Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Going Underground

What Are The Consequences Anyway?
We have all read about them. Married men with kids doing young boys in. Churches, temples and schools fronting acts of molestation and rape on young teen and pre-teen boys. It seems almost like these are recruitment grounds even.

After all they are places of authority where one exert an influence on another. The stronger over the weaker and yes, the know-all and the know-not (so it seems).

I think it is insane to assume that people can be celibate when there are so many temptations fleshed out before them.

Isn't this pathetic?

What does this tell you? If two guys are truly in love and they can't take this out into the open and make a meaningful relationship out if it, it goes underground and all the above happens.

In short suppression.

And we know suppression only leads to deceit, lies and living an untrue life and that can only mean more heartbreaks when you hook up with someone you know you NEVER REALLY LOVED in the first place.

For me, that means being with a woman.

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