Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gosh! Talent, Manpower And Housing Bungles - You Step Down

You Need To Be Knocked Some Sense Into You!
I mean I know there has been a lot of talk about the rough play the Taiwanese parliamentarians have been up to during their hearings and debates.

Heck! There are punch-ups, dust-ups and a few have nursed manya broken nose. But look! Sometimes you need to be knocked some sense into you and to keep politicans on their toes!

Perhaps that explains why Taipei is what it is today! Truly cosmopolitan, open, modern and progressive!

Why Aren't We Attracting The Talent We Want And Need
Well, search within youselves. Look at the whole darn place we have created here! In fact if we can only sell Singapore as a stop-over destination and we have to be bundled up with other countries in the region, our tourism industry must be in serious trouble!

T3 And I Am Sure You Can Think Of More Tourism Products Than That? I Certainly Can
I mean heck, I met a couple of people on my trip and I promised to show them around Singapore! So Monday night, ironically because I had set off and come back too early in the hours for my trip to be able to explore T3, I went to take a look at T3.

It was superbly done up, certainly way better than our T1 and T2. Lots of F&B and retail outlets and the public loos were so hotelsy! And decentralisation rather than ONE BIG CENTRAL terminal sounds a lot more sensible right?

But I had to crack my head to think what to show my friends. So I visited the Vistor Information Counter and I wasn't exactly impressed or convinced by what I hear and see. If even that tourism informer don't know as much, what do I know?

What Else Is A Turn Off?
Better still look at the way our civil service function and all those policies, rules and regulations (really preposterous ones) beginning with schools and all the way up to the work land government level!

What about the kinda people here, our culture, our working culture, the whole works? Our food? Our living expenses? Living quarters? Our shopping and dining experiences? Our places of recreation or lack of?Everything?

Hopes that explains our brain drain!

So who are we attracting? Foreign Third Worlders, village people, low-skilled, semi-skilled or skills that we already have here! People who create nothing!

I Am Horny And I Need To Screw Some Red-Hot Athletic Dudes
Ok ok, so I am a horny slut after my trip through Asia. Can you blame moi if I see all those red-hot Asian dudes from Taipei, HongKong, Seoul and Beijing? The Red Guards! The Korean gymmers.

And now with all those hot Jap gay porn featuring all sorts of unimaginable situations, I am masturbating to the tune of several times a day.

Ok ok, I ran into those hot kayakers and runners here and that makes things even worse!

So why can't we bring these foreign talent here?

In Search Of A Room-Mate And I Am Not A Sissy!
Now that the PIG is increasing the rent by $50, moi thinks he should just get a room mate for another 50 bucks more. The Pig just wanna have more tenants per room so he collects more rent and he can have more fun!

So someone came to view the room yesterday and I had a freezed-up shot of a young hot Jap in porno action on my notebook and I know he was mesmerized!

If anyone thinks that with my long Manga-Anime and Jap hair look, that I have become a bottom, they are in serious trouble and let them think that to their detriment!


Screw The Weather
It has been gray, rainy and wet weather here. The kinda chill and cold moi is running away from in those cold countries!

I was joking with the Beijing innkeepers how I noticed a peel of white over my skin (frost?) and seriously my skin is now peeling off and I notice how wrinkled up my fingers are! I told them I think I will age very fast in cold climes and this cant be untrue because the villagers living in the cold places, even though one was only 35, had such wrinkled up face!

The cold weather is wreaking havoc on my skin!

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