Friday, April 18, 2008

O Please Don't Be A HypoCrite

Misery Of Miseries - Playing Cloak And Dagger
Let me put to you how miserably unprivate it is to lease a room to stay in, especially from a familial kinda setting with "wife", "husband" and "kid" in tow.

First I LOVE DURIANS. And since there may be a problem with the perceived stench of this beloved KING OF FRUITS, I have to take into account this sensibility and therefore BUY and EAT the fruit outside.

I tried doing that at Swensens and was all at once spotted and told not to consume this on their premises. So I have to pick another food joint to do that.

Then there is that other issue of privacy when I am on the INTERNET and because I AM GAY, therefore I visit quite a few GAY SITES and I have to always look over my shoulders to check who is peeping or noticing in public places where I surf.

Sometimes I just don't bother anymore and I don't know what the consequences are gonna be.

Just to name two of the many inconveniences. And since we are not an open society (contrary to our preposterous claims) therefore I just can't be really open with my orientation. I can only be selectively open.

Are You Seriously Doing The Right Thing?
Yes it is true because of the kinda population figure we are having trouble with here (but please your "STOP AT TWO" policy, the promotion of the equality of the sexes leading to a smaller family nucleus and the emigration of our own kind must have in some way contributed to this), immigration seems like the BEST WAY TO GO.

All of us have no problems with that except that we seem to be bringing in Third Worlders and they are purportedly generating for the country the NEXT GENERATION.

But question is: How do the "NEXT GENERATION" like myself then deal with this usually older, more traditional and less educated FIRST GENERATION THIRD WORLDERS. And isn't this just a lame excuse because we are gonna keep mouthing the same old line to "THE NEXT GENERATION" while bringing in the "FIRST GENERATION THIRD WORLDERS" without really addressing the root cause of the problem.

In other words, we are just treating the symptoms of a population decline simply by topping up through immigration. But what is the root cause of this decline?

Yes, I have mentioned three of them above.

The Next Generation Seems Like The Best Bet
I still think that the younger generation of foreign bodies that come here to school are our best bet for topping up our population figure. There is a better chance they can become more like us. The younger, the easier.

I am not too sure about the older and therefore more traditional group though. And especially the Third Worlders.

There is the issue of hygiene and health practices and standards and yes, what if they bring with them some kinda new viral bugs or something?

A Dumping Ground Good For Sheer Academic Learning
During the university application season and making my rounds of the four universities here, I couldn't help noticing a fairer than fair number of foreign bodies studying at these education institutions. Yes women too.

I am not sure if they are making up for the lost numbers (usually the better and abler) who have gone abroad to pursue their higher education or if they are making it here because of the sheer academic nature of our education.

Just rote-learning, memorisation and regurgitation which people like them do best.

These Are Your Foreign Immigrants You Are Bringing In
First The Burmese
I am not going on with the Burmese, ex-tenant of my current place, firstly because he is beginning to speak all those things our top leaders have been mouthing. Like eat at the coffee shop where it is supposedly to be cheaper.

But he has admitted that for him, he needs at least SGD700 a month for all living expenses here that include rent, food and transport.

See how indoctrinated he has become. And I don't believe for a moment that he is new here to Singapore. I don't believe for a moment that picture of the woman on his cell-phone is his girlfriend and he can LIE without a blink of an eye.

If he can lie about that, I can begin to wonder what kinda beneficial relationship he is engaging in with Raymond and I just have a feeling he has moved to somewhere nearby, a place where Raymond, his relative (like his mom or aunty) or friend are splitting among themselves.

He has also been secretly texting Liz the maid. He has also told stuff about me to her and Raymond. That I know. He seems to be more a spy for the household. Just like Liz. And Liz and Kent are correct in some sense that he isn't very clean.

I seem to get the feeling that there is a kinda conspiracy among the China doll, Raymond, Liz and the tenants when they circulate stories about themselves. Mostly a unified one but sometimes because of lapses, differing versions.

Then The Hot China Boy (God, He Is Cute But I Am Leaving Him Alone)
Peng has also lied about the private school he is studying in. Of all the names he chose, it was "Qian Long", the name of an ex-emperor of one of the Chinese dynasties.

We all know the track record of many of these private schools. Peng has consistently been skipping school and going to school at various odd hours in the morning and then in the afternoon.

I have taught in them before and I know for a fact, some aren't exactly there to study.

Finally Some Of The Hot China Masseurs And Malaysian Chinese Here
I recently ran into a Chinese masseur who studies in one and is part-timing as a gay masseur. He has every intention of brushing up his English and then jump from his current student pass to a work pass.

He is all about money and his intentions are not very clear.

It seems that a PR status is extended quite easily nowadays to Chinese foreigners. Some Malaysian Chinese recently on a room hunt to share a room with moi is studying in an arts school and apparently he was invited for a PR status before he is graduating.

He is even rowing the dragonboat for our army (how is that possible) and has a job waiting as a flight attendant with our local airlines.

There you have it. Tough competition for us all to find work and live here. And above all, we are not privileged citizens of our own country.

Then There Is "Raymond"
Don't forget his ad was for young tenants. Very young tenants. Tenants from their late teens to twenties.

And for heaven's sake, he is a married man, he is a gay-turned-bisexual. So what kinda things do you expect out of him?

You Disallow Legitimate Gay Couplings Out In The Open But Encourage Surreptitious And Deceitful Acts On The Sly Under Purportedly Legitimate Fronts Like Marriage And Schools?
You wanna disallow legitimate couplings of gays out in the open while encouraging surreptitious "married but having fun on the side" kinda lifestyle?

What kinda signal is that to a generation of younger gays.

Oo Are These Your GrassRoots People Again
Yeah I see these faces every time I visit some of these places.

Familiar faces I know from the past. The army for one. And people who hang out frequently at the same places moi hangs out for whatever reasons.

Or people who just appear from nowhere but have a million subliminal messages in the conversations they so loudly engage in within my ear-shot for my listening pleasure or displeasure.

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