received. I had returned three books some weeks ago , two of which were a few days overdue, via the bookdrop but the last title hadn't been registered as the sensor did not light up. I was indignant at the hefty fine imposed and it wasn't my fault if I had dropped the book into the bin and thereafter it got lost in transit.

This thought just occurred to me. If we have cosmetically and physically altered folks turning into their idolised pop stars, wouldn't it be a very sad day for mankind indeed if we no longer have the diversity of looks and appearances that make homo sapiens unique? Imagine every which way you turn and it is a Jennifer Lopez or a Angelina Joline. No more Gigi Leungs, Sammi Chengs and Stephanie Suns (oopsy whoops, did I just let slip a Freudian?) . Dolly the sheep would be proud but not geneticists.

Danny's visit set me thinking. I had to sift through the two presumed disparate issues of private and public spheres of life.

As a visitor or a tenant of a private property (thus private sphere), I would say you have to observe the binding covenant as you are entering the private inner sanctum of the owner. Thus first hand smoking which induces second hand passive smokers are strictly proscribed.

Extend this analogy to visitors to countries and you pretty much get the big picture.

Whatever transpires in private is private as long as it does not encroach onto the public sphere and thus disturbs others. There is then this intersection of the two spheres and arbitrage would come on if never the two shall reconcile.

In the public sphere which is normally common property, we are under obligatory obligations to observe good etiquette and civility. The jury is still out on the blogosphere, especially since most blog entries are private, unless the bloggers had actively publicised their existence.

Usually there is an arbiter for the resolution of common, thus public, property disputes. In any case, the arbiters may even be the agents for due action or enforcement through its third-party outsourcing arrangements or of its own as a regulatory aribtrator .

Do you notice how simple acts like visiting a junk-food joint becomes an exercise in advantageous mathematics? You have to decide between buying a bundled meal A at price $W versus an alacarte menu of B at price $X, C at price $Y and D at price $Z.

So if we compute this algebraically, we have three possible permutations ( most unfortunate that I have to lay out the equations in threes as my keyboard does not permit a combined symbolic sign of two):

producer(left) consumer(right)

(1) $W(A) < $X (B) + $Y (C) + $Z (D)
(2) $W(A) = $ X (B) + $Y (C) + $Z (D)
(3) $ W(A) > $X (B) + $Y (C) + $Z (D)

Only algebraic equations (2) and (3) would confer Adam Smith's economic wealth status on the capitalists in a laissez-faire economy, looking in from the consumer's viewpoint as opposed to the producer's.

And note: All prices quoted in Singapore currency at prevailing rates and menu prices correct at the time of publication @ 2300Hrs, Friday, 9th December 2005.

Be careful that you punctuate your sentences and words correctly. If I had said something like "Catholics aren't that catholic in their religious views, are they?" and "The KnickerBockers wear knickerbockers to bed", you must certainly pay heed to the capitalised letters in either word.

While I had previously mentioned that the "Teen Confidential" column is a misnomer, I am not advocating that it be taken off the air. It should continue if only for a good laugh or two, albeit with a name change to "Teen Confidante or Confidant" should there be a switch in the resident counsellor whose chromosal make-up is XY as against its former XX gender.

The full name for the Queen Consort to King Henry II of France is Catherine de Medici who invented the corset which must have riled quantitatively challenged women of her times. It was an under-bodice cut to befit the social class, wealth and power of the era. This stifling and asphxiatic contraption must have been as good an instrument of torture as any. It resembles the softer, cotton fabric , oft floral-designed, string strapped ,under-bodice Chinese women love wearing in imperial times.

Holy Onion Rings! She also plotted the massacre of Protestants on St Bartholemew's day, 1572. Women! How diabolically devious some can be!

It never ceased to amuse me to see how humans have sought to devise innumerable ways to entertain themselves. Imagine paying to watch other people dance, sing, act, box, kick a ball or swing a bat. Or at the amusement arcade. Games players now strum guitars and beat drums in addition to the conventional race-driving, gun shooting or sword wielding. How did our Stone-Age ancestors pass their time then? They drew, sang and certainly hunting was in itself a preoccupation that took up most of their time.

Get real and in life, we have ageists, sexists, racists and bloggists. These are people who are dead set against age, sex, race and blogs. If any of our blogs ever get shut down , hacked into or scribbled with cutting remarks, we know we have a bloggist on our hands. Just as we have parricide, suicide, homicide and regicide. Not forgetting infanticide and bloggicide. Eg: Dwayne, you are committing bloggicide just by torturing those poor living creatures of God and screening them on your blog. It will die a slow but sure death.

If greedy and avaricious are synonymous, light versus dark are antonymous, boy and buoy are homonymous, beauteous and beautiful are paronymous, then surely blog and weblog are blogonymous.

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