Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Love Psychedelics And Lollipops

I Love Lollipops
When Claire stormed out of the classroom the other day sucking on a lollipop, I knew instantly its symbolic representation that she was trying to show me. She has all but abandoned me in class for whatever reasons. Claire, darling, I LOVED YOU AS A FRIEND.

*Sob sob sob sob*

It struck me too that a young Chinese boy had an electronic mail addressed as "letsucklollipop" which incidentally bounced because it was invalid.

This class is onto my case, I guess. I know who they are. I can tell. Like Sab and she does have an Indian hubby and the two Indian girls she is friends with. FiFi and the Malay boy she hangs out with. The other Indian girl who had touched me and is friend with a Malay boy in the class.

And like everyone else, I am pretending to be on good, friendly and initimate terms with all of them.

Just get off my fucking back, people! It is never gonna happen! I have too much self-awareness. And you can tang-gu-gu...(Hokkien term for wait long long)

But what can I say? I truly love Asian Chinese lollipops and luminous psychedelic colors for my braces?

Let me correct that....young, virile, twinky, muscled, toned Asian Chinese, Korean and Japanese lollipops.


Triple Pure Coincidence Again!
Like it is pure coincidence again that I get mainly calls from Muslims and Hindus as company for room-mates.

Someone is orchestrating this.

Once again get off my fucking back!

I have the right and freedom of choice to pick my friends, my beau and my room-mates!

Basically Good, But It Turns Out Bad......
All I wish is for Chris to get out of his "modal trance". He is impaired and stressed and it shows up on his face. The furrows on his brow and on his face. Like it does on mine when I am overly stressed.

He is not being himself. He is basically a good person deep down inside but it is his experiences and the environment that he has become what he is today. I can't help him because I sense that he has too many deep-reaching issues which I can only begin to scratch on the surface.

He has to help himself. First he has to be kind to himself. Take frequent breaks, reflect and change. The world is no longer what he thinks it is. He is influenced and acting on some orders I guess.

He isn't of much use in class if he just goes through the motions and mouths all those half-baked nonsense which is utterly useless.

He is a clinical associate after all. So that sob-story only goes down half well with me.

I am pretty sure he is making a living more out of the lecturing circuit as evidenced by the few private schools that shows up on the screen. I can see through his inexperience, his faking and the lies he tells.

So Chris, take real good care of yourself.

Of all the modules, I am most stressed by his.

Social Scripts And Faulty Expectations
Education is education, not pure entertainment or obscenities.

Someone in the class told me that he knows about my disappointment with the program. I AM.

But he shrugs it off in that given our qualifications and maybe even the fees, this is the kinda class we should expect?

WHOA MAN! That means armed with our kinda qualifications, we can't be expecting better education that open up our minds? And here I mean all those old, hyped attributions of the past and still being perpetrated today by these not up-to-date lecturers.

The fees aren't exactly cheap. It is equivalent to a semester's fees at our local university.

So please, get on with it!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Do, Do, Die, Die, Sex Is Still Primary

2007 Academy Awards-Nominated Movie
On a Friday night class, Chris screened the 79th Oscar-nominated movie "Notes On A Scandal", a British production about a lonely old spinster preying on a fellow colleague, a married woman teacher who has an affair with a 15 year-old boy in her school.

Mind you this movie is like 2 Oscar-worlds away from the current 81st one, so that means that it isn't new. Like the psychology book I read dated 2002. I am not sure if it has a new edition which means new ideas and theories. It is a good 7-year apart after all.

I am really not here to debate the relevance of the movie to our module on "Conflict Management" but that I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. Of course Chris' motives in picking this movie remains unknown.

What I enjoyed most were the dynamics of the various relationships. The heat and passion of sex between an older woman and a pubescent boy. The loneliness of an old spinster Barbara, in her sixties who has lesbianic inclinations. The loneliness of a supposedly fulfilled mother of two, Sheba, married to an older man. The anger, betrayal of trust and victimisation of Richard, the cuckold, Sheba's daughter and the mother of the teenage boy.

It was quite a laugh when both women confronted each other in one scene when the paparazzi was hounding them outside. That was when Sheba asked Barbara if she could fuck her like men do in their kind of relationship.

What stun me more were the parallels, if Chris were to be believed, between this movie and that of our own local woman teacher who had sex with her young charge. Apparently (a BIG apparent because I think he is making himself out to be more important than he really is ) Chris was her counsellor. The fact that this local woman teacher had watched the movie, her Down Syndrome child and the similar sentencing of ten months. Triple coincidence!

