Thursday, March 20, 2008

It Is All About The Games You Play

Endless Games At "Home"
At work. At home. Among friends and even family. Working isn't about working hard or smart anymore. It is about playing games. Political games and you can't be yourself. Sucking up and a slew of other fucklings.

I am not sure who Raymond (my current landlord) is sleeping with now and frankly I can't be bothered. I have my own world to live in too. If anybody picks him for a sleeping partner (and his wife did), then it is just their choice - not exactly my kinda built and he snores, among his other vices.

The Mynmese dude is cute but he has a gallfriend (his second apparently) back home and THAT IS JUST IT. I am not touching him and maybe it is a COVER-UP. Again another mind game we have all gotta play.

If Liz's, the maid, account is true and Raymond has forcibly slept in two previous Malaysian tenants' room before and they stayed on for 7 months before, seemingly under the pretext that they were caught smoking in the room (7 months?), they were kicked out.

He has done that too with the current Burmese and Malaysian dudes who allow him in the first place. The Malaysian dude stayed on for almost a year and one suspect there could be something. And I know I can't trust the Burmese as much!

Endless Games Among Family
My third sis called up and asked for a loan to buy a plasma TV. She has a projection TV which is still working but as projection TVs are projection TVs, the quality is just like that.

The first thought that struck me was that she was just being spoilt and a real spendthrift.

Then she rang several times to say she won't be using the cheque I issued as she will ask my brother-in-law to pay for it instead. The last time we spoke, which was just days ago, my nephew is scheduled for a slipped disc op next month.

She is full of games and full of nonsense as far as I am concerned.

It is just like with my second sister. My nephew has serious problems with her and I can understand why. He is being accused of switching job roles so often at the restaurant he works at while we know for a fact that many staff are rotated on frontline, waitering and kitchen jobs.

This Sux Big Time
And there you have it folks. Galls are usually like that. They have full of tests, thoughts and games.

They will just spew something that doesn't logicate but insist it is right!

Hot "Older Guys"
I know I had said "older guys" can be hot too. But really these older guys aren't any older than moi. Maybe a few years apart and most are still much younger. Not as young as the teens or the young adults.

So please, not older guys as in really old dudes!

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