Saturday, March 08, 2008

NWO And The FANE - An Asian Perspective

Raymond Is Living Proof How Sexuality Is Fundamental And You Can't Change It - If You Do, It Is Only For The Worse
Now, Raymond's (also known as Kent or Micheal) family life proves how unsupportive our Singapore system is of a family structure.

This is made worse because Raymond is probably gay to begin with, then because of some familial pressure and his own sudden innate stirrings to wanna start a family, he got hooked up with a China gall from Fukien province and she yes she can pass for one of us. Her Hokkien is very similar to ours.

But she is really full of emo. One minute she is cuddling her son, playing with him and the next, angry, scolding and shooing him away to sleep.

Liz the maid has shown me the divorce proceedings letter from the legal aid bureau and medical certificates from the National Skin Centre. If Liz's accounts are true, she suffers from some sexual diseases either she contracted on her own or from Raymond. Looks like genital herpes.

Raymond used to be a renov man. Now he plays mahjong for money, horse bets and even tikam lottery. After Wei Zhao is born, the whole family comes under even greater pressure. He has lost his feelings for the woman and they live apart and don't get along very well. One gets the feeling that he is leasing out the rooms so that the "wife" has another shot at a remarriage. She is young after all, only about in her mid-twenties.

And of course, he can have his fun too with the male tenants!

Raymond is half Taoist, half Buddhist and very, very superstitious. Late into the nights, he will pray and you should see the kinda big joss sticks he sticks into the urns and on the altar. Fire hazard!Everytime Wei Zhao cries, the family thinks it is kinda superstitious or something. So it is off to consult the home temple medium.

Worse he moves into the other room and sleeps in with the tenants, uninvited and after the tenants have paid him their due rents. Seriously outrageous! And imagine for a bisexual who has marital problems what this can only mean?

Now he wanna increase the rent by $50 and I have to think if I should move on or stay on.

At the centre of it all is Wei Zhao. Poor Wei Zhao. Poor poor Wei Zhao. He shouldn't be seeing all those things going on around him between his parents, the tenants and so on !

Liz, the maid has her own set of problems and she is giving me plenty. She has three children back home and she and her husband have marital problems. She has a white boyfriend in HongKong and if you ask me, she doesnt seem too clean for a married woman.

If she can't cope with work, she shouldn't really be working here. And the REALLY BIG LIES she loves telling. I am sick of all her complaints!

This is the kinda outrage I am being subjected to, just leasing places from landlords like Raymond. I mean I chose the life I chose precisely because I don't wanna put a gall in a predicament like Raymond is and now that a child has come along, it just makes the whole situation worse.

Fuck your fucking policy! Besides a minimum occupation period, there is also a minimum waiting out period and in my situation, I am caught for another two and half years!

And if I am not into galls, I AM JUST NOT INTO GALLS! Nothing is gonna change that! So please don't throw galls along my way and insult me! It just won't happen!

New World Order And The Free And Natural Economy - Of Asia, Our New Home
As I have mentioned, when I look around me at the Koreans, the Taiwanese and the HongKongers, we all look almost similar. Chinese. So I think it is time the Asian Chinese (and yes the Koreans and Japanese have to start thinking of themselves to be that way too) should all try to connect and align themselves as ONE people.

It is probably the older generation, some women and those still living in the villages who are a bit different from the rest of us. Education should change that. And it only remains that all Asians need to be taught communication, being polite and doing away with their crude and old traditional ways, particularly the bad ones.

Then we can all truly be ONE BIG ASIAN CHINESE family! And that includes our South-East Asian Chinese counterparts. The Thais and so on.

After that, then we begin to embrace the other members in our Asian family. The Malays, the Indians. They are Asian too.

We think up our own Asian model of education (veering away from an exam-based kinda system to a skills-based kinda system). Our own Asian cafes (gosh, the street snack I sample in Korea can't be any worse than the pretzels or the donuts that dominate the cafes of Seoul) and increasingly using Asian models for Asian fashion brands, even international brands.

Opportuning Asians to learn Asian languages like Korean, Thai and Japanese. It will be great if they can speak some English but hey, if they can't, then it is "US" who must change. I learn to speak Korean, Thai and Japanese and you know what, this will be part of my educational resolution, among enrolling myself for a degree course soon.

We are not whites, remember that but it just so happen that here in Singapore, we have concentrated on English and Mandarin (therefore literature in the first language is particularly favoured) but neglected other Asian languages which are reserved for only the top educational elites. The third language policy! Another screw-up!

Don't forget the days of just building 4 room or bigger flats, thinking that demand will always go that way and neglecting to build smaller flats like 2 or 3-room. And how we forgot to train our own people in doctoring or nursing care (we used to have stringent criteria for our own people to be doctors and lawyers) and the hospitality/tourism trade. Screw our housing and manpower planning!

The system doesn't even allow people like me the chance to just wanna pick up some conversational Asian languages, not another quest for super grades to hit a straight "A" record. Just to say hello and communicate with other Asians like the Thais, Koreans or Japanese!

Seriously fucked up!

Some More Asian ReCollections
Yes I saw Singaporeans living in Taiwan (maybe already a resident) and Thailand. Yes Beijing is dusty and yes they have fishing and farming villages but in other towns they have built some fantastic condo-like living quarters. Yes I lived in a hutong which was superbly made over but flushing, like in Taipei, can be problematic.

Yes they do shove and push on the trains, like here in Singapore too. But education should change that and somehow it is usually the older, the women and the villagers who do that.

Yes, Taipei has some neat beaches that rival ours and yes I visited their gay beach too. Just too sand duny and dusty though but still thriving. Singapore's died long time ago.

I had some security person accompanying me back to my hostel on my first night out in Beijing and I really appreciated the gesture! That dude was cute! I just wished it had been the Red Guard! They were hotter, cuter and taller (some of them)!

It is so cold at night in Beijing, I don't feel like going out anywhere except to sleep in and cover myself with warm sheets. It is just as cold sitting out in the hostel area. Now we all know why bears hibernate! Seriously waste of energy and time to expend during cold wintry climes!

Beijing is also dusty because it is covered in sand fields in most parts of the capital. That explains the dust and sand storm they periodically encounter!

Back here in Singapore, it has been rainy and cold too except for the last two days and these were days I took advantage of to tan and get out in the sun. To thaw and to bask in the sun! Hurrah for that!

All the cities I went were just as safe and sound and nothing untoward happened!

But hey the experience of travelling across Asia was all seriously worth it!

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