Question now is...did the movie plant the idea in her? Does the media do the same for all of us and public statements from authority figures?

Again, There Must Always Be Room For Disagreement
I said if Chris were to be believed because like in our psychology handouts, Arnold Lazarus (who invented multi-modal or eclectic counselling) was wrongly attributed to be Richard Lazarus who invented the theory of stress appraisals.

And of course, like his generation, he is still stereotyping. Girls manipulate emotionally (yes, most certainly in almost all cases) while guys just kill. Yet again he is assigning masculine and feminine roles.

Somehow I always feel that his class is full of intrigue. You know, INTENT, MOTIVES, MANIPULATORS and all the baddy stuff about humans?

While it is true in some cases, hey, it can't be true in ALL, right? And is he as harmless himself or is he another Barbara in man's disguise?

My Intent Is.....Sex?
Look...I have got only one intent - HOT SEX WITH HOT YOUNG MEN.....in the absence of a beau......

And working for all those SHIT-TRASHES was just one intent after another, I became like one of them myself....

Five Or More Hot Young Men
I notice there were not one, not two, not three but at least five hot new guys in my class! So hot, I wanna sex them all?

Get Off My Fucking Back!
I got one more harassing call from an Indian the other day.

I am not sure why! And who sent them! Was it my own second sister? Or was it just the community itself.

A Classic One-Liner
I understand that for the Roman Catholics in the Philippines that it is a one-week holiday during the period from Maundy Thursday to Easter Sunday or thereabouts. A gay Filipino told me that this was the week most gays romp up a storm on the gay beaches.

As Rafi was missing about that period (and I suspect that he was holing up somewhere else and not that he had gone back home to his country or maybe he did and was doing the above- actually I don't give a damn what he or Ben does as long as it doesn't involve my ex-roomie or my anyone) , I sarcastically retorted that it must be the lenten period when I ran into him yesterday night.

I Can Play The Game If Need Be
I have told myself that I can play the sex-game or the multiple-sex game if the gays so want it and that a monogamous relationship remains out of the question in most gay couplings.

It does seem that way with my ex-roomie, Ben and the rest. I think a guy would want his "girl" to remain faithful. Which guy wanna invest in a relationship only to see his beau flirting and sexing everywhere? It would also mean stability and inner mental peace for him, wouldn't it?

As I said, I accept my ex-roomie for all that he is. A flexi, a bottom, whatever and all his other foibles. But I may have to think twice or draw a line for bisexualism unless I can change that.

After all, I was bisexual to begin with until I met all those women at home (mine or when I was leasing), in the workplace and as friends.

Do, Do, Die, Die Must Have Hot Sex First Lah
If I must die or lose everything in the end, at least I am gonna have some real hot sex first.....


Think Real Hard....Bozos
If you think I was like born yesterday, think again.

I can still gauge who is masquerading as who. Like the Malaysian Chinese masquerading as the China Chinese.

And yes, I think the gay community has been maligning me as having a boyfriend. That is why people are rumor-mongering about me still slutting around.

Arh...sigh...they will get their desserts

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Truly Change Management

You Have Changed But Will It Be Sustained Throughout Your Module

I am only echoing Dale's comment at the end of the lesson. True enough, for the second lesson, Chris has changed. I have seen much positivism in the education content, new theories and the style he delivers, instead of all the negativities.

But of course, unless you do not have a mind of your own, I can't agree with every single farthing he espouses. It is much easier said than done, if it were as Chris thinks, that someone can choose to go or not to go into Depression. I hope he understands this.

So yeah Dale, I would have said so myself.....Very Good!

I Think I Know What The Class Is Up To
But of course I will be very cautious with this character. As Sab had warned me and a few others about him. Chris was on the same post-grad course along with Sab's hubby somewhere. What post-grad course and where Sab wouldn't say.

I would be equally careful with some of the characters in my class. I have seen for my "Ethics" module, this Hindu older woman chatting with Chris kinda surreptitiously outside the class during break. I can't describe this but I can tell from their actions.

Chris is communicating with some of the older women and ethnic students in my class probably to gauge responses, be in the know of what is going on and to find out more about others. I count to be among one of them.

Just Like My Ex-Roomie, His Body Language Says It All
My ex-roomie, after getting a sun-tan, was also hiding behind this girl class-mate of his, when he walked out of the class and was foretold by another girl classmate that I was outside his class, sitting in the lounge.

It was to shield him from me so I don't notice his tan and he was evading me.

This are the kinda body language and behavior I can't really put down in words that are telling and speaks volumes about someone.

