Sunday, March 16, 2008

It Is Just All About You, Isn't It

Far And Few Gay Movie Productions This And A BackLog Of Films To Watch
I got to see parts of the trailers of the Taiwanese production of "Crystal Boys" once over the chat channel and was duly impressed by the sensitive moments it captured. That was the sole reason why when I chanced upon it at a purely gay bookstore in Taipei named "Gin Gin", I snapped the whole home collection up.

So it was just one of those rare occasions when another gay movie cropped up like "Bangkok Love Story". I got wind of this movie only because before my trip, I had visited a gay fashion house and they were selling this gay guide. It proved to be a handy travel guide, what with its listing of gay places and more importantly, the respective metro of each country.

I was hoping I could catch "Bangkok Love Story" when I was in Bangkok but it hadn't premiered yet. Back home, I found that there was actually a backlog of movies I would love to watch. Movies like the Japanese production "Death Note Spin-Off L- Change The World", "Horton", The WaterHorse" and "The SpiderWick Chronicles".

The first movie is now running at very few cinema halls and I am hoping to catch it before it actually ends its run.

Bangkok Love Story - A Real Big Tragedy
I got to watch it at Vivo which boasted of better seats and indeed it was. Given a choice between watching "The Leap Years" and "Bangkok Love Story', I choose the latter.

First and foremost, the BGR theme has been played over and over again to its death and I think gays have enough of it in real life and in reel life. To me any gay movie is a welcome change! And we all know gay love and sex is always hotter!

But the film turned out to be a total diasaster and a total tragedy!

First the recurring theme of AIDs afflicting a family of a mother (who contracted it from her second husband) and her son (who hustles for money from gay clients after he in turn contracted it from his step-father) and their being scorned and beaten up just doesn't do very much for the image of gays in general. It makes AIDS looks like a strictly homosexual disease.

Then another son in the family is a hired assasin (again, a very bad image for gays) who falls in love with a man he is hired to assasinate who is already bethrothed to a girl.

The love story developed quite nicely albeit a little artifically, the love scenes actually happening on the rooftop of a skyscraper with a train whizzing past. It was kinda surreal and unreal.

Thereafter it was just one tragedy after another. I mean I can understand some tragedy but not to the extent the tragic events just occurred one after the other. The mother hung herself just as his filial son wanna bring her back home to more comfortable living quarters. Then the other son also hangs himself before actually succumbing to AIDS.

The hired assasin is put behind bars, his lover goes blind after a gun shoot out and the MOST TRAGIC moment must be when he gets out of jail in 2575 AD (white hair and all) to be reunited with his love but only to be shot at and dies!

Oh GOD! So what is the film portrating? GAY LIFE is one BIG tragedy? If it ever is, we only have the authorities, society, religion, schools, the media and the whole works to blame for making it so!

It is like the whole environ thingy which is anti-gay and so it becomes hostile and uninviting to gays!

I Feel So Sorry For You Dudes If You Have To Live With Lies Every Day Of Your Life
Look, I have always liked guys. That much I know. But I just realised something.

The guys here are so insecure and touchy, they can't not hang around girls as a cover and a secuirty blanket. Just to make them look normal and mainstream. They can't stand firm on their own two feet and just go with what comes naturally in their hearts and in their minds. They have to live someone's dictates of what a love life should be.

I feel really sorry for them.

Case In Point And I Know What You Are Calling Me - You Are No Gentleman!
Like this couple (a stout guy with his fat galfren, kinda reminiscient of Rhemi, what else) I noticed on the train. A long-haired dude seemed interested in the guy but he was obviously hanging out with the gal for security reasons.

I was kinda disgusted that the long-haired dude had to be sucking up to him. They were army mates from what I can gather. So when the couple wanted to get off the train, I didn't budge an inch.

As they got on the escalator, I could see him staring at me and muttering loads of stuff under his breath while his fat galfren looks on.

Hey, I know what he is saying:

"You pondank! You long haired ah qua, half-man-half woman sissy fart! You think you gall arh that you won't give way for me to pass! You think I have to give way to you instead! You chao ah qua, sissy bastard, long-hair cheebye-lanjiao!"

