Thursday, April 03, 2008

There Is God And Someone Is Guiding Me Through My Difficult Times

There Is A God (But I Trust Not The Mortals) And Look At Poor Deceased Thaddeus Cheong (My Heart Feels For You And Your Family)
Yes it was a miracle and I must say that I now believe in God. However as I have said all along it is the mere mortals whom I do not believe in.

It all started when I shifted into Raymond's (also known as Kent or Micheal) residence. There were both an old single bed mattress and a queen size one.

I have thrown the single mattress out into the hallway when moi discovered some winged insects but just the other day, I found another winged insect and this must now be attributed to the queen-bed.

Every morning when moi wakes up, I know my back aches terribly. True to the form of a typical suffering, strong and silent Singaporean, I didn't wanna be seen as too much of a whiner and bore with it, thinking it will go away.

After my Great Wall expedition, I knew my back condition has been further aggravated. So it was no surprise that on a Monday morning when moi woke up after 2 full days of rest and sleep on this queen mattress, my back was in excruciating pain.

I felt the springs inside and discovered that inside, it was almost like empty. No more springs for support and that partly explains the worsening of my back condition.

I told myself I must get up and go for my usual physiotherapy. That meant my run and gym.

I couldn't walk very upright (gosh, I began to feel like "L") and my knees and feet were in pain. Being flat-footed (and I did read the book on Thaddeus Cheong) I am sure all these add up and culminated in what I feel today.

I almost wanted to check myself into a hospital. But I prayed (contrary to what others believe an atheist or agnostic would or would not do, I always do pray especially in times of need or when I feel I should) and told myself to entrust my life to God.

Guess what, after my brisk walks and some calisthenics (thanks to my gut feel and now the book on Thaddeus Cheong, I will quit jogging and take up some other sports like swimming or cycling) the pain disappeared and never returned again up till today.

As if some invisible hand was guiding me further, I actually wandered into a department store that Monday night because I had so much time to kill and spotted this counter selling a medically graded orthopaedic bed for back-pain pressure relief and back-ache sufferers like moi.

I snapped it up and you know what? This bed has now relieved me of all those nights and days of back pain.

What I am left with after my overseas trip is this: a runny nose that I have to blow out every now and then (which never happened before) and a persisting cough (though it has subsided very substantially now after a stronger does of a Chinese medicine) that throws up phlegm and leaves me gasping at times in the nights.

But again I will say my prayers and give praise and thanks to God and I am sure someone out there will be looking out for me.

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