Intent - It Is Not Going To Happen
I know Chris and some others are reading my blog because he has said something about "GhostBusters" and "Lian" and I know I wrote about this.

Sab had repeatedly mentioned changing lifestyle.

I think they are trying to change me, drive me to work for Chris or to some of the ethnics in my class or the girls.

This is not going to happen.

*Period* (for you Chris since you like periods so much...ha ha ha.....pun)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Gift Of Nature And A Conflict Spiral

The Southern Ridges And The Marina Barrage
It had been a depressing past couple of months. One stressor after another. And I was holed up in school or at home, studying, reading or moping. Haven't really touched or feel very much sunlight.

So it was with GREAT resolution that I told myself that I should get out and soak in some sun and rid myself of all the bad events that had happened.

The Southern Ridges beckons. First stop : Marang Trail. The multi-steps and the scenic view took my breath away. As I meandered my way through Mount Faber Park and negotiated a loop, I found myself at the architectural marvel of the Henderson Waves.

That took me across to Telok Blangah Hill Park where I enjoyed walking the hilltop via a maze and spiral of steeled bridges built over the forest. Another architectural marvel the Alexandra Arch took me to Kent Ridge Park and before I know it, it was the gardening hub of the horticulture lab.

Flowering with colorful blooms and shrubs, it was quite a sight to behold. I ended my trail here, got out of the woods and landed up at the DSO Labs. I boarded a bus and switched to the train and made my way to the Marina Barrage.

Too bad there wasn't much to see here and no water activities yet. It is still very much a work-in-progress and the whole area will need some time before it is fully up and running.

I will have to wait.

Tit For Tat
I don't mean to be mean.

But really. The conflict has gotten to the stage now where it is revenge, provocation and tit-for-tat.

If I am gonna lose all of my everything, I think it is fair they lose something in return.

He Can Lose His Education And Fuck Off From Here
My ex-roomie can drop down to a lower-level program for one. In fact, he doesn't measure up to the Canadian MBA.

Or he can fuck off from here and go somewhere else.

He Can Lose A School Or His Rental Income And Go Out To Work Again
Ben has been having life too good. I spoke with a female cabby and she was wearing a hair-piece only because she was on chemo.

In Ben's case, it must be hereditary or he was on steroids. And he is vain enough to go for hair-transplants and treatment. Oh yes and that wig.

He is collecting rent from all of five tenants here and from the shophouse. And he is collecting income from his education service. Money BIG TIME!

He can lose his school's license and just feed himself on rental or lose both and go out to work again. After all he has a business degree.

I am paying him rent while he steals people's boyfriends, BIG TIME serial playboy and shakes his leg.

Anyway I can console myself that both are probably more sisters than anything else.

Americans Who Speak Up Against Fellow Americans And Non-Americans Too
I am not alone in my thoughts and writings.

There are American writers who lament the American way of life too. One asked where all the menisches have gone? He doesn't see them in all the past presidencies so far.

Mensches by the way are decent, honorable, responsible and has strength of character, a prince of a man. It is a Yiddish word.

A Dutch analyst also thinks that the negotiation practice of positions and interests is strictly an American culture not applicable to other cultures.

So there you have it!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Multi-Cultural Diversity Or Sex? (Newest)

Multi-Cultural Diversity Or Plain Good Old Sex?
I don't need multi-cultural diversity in my life at the moment. Be it at school or class or anywhere else.

I think multi-cultural diversity exists only in books. If it doesn't, then explain the congregation of the same species we are all too familiar with. There are only a few exceptions.

All I do need is a graduation certificate to gain employment in the education industry as an allied educator which is both my vocational interest and aspirations.

Then I need to hook up with someone to be my life-time beau. An Asian Chinese (or Korean or Japanese if they consider themselves Chinese in the first place).

If that is not possible, plenty of hot action and sex with hot young twinks or muscled dudes and anyone else in between being the exception.

After all, sex is a primary human need?


One More Cultural Thingy To Cheer About - Real-Life Legendary Heroes
Oh yes...and the Chinese do have REAL-LIFE legendary heroes. I know I have blogged about this before but I guess it is worth repeating and reminding.

What do Americans have? Made-up, fictional heroes. X-men? Fantastic Four?

It is just sad that all these early cradles of civilisations have become backwaters and languishing behind.

What Can I Say Except That I Still Do Love Him
Despite our conflict having spiralled to its topmost outer funnel of a tit-for-tat and revenge, I guess deep down inside I feel very sorry and sad that we have to come to this.

