Friday, December 09, 2005

Codicil - I Stand For This, This And This, Barring Everything Else

Pets Act (Chapter 1)

How could I enact a Pets Act (Chapter 1) in my previous post and promptly not have it up on my blog? Therefore, this is the codicil (you would notice the legal terms I have been bandying about recently - the Acts have gotten to me) and I shall be brachylogical about it.

It can be said in just one sentence: Love your pet, take good care of it as you would any living creature and be prepared to see it through its life span. Forget the 163 articles you thought I would draw up just as our drafters did with our Constitution.

A Republic

Interesting. I have mentioned the Constitution which will serve as a prelude to my discussion about a republic.

A republic is a constitutional form of government, especially a democratic and representative one, in which the head of state is not a monarch and supreme power is vested in the people or their elected representatives.

I shall now explain the terms in bold so you could put two and two together and infer your own logical conclusion.

A constitution is a system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, functions and limits of a government or other institutions. You may do well to find out what other institutions the constitution covers.

A democracy is a government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. Representatives would be people you elected and they would be typical instances of people whom you sought to represent your interests.

A monarchy would be a rule by a king, a queen , an emperor or any such heads of state usually by hereditary rights and for life.

Sex and Pornography

I am not sexually attracted to the opposite sex. All anatomical structures and the mere thought of their natural bio-rhythmic cycle turns me off. This is just me and I hope nobody gets offended in any way. I can only engage them meaningfully on a purely platonic and intellectual plane, if that is even feasibly possible with some.

I would fit the typology of the truly typified "single" parent, vernacularly speaking, loving , nurturing and caring for a male progeny but without the significant other. I would be the anti-thesis of the childless couple. I believe that kids complete the cycle of life with or without your other half. You can single handedly bring a kid up . That should dispel myths about my being self-centred and selfish .

I think the clamp-down on pornography had been increasingly relaxed to the point of non-existence today, more because one wisecrack suggested this to be the cause of Singapore's lack of fecundity. I am not convinced however if this had not backfired in equally unequivocal dramatic rises inthe divorce rate.

Conjugal partners have their sexual performance expectations artificially raised as soon as stuntmen and stuntwomen are hired as acrobats in the pornographic production. Once their significant other could not do the wheelbarrow, they have to look to other sources which could and this perhaps explain infidelity in general and some recently reported cases of uxoricides.

If this isn't comeuppance for a morally degraded population stock, then what is?

Everyone enjoys "exotic sex" but when mummification, fisting, autoerotic asphyxia, scatology, cock ball torture, electro and bestiality degrades, hurts, maims and kills, it can be a tad dangerous, no?

Advance Medical Directive

I fully endorse the directive as any extra-ordinary life-sustaining treatment provided as palliative care for a terminally ill patient, whose incurable condition predates imminent death anyway, in my opinion, is unnatural given that it only postpones the moment of death.

My only wish when that happens is that I will be surrounded by my loved ones and they will be the first to unplug any life-supporting system that is stuck into any part of my bodily orifice or anatomy.

But before I can even contemplate signing on the dotted line in the prescribed form and in the presence of a Medical Practitioner and another legal-age witness, both who must not be beneficiaries of any part of my estate, mentally sound and of their own free will,I have to find out who the hell is the Registrar whom which I will be lodging my directive with. Any idea anyone?

While I am at it, I mean interpreting the Acts, I must say I am particularly impressed with some constitution of our educational institutions. Especially the Board and Senate parts.

And I do love reading the captivating caption of our statutes where it is "brought to us by the AG's Chambers and the MFEO, MOF" which really reminds one of the many sponsored programs we see on television.

Blah, blah, blah.....Sheezzzz...the sheer poppycockiness of it all?

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