Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Is it just my imagination or is our IT mall teeming with an all-male workforce? What a wonderful respite from the usual dolled-up vampish witches we see manning the sales and marketing counters!

What a pleasant encounter I had with a Frenchman! It was trying at times to sift through the slight language barrier in terms of his accent and I hope he didn't have the same thing with my English. I do pride myself on my self-declaimed spoken Standard English.

But what we had was one interesting discussion about global living and cultures. He is resident here and if I read him correctly, living here isn't as great as it is made out to be! He is in fact looking for another repose.

This attests to my belief that not only is our education not education, our life here isn't life at all. There is something amiss if our life is reduced to the economy alone.

Someone mentioned about how two wrongs do not make a right . Let me add this rejoinder : Make it two wrongs among a hundred or so. How can a Greek not behave like a Roman in Rome?

This reminds me of the legwork and hard work I put in, making the rounds of the medical industry, only to have M/s Madonna (alter-ego) to harvest the fruits of my labour when I leave. It was the same too of M/s Cindy Crawford (alter-ego). All they do is shake legs in the office, sit tight and look pretty.

More wimps on the trains and at the shopping arcades. They are the young, desperate and sissified wimps who need a female companion to prop up their fragile egoes. One even played with her sash and lipstick. What a torrid sight! So I did toy with "Clinique" make-up before, but I don't go public like that. It is simply bad taste.

The car-racing game at amusement arcades must be the bane of our practical driving tests. The gamers actually cross their hands on the steering wheels or gamely drive with one arm. These would be definite no-nos at our test centres! So I did play "Quaker" and "Combat Flight Simulator" myself but it was on some joystick then, not like the sophisticated console box now.

"Wallace and Gromit - The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" was nice, though it really wasn't on my watch-list but I was aching from the long weekend, suffocating from sheer boredom. Now "The Chinese Tall Story" would be, like "The Promise" which was disappointing as it turned out to be a sob story. I am looking for action and space-age special effects which the trailer promised.

"Wallace and Gromit"'s credits had a someone resident in Singapore who, if he is the person I think he is, is the Russian-Australian I am acquainted with. He was one hell to live with, especially his gay visitors who come by and use my house facilties without permission. It is the same ingrained thinking here to wring every cent of your money's worth!

I might have bumped into him again and seemingly he is hitched and gone hetero. If that is so, it must be a betrayal of his gay partner, whom I thought they were lovingly coupled, until he brought another home . What flirtatious fun!

As I mentioned , trainers and members at the SSC gymnasiums are marketing health and slimming supplements. This is unethical as, most likely, both are in cahoots. If you remember Mr Old Fart who works out at the gymnasium in an early blog, he did precisely tried selling me some of this stuff. That is why he earns no kudos from me in terms of cultivating a friendship.

I am crestfallen that the Constitution hasn't afforded me equal protection in acquiring a property and in seeking employment. If I am denied a home and a school, I am ,de facto, denied my constitutional rights.

Perhaps it is all for the better. If the Book of Revelations proves true, then the 666 Beast which needs anyone to trade with it to have its mark could be at work here. Before the Day of Judgement sweeps mankind up in one final calamity.

I do enjoy some journalists' pieces in our main daily. They write with newfound insight. Writers like Mr Jenadas Devan, M/s Ong Sor Chin, M/s Chua Mui Hoong, Mr Andy Ho and M/s Susan Long. But the forum pages see writers who are being featured time and again. It seems controlled and phoney.

Well enought thoughts for a day. The new year is coming and move on I must.

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