Knowing that he can be tricky, I can't be sure the death street he is living on now is a decoy or for real. If it is real, I can't imagine the kinda tenants he is holing up with. If it is a decoy, then who exactly has him now?

If he were my beau, I accept him totally and sincerely for all that he is. Eunuch, flexi, bottom and all.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Truly Public Health Concern (Newest)

A Truly Public Health Concern
There you have it! It is not just littering a ciggy butt.

There is now the public health issue of poor food preparation and storage hygiene leading to diarrhea and food poisoning. An infectious kind that spreads quickly like wild fire.

For sure if our army of cleaners are not cleaning up or clearing the accumulated toxic waste in the disposal receptacles and on the streets or in our buildings as quickly enough or even ensuring the physical state of these are in pristine condition, the issue of public health will be even more pressing.

I hope other "public health concerns" will be re-examined soon - STDs among the foreign sex workers for one? Bed bugs as another? And second-hand smoking?

These Are Some Of America's And The West's Most Beautiful Legacies
Despite all the criticisms I may levy at the American way of life - some of its lifestyles which were the doing of its psychopathologies in the first place, there are many beautiful aspects of its culture the rest of us can admire, imitate and import.

Like its inventions. Computers, the Internet, electronic-mails, online messaging and chats, its medical inventions like the laser and ultrasound.

Don't forget all their medical and scientific researchers who give us new insights into the human condition for example. The thinkers, the philosophers, the psychologists, the writers and to a smaller extent the theologians.

Even its fashion labels and houses, creative arts and so on. The decent kind.

And last but not least, the gift of open communication and honesty in some respects.

Historical Reminder
Don't forget that the early civilisations of India, China, Islam and the rest of the world with their thousands of years of history were the first in innovation and invention. The Arabic numerals used in maths for instance.

This technological supremacy has now passed into the hands of the West who borrowed, stole, adapted and turned around the earlier creations and further developed them.

Unfortunately the West has also adopted some decadent idiosyncracies that have maimed and harmed their own society and that of the larger world.

It is now up to Asia to prove its historical mantle, foster its own ethnic and national pride while making its own clean break-through, both in terms of new ideas and technologies and breaking free of the unwanted and harmful influences.

A return to the good, old ways!

Remember that the West may be at the centre of their world, but they are not at the centre of the universe! It is not an ethnocentric world of white supremacy.

There are other truths and paradigms out there!

How Learning Mirrors Real Life
This module on "Conflic Management" must be one of the best modules ever to happen to me!

It comes right at a time when I am in conflict with Chris, the lecturer and my ex-roomie and I am keeping an eye on the conflict spiral which mirrors most of the phases of what I am going through.

I thought it missed out on one very vital component - Confrontation as one of the final action plan. And guess what, these real life conflicts are gonna help me write my assignment essay.

And no, I didn't get this from Chris' mouth, the powerpoint handouts or the study guide. I got them throuh my own reading of the few good books written by real practitioners and experts in the field.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Behold The New World (Newest Updates)

Not The University But Perhaps Of The Employment Or Review System And The People?
I am not only ok with the kinda examination standard set but I am also fine with the assignments and projects they hand out so far.

As I mentioned before, the fault may lie with the educators employed, the education materials, the system structure (which speaks of a lack of rigorous employment, audit, review or critique on the part of the education board) and so on but it cannot reflect on the school itself.

There are just these few black sheep and they must be weeded out before they spread like cancer cells to the rest of the body.

I know the fault cannot lie with me because I do my readings consistently and I read widely outside what is prescribed in the syllabi. And I am spending time studying full-time though it is only part-time.

The Same Applies Here
It is the same case with my ex-roomie.

He cannot be thinking that his money is gonna buy him a post-grad degree. It has gotta be true talent, ability and diligence.

First he is already hampered by his language disability and if he doesn't work harder (the way I see it), then he doesn't deserve the credit right?

And the system cannot be making it any easier for him especially since he has all the full and free time on his hands to pursue this program.

Thus Far, Assignments And Projects Can't Be Faulted Either
Quite interesting and challenging and they do tickle your mind. I especially enjoyed Karen's and Reena's essay topics on "the developmental stages of counselling groups" and "personalities".

I did enjoy writing Chris' comparative study of the ethical standards of the various international psychology organisations.

I think my intellectual academic pursuits at this university hasn't been futile. I enjoy the reading and the writing and the examinations only because I enjoy what I am learning and studying. And all those new ideas, knowledge and research data that bears out the truth for many a theory.

