Friday, March 28, 2008

Looking For Love In All The Right Places

You Are Aghast? Aren't I Doing What Some Of You Are Already Doing?
I wore my low-cut tee today. In fact I had worn it before on another occasion. It attracted stares all right. Both guys and galls.

I had seen the distinct aghast look on some galls' faces.

Oh come on. So many galls have done it before, showing so much cleavage, they might as well pull their breasts right off their bra straps or their clothes and show them off.

Besides, if the galls wanna be aghast, be aghast at their own kind. This is precisely a dose of their own medicine.

Remember a man's breasts are not fully developed and not considered a private part. On the other hand, for a gall, the breasts are. That is why they cover them up unless they choose to show them off.

How do you like the feeling galls?

How Is Moi Doing With His Braces
Yes, my braces have been tightened a notch or two. Yes, there was a blood-spill on one day of my overseas trip and I didn't know where it was coming from. I just gargled and it just spilled and spilled. But it did stop after a while.

Talking isn't fun anymore. I mumble (much like Darth Vader, hey maybe he had braces on too?) and I can't enunciate as well.

The metal screws and parts just grate on the insides of my mouth and I have more than enough ulcers.

After meals, food scraps get stuck like a sieve clinging on to all the filth and I have to brush and re-brush.

It is hell but it is better to have hell now than to have hell later.

Mostly DOMS (Dirty Old Men - Really Dirty, Really Old And Really ObNox)
Wait. Probably I haven't blogged too clearly who the old fucking bastards are at some spots moi visit. One gets the feeling these are again some of our grass-roots fuddy duddies.

One follows moi to the showers every time. At various time moi visits, he follows. How he knows moi's presence is a complete mystery. Nowadays, there are more than one of him around that shower facility.

And you just know and feel what is going on.

Then at the men's club, this OLD fucking bastard goes completely nude at the locker area on a NON-GO natural day. Recently he visits with his friend and from the way they were talking and laughing, you just know he was thinking he was SOME HOT STUFF out there to do some dudes in.

At the gym, there are a few of these around. Really old uncles. But there are one or two nicer older dudes (these are much younger than moi anyway or just years apart) whom I just can't get to know. And a few younger ones who are just too proud and I am prolly not their type.

There are a few other older dudes (still younger than moi) but I just dont wanna know them.

It is ok and I don't hoist myself on anyone.

University Admission Season
Yes. This is now the time of the year when application for a coveted university place begins.

Bitten by a "Higher Education" bug (silly as this sounds), moi decides to try his luck and enroll himself in one of various select courses at our four local universities.

Maybe it isn't about "Higher Education". Just like all these countries moi visits, moi realises one sole reason moi does all these things.

MEN! Just to ogle at them and be close to them and for a change, the MEN are probably less cruisy , can at least engage in a decent conversation and wanna hold on to a long-term relationship when compared to the gyms, the bathhouses and all the cruising spots.

Wouldn't it be romantic to just fall in love with your university coursemate? Do projects together? Eat, sport and bath together? Perfect backdrop for a serial like "Crystal Boys" Or "Go!Go! G-Boys"?

Guess what? I wasn't disappointed.

First Stop - UniSIM
Remember this is the street-smart university for our kids who just don't dig our staid education system.

In fact I am beginning to wonder if they are not being groomed for careers in our intelligence department and for our blue squad. Some, I am sure, are being sponsored here.

There were many pretty boys. Very pretty young boys. I had a hardon when I saw all of them.

I began to picture the days ahead when we "mug" together for exams! Hey! We will probably mug each other up some where! Like in bed in the hostels?

Second Stop - NUS
This journey took moi to the engineering faculty where the admission office is.

And it was raining MEN! Gorgeous post-NS hunks everywhere. Of course there are the foreign dudes too. Some cute. Some not so cute.

I regretted not putting down this faculty as a choice of study.

Apart from the MEN-dominated faculty, when I noticed all those exhibits they had, I was actually interested. One never knows what one is capable of till one tries his hands.

Oh well, too late for regrets.

Third Stop - NTU
Utter disappointment! Too many nerds lurking around. And women......

Final Stop - SMU
At least they had ONE gorgeous hunk basking in the sun at the swim pool. This is already the clincher for moi.

That was IT! If I get in here, it will be MAN-HUNTING at the swim pool.

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