I just stared back but I know I was hurting inside because I could tell what he was cursing me with under his breath! All this for the sake of loving a man!

Insecure, Kiasu And Kiasi
It was like on Valentine's Day when I sent out some greeting messages to people I know and also to some names on my list whom I have forgotten who they were (because we have never met).

This guy was perturbed and actually used words like "fuck" on an occasion like this. I was appalled and aghast to say the least! Ok ok, it hurts especially when you were expecting some nicer return greetings on a lovers' occasion like this!

And it is true who shoves and pushes on the train. The old, women , thugs,foreigners and the village people. Why? Because they are insecure, kiasu and kiasu. Afraid they can't board or alight from the train in time and they were touchy and not familiar with the surrounds.

Hot Dudes Galore And I Am On Heat
I don't mean to say older guys are not sexy or hot. Of course not too old. I have spotted one or two at the gym and these are hot older dudes. One was clean shaven and so toned and muscular and so was another.

Yesterday, while trying to bring in one of my sexiest underwear which has two pockets of open slits on its side from the laundry pole, the whole darn thing dropped off all the way down to the second level .

I had to knock on this neighbor's door to retrieve it and I was justly rewarded with a hot dude who must have guessed moi was gay by the looks of my underwear!

The Environs Which Works Against
I asked myself why it wasn't happening as much here in Singapore for me especially at the men's clubs. I think it is just the whole environment thingy here when compared to an overseas one.

Then I realised it was also the layout and design of the club themselves. The ones at Taipei and Seoul were more well thought out and so better designed for cruising people up. I mean after all, they have movie areas for lounging around and comfortable beds and instead of standing around, you actually pick your sleeping partner while he is lying down or asleep.

Such Sheer Numbers And Such Great Difference Can Be OverWhelming And Over-Running, Wouldn't It?
Look I don't hate foreigners, especially those foreign guest workers. I know their lives can be tough and the kinda trades they are in are tough. But dealing with such sheer NUMBERS everywhere (the housing estates, the trains, the train stations, the buses, even cafes) are just overwhelming and over-run with them!

I am not saying that we bring in only rich and educated ones only and by the way, rich does not mean educated or cultivated either!

I am just saying that we should bring in people more like the majority of us here and yes, nicer behavior, attitude and language will be more welcome!


Who Speaks For Me? You?
Of course I am indignant at the rent increase the PIG of a Fat-Ass is asking for!

First, my room is non-aircon and I don't use vey much electricity. No television set and I don't surf at home because there is no INTERNET connection! And this rent comes right after my 2 and a half week trip during which I was using nothing!

And the PIG of a Fat-Ass has a maid to cook for him and his family and they do eat well and so does the maid. They brew herbal tonic sometimes and yes the $10 the maid asks me for a loan was because the Pig of a Fat-Ass only gave her $20 for medical consultation. The wife watches TV every night and goes on the computer. The maid does the same in the daytime.

In fact it seems like the poor kid Wei Zhao is just an expedient teddy. When the family has time for him, they will play with him and coo sweet nothings to him. If they don't they just chuck him aside or shoo him to bed and it is the maid's responsibility to look after him. Not them!

Family structure indeed!

The maid asks for my back copies of newspapers and if she is so busy, how could she have the time to read? As she never fails to cry her woes about this every time, making her look like she is so pitiful. One gets a feeling she will pass this on to the Pig of a Fat-Ass.

I Am Having Fantastic Meals, Having A Real Good Time And Eating Nutritious Health-Giving Supplements
I am not exactly eating well and the food prices at the coffee-shop rivals any food-court. It is that expensive. I don't get to brew health-giving tonic for myself and I think my health has been suffering the last 2 years I have been leasing places from SHIT-ASSES!

The spring on my mattress now is so bad, it is giving me backaches and "home" life the last 2 years has been HELL, living with SHIT-ASSES!

Who am I to thank for all this?

Everyone has a sob story and they incessantly whine about this but WHILE I think I am not exactly having a field day, I don't think I do what they actually have the cheek and audacity to do - stretch their hands out and asks for money like that and WHINE INCESSANTLY!

As if like other people don't have problems of their own!

Blimbs, bimbs and wimps are famous for this!

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