Not so much because of the facilitators, though I wish it were.

I was looking for new knowledge and practicum to be coming from them but it wasn't happening as much.

Attribution Theory Excerpted From TA
There is this "attribution" theory excerpted from Transactional Analysis. Where you are told how you feel, what you are thinking and who you are when it really isn't YOU but that SOMEONE ELSE who is telling you it is.

That is to say, that SOMEONE ELSE is putting ideas into your head.

Step Away And ReLook The New World
Like Chris, I think he is stuck in an era of the bygone days. Transsexualism and effeminacy still figure significantly in his perceptual thoughts about homosexuality. That explains why he keeps harping on them.

That is to say, he is still hung up on "roles". The male and female roles. As I remember it, an obnoxious renovation contractor alluded to this derogatorily and crudely, by likening the female role as the socket and the male as a three or four-pin plug. He was probably insecure himself and yes, he doesn't look or behave too straight himself though he is supposed to be married.

Just like Old Aunty. When I helped Rick with dismantling the bed frame or hand-carry my portable LCD TV the last time, she assigned these roles as male ones. Or someone keeping long hair or bodily piercings and tattoos is associated with being "sissy". To me it is NO BIG DEAL!

We all play several roles. It doesn't mean that being gay that I can't play sports or do handy-man's jobs. I used to paint up my flat, drill holes and fix hooks for my bird cages or wall posters.

Here at Ben's, the sign reads that we are to keep the toilet seat cover clean and dry because there are LADY USERS! I am not sure how this sexual discrimination comes about!

It is time, these sexists step out of the shadow and see the NEW WORLD. It isn't like that anymore!

I wanna see more positivism emanating from these people, particularly from Chris.

I come to school to be educated not screwed by comical antics and especially of a perverted sexual kind that adds nothing to my education content. Education is to open minds not close it or screw it!

Please remember that!

A Fragile Mind - Mental Illness - Depression And Other Psychiatric Disorders
With a title like this, anyone who suffers from depression would be unfairly stigmatised with the label of being mentally illl and having a fragile mind.

Like me who suffered one blow after another the last couple of months, if one does not fall into depression, he has got to be SUPERMAN!

The question is how fast can he get out of the rut and pull himself together and what coping strategies help. For me, it was exercise, a confidant in the form of that cute Chinese boy and some form of sex therapy that helped me cope better. And yes lots of sleeping too, maybe even sleeping around? Just a joke!

Better still all those stressors could be taken away? An economic depression is not our doing. It is the economy and the world government's doing! So if that is taken away, then NO MORE stress and depression?

With the kinda lifestyle most of us lead, a vast majority of us suffer from depression from time to time. So the magazine will suggest to us that we need to be admitted into a Mental Health hospital for therapy and be medicated (oO, what of side-effects?), thus creating jobs and money for this community health sector.

Asians are lapping it all up. You lepers, I mean lappers!

Another Alien Culture Invented By Humans And Imposed Upon Other Humans Only To Kill Ourselves
Again, isn't this an alien culture we humans have invented for ourselves only to kill ourselves? The lifestyle of an economic pre-occupation? Key performance indicators? Achievement? Results? Exams? Rampant profits?

And all its attendant ills and stresses leading to psychopathologies?

Depression for one? Suicide? Mental illnesses? And the rest?

The writers and editors of this magazine should relook the headline and its sub-headings.

Big Time PharmaCo Industry
The common cold and flu wasn't such a big deal either back in those days!

I mean I sniffle a lot in the office only because of the air-conditoner. It got worse because of the stresses and I wasn't exercising as much or paying attention to my nutrition so my immune system goes down and became more susceptible to colds and flu.

Now it seems this has got itself into a BIG TIME pharmaco industry! People are downing cold and flu tablets, capsules or having themselves vaccinated or injected to prevent or cure themselves of it.

Not do all the above and then if it happens, it happens and let it run its own course and be done with!

What An Accurate And Innovative Pyschology Symbolic Representation
If he were the one who invented the predisposition model, I must tip the hat to him. It was clearly a very well-thought out and accurate model of ourselves. His psychological FAST and triangular plus circular symbolic representations.

He also got the rectangular representation quite right. The four Fs especially the Finance and Fitness labels.

Time And Money Is All I Need
It is my sincere wish to continue with a grad degree and post-grad degree in this field.

Only money will tell me if I can and I need to do this on a full-time basis to do justice to it.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Change? I Don't See It (Latest)

Examination Standards Are Quite Ok
I can fault my lecturers. I can fault the education materials. I can fault the system. But there is one thing I cannot fault. And that is the standard of the examinations. It isn't impeccably high but it is reasonably high enough to gauge a certain mastery and understanding and discernment.

