Thursday, March 06, 2008

Where Goes The Asian Chinese Foreign Talent?

You Don't Even Need Plastic Surgery To Look Different
By now you would have known that the photo on my passport doesn't look the least bit like me. That pic was taken when I was still having some meat around me, I was old and haggard and was sporting a short hair-cut and was most likely depressed and lonely.

Voila, fast forward 5 years later, sporting a long flowy hair-do (courtesy of Mr Manga and Anime), doing away with glasses and having lost some weight, I was a TOTALLY NEW PERSON.

Almost all the immigration officers did a double take when they looked down at my photo and up again at moi.

The only immigration officer who made me take a cam shoot was the Thai one and she was probably having a bitchy day! What with two Italian gall tourists who didn't have their boarding passes with them and weren't about to give up argueing with her! Good for yer, bitch!

Bright Lights, Big Cities
And yes, Seoul has this elevator car-parking lot and the motel was seriously advanced. Everytime moi approaches the doorway, the light switches on and when moi walks away, it switches off.

Seoul is the 2nd most Christianised country in Asia, apparently. That explains a gall at the airport soliciting for donations and an old man coming onto me about being saved by Jesus. And those Western cafes. So many of them! The galls were really helpful but too bad I am NOT INTO Korean galls or any kinda galls for that matter!

Taipei, HongKong and Seoul look almost the same in the way they built their cities except that Seoul is seriously expensive and very very modernised. All three boast of good fashion wear like Japan but Japan is louder, brighter and flashier (their neons and their arcades can be heard a mile away).

Taipei is such an open society, it puts us to shame.

All our erroneous claims of being First World, modern and cosmopolitan. I don't even know what we are defining cosmopolitan to be. Because we don't seem to be getting that kinda progressive, modern, cosmopolitans here save for those from Third World countries, from the villages and the countryside and so on and predominantly of one or two racial and national ethnic composition, right along with all their Third World myths, superstitions and practices.

The honor of cosmopolitanism and of being truly First World belongs to Taipei! Not us!

Why Arent We Attracting These Hot HongKongers, Taiwanese And Koreans?
When I look at all those Asians, they all look similar to us except that the language was different. Cantonese, Hokkien, Mandarin and Korean. It doesn't matter. We all look almost the same. Asian Chinese. It is just a wonder why we dont seem to attract these foreign talent rather than the ones we are currently attracting!

Fucking crying shame!

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