Sunday, December 18, 2005

Boys' And Men's Health And Sex Issues

I should have gone for cosmetic dentistry early on in my life. As my misaligned and misshapened teeth stand now, it is no longer aesthetic but life-threatening and a potential health hazard. I mean the nooks and crannies are harboring food scraps and I have bacterial attacks ever so often.

My mouth is what earns me my living. I can't be clamped shut, can I , while nursing an ulceration? I do have chronic ulcers since young.

I am known to be the genteel dude with the steely cold gaze though. The reason I do not want to talk so much is not to contribute to the cacophony that is the marketplace of ideas . To suggest schemes, like my senior did in the Army, which would add on to an NSF's miseries. Or to engage in loose talk that would create disharmony, discord and endanger others.

Apparently this has not worked all the time with me ending being victimised instead.

Serving in the armed forces and in the health-care industry has indeed opened up my eyes to medical conditions which I know not of hitherto.

For example, there are connatural genitalia, phimosis and paraphimosis. Phimosis is when the foreskin cannot be retracted in the penis. Paraphimosis is its diametric opposite.

In the latter, there is pain as the penis is like in "suspended animation" with the prepuce wound tight around the lower glans and upper shaft, exposing the soft skin to roughage. Imagine your pubic hair or any part of your crown jewels caught in a zipper. It would be precisely the same feeling.

Phimosis is not a healthly situation either as smegma would accrete. Remember the parallels between Phallus Impudicus (which also sounds like phallus impudent) and our penis and you are on your way to a "hygiene and health" re-education program. I am not sure if a douche would do as much for a penis where perhaps it should be renamed a "pouche"?

Circumcision would be the only resolution for phimosis, it seems. Common sensically, I am anti-circumcision (except for religious rituals which I cannot comment though statistically there have been complications) as the protective sheath would be off and the soft skin now doubles as its calcified counterpart. It would be left susceptible and the nerve sensation would be lost too.

I would be appalled if in schools, sex education isn't more forthcoming in hygiene and health care of the body, which include the above and acne management (a perennial adolescent angst).

It is indeed outrageous we have chosen to term perfectly legitimate , healthy and normal outings with friends of the opposite sex as "dates" (which imply romantic liaisons). We hit on anatomy and physiology but pay no heed to the management of psychological, emotional and sexual philosophy and one's physical body .

It is the same with granting permission for gay parties (which was then taken back after just a couple of years), somehow associated with wildness, promiscuous sex and drugs, but not allowing civil unions or same-sex marriages. The latter would have been a stabilising factor in society like a Woman's Charter sanctioned one between a man and a woman. We want a family as much as anyone else does but not in the stereo-mode.

Our authorities have been loosening up in all the wrong areas with hooters, strip clubs, bar-top dancing, bordellos, spas, casinos and pornography which are satanic temptations even for a happily monogamous couple. How long more before drugs hit the scene or hasn't it? It is the wrong tack and a surefire roll down to the abyss.

There should have been avenues to meet people for all sexes, besides schools, chat rooms, pubs clubs, spas and what-have-you . Isn't this a sure ticket to preventing STDs rather than all your multi-million dollar campaigns?

It pains me too to see young boys in our institutions looking up to their young male educators who are sometimes treated shabbily and given a shove off. You are their idols, in some cases. They look up to you for information, knowledge and advice. Some are smitten. Do not pretend or mask your own sexual inclinations either.

The least you could do is to reciprocate with kindness, wise counsel, emphatic commiseration and good communication. Some lack communication, love , companionship and come from dysfunctional families to various extent. You are their salvation in some instances. Do not brush them off and condemn them to a perilous eternity of a death sentence.

This requires warmth, magnamity and the true insides of your heart pouring forth to reach out to another person in need.

Chew on this!

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