It is either you studied or you didn't. You learned your facts and theories or you didn't. You remembered or you didn't. Save for the last which is rote memorisation, the rest do show what you have learned or haven't learned.

So there! I am pretty ok with the kinda examination standard set.

Impressive! Did You Buy All These Up With Your Money?

Chris is back for our fourth module - Conflict Management.

Tha last time I ran a check and the counselling centre said it didn't have him on the list. Now that our new study guide has a different blurb on him and it does trumpet him BIG TIME (consultant psychologist, clinical associate and Board Member of a prestigious international psychological association), I thought I should run another check.

Sure enough, this time he was listed.

I think it is a pure case of money buys him everything. And I am pretty sure he has plenty of wealth, what with his grandfather being a doctor once upon a time. Most likely a case of being licensed but incompetent.

While I mentioned that I agreed with most of what he said the last time, it was just those other things he said about gays and so on that really screwed everything up! Playing fire with young minds and my over-riding concern is that with young minds, they are gonna be led astray!

I just hope that he will use his experience and credentials to good use in helping others learn and discover their true selves. Not for EVIL!

Why Do I Get That DeJaVu Feeling All Over Again For His Class?

He was going on and on again with his "predisposition model", the exact same model for the "Ethics" course except for some adjustment with the labels and a rectangle flanking its four corners.

It is the way he speaks - the very "Ah Lian" style and as Dale appropriately sums it up - queenish! Given his credentials, we would expect some distinction?

Yes, he simulated fucking a male passenger on the MRT when he got a boy and girl volunteer to enact the scene! And at another point he gestured with two fingers simulating the breasts and another imitating the dick to model transsexuals in Bangkok!

Disgusting !

And yes...those endless videos........what does a Thai advert got to do with conflict?


Change? And You Have?

Conflict management, according to him, is change management. But I don't see very much change in his style and the materials he is teaching. In fact, it was like repeating his "Ethics" module all over again.

Same few sick jokes, same lines, almost same everything. A repeating groove!

As long as he remains reasonably subdued for this primer course and for the rest of the program, I might just stay on. Otherwise, I am bolting right after the break.

O, What A Stupid Question!

He asked another stupid question - "How has the recession changed you?" He was expecting answers like eating less (you mean we are gonna compromise on our nutrition and therefore our health?) and wearing beggar clothes.

Beggar clothes? We had those clothes with us before any recession. So we would still be wearing them right?

It really shows his "mentality"!

I suppose he thinks he can run away with murder with the license he has?

Chris, Those Were The Days Or Should I Say...Your Days...It Isn't Like That Anymore

One more thing struck me.

I realised that Chris is still stuck in that mode. The old mode of transsexualism or of effeminancy. That is like so passe already. He gotta know that homosexuality is now a matter of sex between two very masculine males.

At Least The Class Has More Hot Young Boys Now! Geez...That Boy Looks So Cute........

He asked students from the new intake to write a position paper on several inductory issues like why they are taking up the program and so on.

I suspect this is another way to obtain their email to prey on them or seduce them into therapy?

One consolation, there are more boys in the class now and some are young and quite hot! Not you old fart!

Oo. Seduction plan A or is it plan B?

Like Rhemi, Ben, Daryl And The Rest - I Think He Is A Eunuch

I have decided to forget my ex-roomie! Even though it pains me.

In fact, like Rafi, I realised that he is at best a flexi, at worst a bottom.

Yes, living on death street doesn't deprive him of sleaze. One block away and there is a KTV teeming with cleavaged call-girls and the whole main road after that is dotted with so many of them, Singapore might as well rename itself SEX CITY!

No real man would suggest the kinda complications he was suggesting and all those tricks! It shows. He is NOT A REAL MAN! Most likely another Ben or Daryl. A eunuch.

And I think I know his weak spots! He is a coward! A liar! An actor! A playboy! He has not supported me through all my crises! He was giving me my nightmares and my heartaches! He was the root cause of all my past stresses!

In short, in the short time we were together, he was a LOAD of trouble and lies!

And if he thinks I am so hard up over him, think again! There are plenty of better fish out there in the ocean! Hotter bods, younger, cleverer and more educated plus personality to boot!

I have just gotta keep on trying!

And that MBA he is pursuing sounds so much like a fake! He can just go to HELL and I am gonna make sure he gets some taste of what I went through the last couple of months while he was enjoying himself! All because of him.

Totally unmoved and unfazed by our break-up! I pray something befalls him and leaves him paralysed from an emotional trauma or something!

This is my last curse to him!

Monday, April 06, 2009

UnBelievable Drag - The Due Process Of The Law (Latest)

So Much For The "Rule Of Law"
Nobody has any issue with the rule of law. But we do have a bone to pick when we see that the rule of law just isn't working anymore, is unjust or just plain skewed.

Take the rule of law of intellectual property rights. We respect that because it gives due credit to the inventor, the creator and the innovator. But what if food crops, herbs and spices are not indigenous products of a First World country. Nevertheless they go right out to manufacture and export them as if they were their own?

So much for the regard of intellectual property rights.

What of the rule of law with regard to homosexuality or littering or of an undischarged bankrupt? Are these crimes? Are they criminals?

There Are More Pressing Public Health Concerns Especially Infectious Diseases Kind - Bed Bugs For One? Sexually Transmitted Diseases Perpetrated By The Sheer Numbers Of Sex Workers Here As Another?

It was an early Friday morning that I woke up with a splitting headache, grogginess and complete dazedness. I knew I had to attend court to answer to a charge of a littering offence.

But with all the stressors of the past couple of months, I was beginning to dread this and of what else is to come.

The nature of the offence in this case is littering and littering of a cigarette butt that is deemed a public health concern.

Take note that it wasn't a public health concern with the ill-effects of smoking and that of second-hand smoking.

True, public health warning labels on ciggy packs do play a small part but would it not have been more persuasive with the "enforcers" (both environmental officers and security guards alike, the latter whose primary duty is the safeguarding of the secuirty of the building premises he is supposed to take care of) detailing the hazards of nicotine for instance.

And the ridiculity of placing smoking and non-smoking zones right next to each other especially at a cafe if passive or second-hand smoking is such a public health concern too.

I have mentioned that other than punishment, there are more persuasive ways to turn around a smoker. Apparently it isn't health concerns associated with smoking that our authorities are pre-occupied with but with littering. Otherwise they would have banned smoking and stopped its sales altogether?

If there were proper disposal bins with the ashtrays provided like before, I think there would have been no issue of littering the stubs in drains or on the floor. Unless they want us to start a fire or to stub out the ciggies on top of the bin which is gonna be filthy with ashes and dirt.

So much for public health!

Notice To Attend Court
I dragged myself out of bed even though it was only half past seven and the court session wasn't due till about a hour and a half later.

I put on my most conservative black short-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. No tight tees! No hot pants and no ear-studs! Boy was I to regret this! Because there were young people dressed scantily and inconservatively too!

God ! I didn't know I had lost so much weight that the jeans actually needed a belt to hold it up. And my old pair of sports shoes is killing me - it is hurting my big toe so much so that I had a swollen big toe at the end of the day.

I had to chuck it away and a new pair of Nike too! The latter had its whole undersole torn off and it was like brand new! So much for manufacturing quality.

I was out of the house by eight, ate a hearty breakfast to kill the intervening time and by half past eight, I was at the Subordinate Courts.

What A Drag And An Ordeal!
The crowd started streaming in and what a crowd it was. It wasn't till 15 minutes past nine that the law officers turned up carting their luggages with them. And I thought I was supposed to be punctual and dressed conservatively for a court attendance!

I was told there were like about a hundred cases to be heard at this court. Assuming they were all environmental cases (there were cases of HDB summonses and CPF non-contribution for employers) and their first offence was a composition fine of $200, that would mean a whopping $20K income on a day like this.

The crowd was so big, it had to be split into two sessions, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. I noticed that FatBloke was also there but I chose to ignore him and didn't acknowledge his presence. I don't particularly like him, remember! All his lies! Just like my ex-roomie!

In the meantime, I made a couple of friends and among one was a HOT young BENG! There was another HOT YOUNG DUDE and my regret was not making my acquaintance with him as he was constantly surrounded by a "girl-friend"!

It was a full five and a half hours later that my case was heard, a CWO sentence of 3 hours was meted out and I was out of court by 2pm. It wasn't the shame of a CWO or of a court attendance or of anything else. I was primarily concerned with the score-keeping which would have dampened my future employment prospects!

A Sheer Waste Of Resources
You should listen to some of the littering cases sob stories. One dirty old man was caught for littering a rotten water melon. If he were a shop employee and had disposed this inappropriately, it would have been the doing of his employer. What cow sense to nab someone like him!

I think that with regard to non-payment of composition fines like traffic summonses, URA and HDB parking offences and littering charges or of repeated offences (this is only a second time and no composition is offered and why isn't there a second or third chance) and if money is the sole issue here, there must be better and more productive ways to deal with it than to drag someone through the due process of the law.

The kinda number of law officers employed at this court and their talent which could be more usefully deployed in pressing cases (crime for example unless of course there just aren't other avenues to employ them because of the sheer suppy overwhelming appropraite demand).

The administrative work, the case files opened, the time spent and so on just make it a sheer waste of manpower resources, time and energy expended for nothing!

In fact someone someone in my group mentioned that if a CWO was to be issued for the second offence anyway, then just send an email or letter. No need to go through the hassle of a court attendance!

These Are Real Crimes That Merit Court Attendance And The Due Process Of The Law
At the other courts, there were cases of computer misuse (possibly for the commission of fraud), illegal employment of foreign manpower (some Chinese nationals were involved here) and prevention of corruption.

I am not casting any slur here but the disproportionately ethnic representation in the cases are just revealing.

Arhhhhh....nobody has any quarrels that these are real crimes.

Another One Of Your "Alien And Anti-Culture"
This would be a fine example of an alien culture we have imposed upon ourselves.

We have lapped up the ways of the West lock, stock and barrel. Is this the Asian or the Chinese way of handling disputes? Needless courts of law to police non-criminal cases of community issues?

I would think that first and foremost the community acts as the police and enforcer and at the outset it is PERSUASION before more drastic actions like punishment or enforcement kicks in.
Somehow his has eluded the bananas at our top.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Final "Blessings"

Take A Pick - It Is My Choice
The ultimatum has arrived. I am fully prepared for my eventuality and I will watch how it pans out over time.

If someone thinks that with nothing on my back that I am gonna pick up the cudgels and fight for Singaporeans, they are deader than wrong. Singaporeans are never worth fighting for. The way they talk, the two faces, the way they behave and all that they stand for.

The foreigners, over time, become the same way. It just strengthen my hate of the Unholy Alliance made up of the wimp, blimp and bimb even more. Starting with my class. The "matured" working students prove to be like a microcosm of working life.

Dealing with all those girls and guys (the older the worse) in my class is no better than at work. I think it is far better studying in a truly school environs among not-so-tainted, fresher and younger people. Much like living in a school hostel environs.

Here living among the working class and two old folks, it is a household full of politics, bad vibes, jibes (especially from Old Aunty) and slutting shit. Social exchanges are superficial and full of lies and deceit.

Take a good look in the mirror again. You wanna be God and watch over us. Who watches you? Are you a piece of satin virginal silk with not a single blot? Just heed this : If people just do not like you or they hate you, they just don't like you and they hate you!

If someone thinks my life can be scripted the way they want it, they are dead wrong again. They won't see it materialise.

That I promise.

What More Can I Do To Make Him Come Back And Is He Worth It?
He had shouted once before at home and the second time recently over the telephone. I have warned him the second time round and if he does it again I will retaliate.

I have professed my love for him three times and have held wide open the door for reconciliation but he has been stubborn and refused to budge.

All the while he was with me, I had been faithful, right up till after we broke up because I was too emotionally traumatised to start anything new anyway. I had wanted him to commit to the relationship but he was preoccupied with his friends and spent three nights away.

He was lying and probably indulging on the side, contrary to what he is telling you that he isn't. What about his past room-mates? I don't believe he isn't doing anything and he is definitely gay but playacting. Another playboy like Ben and totally discreet.

I would be just happy with him alone and nobody else but does he feel the same way?

I think I should just forget him.

He Must Be Holed Up There
Who is contacting who, I am not sure. Perhaps it is my ex-roomie or it is Ben who initiated the contact but I have reasons to suspect that it is Ben since he was adamant at getting his contact in the first place.

Old Aunty has just revealed that Ben does spend nights at his school which means he was having double fun, here at this place and over at his school, perhaps with his students. And sharing them with Rick and his tenants living there.

And I am pretty sure my ex-roomie is there.

I have told Old Aunty that Ben should just stick to his circle of friends and get it into his thick head that we are not obligated to pass ours to him. He is attached to Rick and look at this slutwhore whoring around which bears the prophecy that Malaysian gays are really sluts!

As I said if my ex-roomie does that, it shows what kind of person he is and he is not worth it and Ben should be wary of people like that and himself. They will both meet their end.

Like that Malaysian Chinese whose relationship with a divorced man living in a condo just ended. Read - wealth and sex.